La digitalisation de l’économie est un thème devenu incontournable dans le débat politique et social, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Une nouvelle révolution industrielle est annoncée, qui bouleversera les processus de production, le monde du travail et la société dans son ensemble. Comment s’y préparer? Comment en anticiper les impacts. Voir l'article...
The state of digital education discussed in Malta
From 19th to 20th of January, Malta hosted an international conference on the topic of digital education, with the title “The State of Digital Education: Engaging with Connected, Blended and Open Learning”. Our Executive Committee member, Aleksandar Šušnjar, participated in the conference on behalf of the European Students’ Union.
Most of the talks and discussions tackled one of the two broad issues: digitalization of education (e-learning, blended learning, impact and development of MOOCs) its possible future development, and open education (open access to all learning resources which are a part of the educational process). More...
Un ancrage profond du numérique en formation
L’Institut des métiers du blended learning (ISTF) et l’entreprise d’e-learning e-doceo ont publié en janvier 2017, un livre blanc qui analyse le marché de la formation et donne les indicateurs clés des tendances et usages actuels du numérique en formation : blended learning, classe virtuelle, MOOC, etc…
Le document s’appuie sur les résultats d’une enquête menée auprès de 400 structures.
Consulter les résultats du livre blanc. Voir l'article...
Transformer l’école ?
Blog Educpros de Nicolas Glady. Transformer l’école dans un monde digital : ce titre joue sur deux principes très importants pour bien comprendre ce que sera la démarche de ce blog.
Transformer l’école « dans un monde digital » tout d’abord. Et non pas « avec le digital ». Ce choix insiste sur l’idée que la technologie n’est qu’un moyen d’arriver à une fin. Voir l'article...
« A l’ère du web 3.0, le salarié devient influenceur »
Partnership enables colleges to create, award digital badges
Submitted by Stefanie Botelho. Digital credential pioneer Credly, in partnership with Canvas, the learning management system (LMS) by Instructure, today announced the launch of a powerful new application that enables education providers to award digital badges to students as they master critical skills or competencies within courses or training programs. More...
The dawning of the digital canvas in higher ed
By Tim Goral. If anyone can be said to have their finger on the pulse of an industry, it would be Gary Kayye. The president and CEO of rAVe [Publications], Kayye follows trends in the fast-changing world of audiovisual technology via e-newsletters, blogs, video, social media and a variety of other media. More...
The Teach to One Math Experiment in Mountain View, CA Is a Trainwreck: A Cautionary Tale of Digital Math Education
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Teach to One Math Experiment in Mountain View, CA Is a Trainwreck: A Cautionary Tale of Digital Math Education
Dan Colman, Open Culture, 2017/01/10
Programmed math instruction is fraught with potential pitfalls, as any designer knows, and some of them appear to have caught the Teach to One math program being piloted in California. More...
Digital Literacy Challenge: Create an Information Filter Bot
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Digital Literacy Challenge: Create an Information Filter Bot
Wesley Fryer, Moving at the Speed of Creativity, 2017/01/09
This would be pretty advanced digital literacy, I would say, but it focuses on some pretty basic skills: using tools to scan content and extract informatun related to your particular interest or need. More...