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11 janvier 2020

Universities' Crucial Role in Our Spacefaring Future

Universities' Crucial Role in Our Spacefaring Future
To ensure that our species endures, we must advance space-based technologies, Tuija Pulkkinen and Anthony Waas write, and that will require us to break our interdisciplinary boundaries. More...
25 mars 2017

Interdisciplinary policy and practice: Conference report published

Interdisciplinary policy and practice: Conference report published
What makes excellent interdisciplinary research (IDR)? How can it be best supported, developed and embedded? How important are structures and culture to getting this right? These important questions were discussed by researchers, funders and policy makers...
16 février 2017

Interdisciplinarity: how universities unlock its power to innovate

Interdisciplinarity: how universities unlock its power to innovate
Interdisciplinary research and education area hotly debated topic at universities. Although knowledge exchange between disciplines has always been part of the scientific enterprise– with breakthroughs often happening at the borders of academic disciplines-,...
26 avril 2016

Making interdisciplinary research work

Making interdisciplinary research work
Making Interdisciplinary Research Work (ARC Linkage Learned Academics Special Projects Funding 2010 project LS1000004) commenced in 2010 as a multiphase, multiyear, project in order to address two outstanding problems: the application of interdisciplinary...
21 août 2015

Review of the UK’s interdisciplinary research

Review of the UK’s interdisciplinary research
In partnership with the other UK higher education funding bodies and the Medical Research Council, we commissioned Elsevier to conduct a quantitative review of interdisciplinary research.Using the disciplinary diversity of article bibliographies as a...
21 août 2015

First insights into UK interdisciplinary research

First insights into UK interdisciplinary research
A report exploring international comparisons with UK interdisciplinary research highlights an increasing global trend towards interdisciplinarity, and confirms the UK’s world-leading research performance. More...
5 juillet 2015

Consultation response: interdisciplinarity in research and higher education

Consultation response: interdisciplinarity in research and higher education
In this submission, the Royal Society outlines the value of interdisciplinarity in research and higher education, as well as highlighting the challenges and barriers to interdisciplinarity that the British Academy might want to consider. This response...
9 juin 2015

Etre transdisciplinaire, oui mais comment ?

Etre transdisciplinaire, oui mais comment ?
Blog Headway - Olivier Rollot. Les projets proposés dans le cadre des Idex comme la réforme du collège en sont imprégnées, interdisciplinarité et pluridisciplinarité sont aujourd’hui plébiscitées par les universitaires. « L’interdisciplinarité favorise...
29 avril 2015

Le centre Michel Serres chantre de l’interdisciplinarité

Le centre Michel Serres chantre de l’interdisciplinarité
Blog "Il y a une vie après le bac" d'Olivier Rollot. « L’interdisciplinarité favorise l’imprévu, l’innovant, la sérendipité, c’est tout l’esprit de cet institut auquel vous m’avez fait l’honneur de donner mon nom. » Toujours aussi lumineux à 84 ans, Michel...
23 novembre 2014

Interdisciplinarité et intelligence collective,… de nouveaux boosters pour les jeunes docteurs en quête d’emploi !

Interdisciplinarité et intelligence collective,… de nouveaux boosters pour les jeunes docteurs en quête d’emploi !
Sur le blog Educpros de Jean-Charles Cailliez. Un Colloque Interdisciplinaire sur le Doctorat , organisé par Adoc Talent Management se tiendra le 15 décembre 2014 à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC). Il s’agit d’une rencontre scientifique destinée...
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