En ce jour de deuil national, les Régions ont rendu hommage lundi 30 septembre à Jacques Chirac, à l'ouverture de leur Congrès annuel à Bordeaux. Plus...
Jacques Chirac – explorateur du monde multipolaire
De la politique étrangère de Jacques Chirac, c’est un moment fort entre tous que retiennent les Français, un moment de consensus, de fierté nationale, conforme sans doute à l’image que ce vieux pays se fait de lui-même dans son inconscient collectif : le non à l’intervention américaine en Irak. Plus...
Jacques Chirac, quarante ans de vie politique
L'ancien président de la République est décédé le 26 septembre. Ministre, Premier ministre, maire de Paris, président de la République, etc sa carrière politique fut l'une des plus importantes sous la Ve République. Plus...
Jacques Chirac et l’économie : relation conflictuelle et bilan mitigé
Jacques Chirac était un formidable animal politique, doté d’une énergie inlassable, capable de surprendre ses adversaires, de ruser comme d’avaler ses défaites pour en tirer une nouvelle force. Humaniste, grand amateur d’art "primitif" et asiatique, il n’était guère passionné par l’économie. Plus...
EuraTechnologies fête ses 10 ans
Le premier incubateur et accélérateur français héberge à Lille un total de 300 start-up. Il s'apprête à passer la vitesse supérieure en créant un fonds d'investissement doté de 15 millions d'euros. Plus...
MiWiFi .V. Gatekeepers Inc.
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MiWiFi .V. Gatekeepers Inc.
So I wonder what's going to come first - community-wide WiMax implementations, that allow students to send and receive broadband in the classroom independently of the school's internet service, or jamming systems, that prevent WiMax signals (which can go through things like walls and buildings) from being accessible in schools. How ironic, that after schools spend millions of dollars to provide (filtered and blocked) internet access in the classroom, that they'll have to spend millions more to keep it out. More...
ACHUB - Arts, Music and Edu in SecondLife
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. ACHUB - Arts, Music and Edu in SecondLife
Sometimes when posting a link I'm filled with mixed emotions. On the one hand, setting up a wiki for arts, music and education in Second Life seems like a good idea. On the other hand, many of the pages aren't created. But on the other hand, they post the password to the wiki on the front page, which is cool. But on the other hand, they are advertising conference space on 2L 'for rent'. More...
DrupalEd Is Ready For Download
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. DrupalEd Is Ready For Download
I've had my headaches with Drupal, but it remains true that it is one of the easiest and most powerful applications out there. And as an open source software platform, you can't beat the price - nor can you beat the horde of developers. So there's good reason to celebrate with this week's launch of the DrupalEd distribution. "The goal of this site is to create a flexible framework that allows for users to set up a social learning environment or a more traditional learning environment depending on the needs of the learners within the site". More...
YackPack For Education
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. YackPack For Education
Jane Hart has been performing a real service listing new educational applications (or applications that could be used in education). Today she highlights Yack Pack for Education. A YackPack creates a group of people that can converse with each other in real time or leave voice messages for each other. More. According to the site, "YackPack can quickly improve educational communication. Motivate students, give quality feedback with ease and communicate clearly with students, parents and administrators." More...
Re-Framing Education for the 21st Century
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Re-Framing Education for the 21st Century
Summary of a talk, with a lot of good links, on Web 2.0 in education. Just one thing (and this has been bothering me for some time now). He writes, "Colleagues and friends in East Lothian have been doing some stupendous work in this area." Quite so. But what about West Lothian? How come we never hear from them. More...