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23 octobre 2019

Zoho Notebooks Goes Public - Imagine the Educational Potential

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Zoho Notebooks Goes Public - Imagine the Educational Potential
I spent some time playing with Zoho Notebook this afternoon. In theory, this is an outstanding piece of software, doing many of the things I would expect a PLE to do, and more (I really like the shared creation tools). It would be great for creating unworkshop legacy pages, for example. I was unable to record video on either a Mac or a Windows machine - it asks for permission to access the camera but never seems to find it. Same for record - this appears to be an issue with, which powers that part of Zoho. Still, once these Day One bugs are ironed out (Zoho officially launched yesterday) the possibilities for use in schools is almost endless. More...

23 octobre 2019

Live Webcasting Via Ustream

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Live Webcasting Via Ustream
Looks like an interesting application, and I'd like to offer the 'Downes Live' show, but it's beginning to look like the MacBook Pro video camera and Flash 9 don't get along. There's no reason why it shouldn't work; Skype video works just fine. Well, that's today's mystery. Anyhow, I'm not so interested in 'lifecasting' - I don't have enough time to live my own life, I'm pretty sure other people don't have the time to watch it! Or the patience. More...

23 octobre 2019

Bon anniversaire à l’Organisation Internationale du Travail (OIT)

Créée en 1919, l'OIT est un organisme tripartite unique en son genre qui rassemble les représentants des Etats, des employeurs et des travailleurs. Au cours de son histoire, elle a permis la signature de nombreux accords à l'origine de progrès significatifs dans le monde du travail. Plus...
22 octobre 2019

Le Président Jacques Chirac et le CESE

Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalLe Conseil a accueilli à de nombreuses reprises Jacques Chirac, dans les diverses responsabilités qui furent les siennes et bien entendu plus particulièrement en tant que Premier ministre, puis en tant que Président de la République.
Il fut comme chacun le sait, un fervent défenseur de la démocratie sociale et des corps intermédiaires ; il portait sur le Conseil économique et social une vision éclairée et lui donnait une place toute particulière dans le paysage institutionnel de notre pays. Plus...
22 octobre 2019

Le Palais d'Iéna accueille l'exposition Matrice di linfa (Matrice de sève) de Giuseppe Penone

Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalDans le cadre de la FIAC 2019, le Palais d’Iéna, siège du Conseil économique, social et environnemental (CESE) invite Giuseppe Penone au cœur de la vaste salle hypostyle. Un écho fort à l’engagement environnemental du CESE et à la célébration du 80e anniversaire du chef-d’œuvre architectural d’Auguste Perret. Plus...
22 octobre 2019

Le CESE célèbre les 80 ans du Palais d'Iéna

Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalEn 2019, nous célébrons le 80ème anniversaire de l’inauguration par Albert Lebrun, Président de la République (4 mars 1939) et le 60ème anniversaire de l’installation du Conseil au Palais d’Iéna (22 juin 1959). En effet, le Palais d’Iéna a été conçu par Auguste Perret pour abriter Le Musée des Travaux Publics dans la lignée de l’Exposition internationale des « Arts et des Techniques ». Plus...
22 octobre 2019

A Fair(Y) Use

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Fair(Y) Use Tale
Video - consisting entirely of excerpts from Disney Cartoons - describing the principles of copyright and, most importantly, fair use. It is worth nothing that a video like this, while quite legal - the author is very careful to use only small snippets of Disney content, hence respecting fair use provisions - would be impossible under DRM, as these technologies are intended to prevent any copying, not just illegal copying. See al;so the video home page. More...

22 octobre 2019

Wii Love New Controls

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Wii Love New Controls
I think this could be interesting: making the Wii work with Second Life. Maybe I should Wii-ify my website. You can read the archives by gesturing with your numchuk. More...

22 octobre 2019

CADE/AMTEC - Connections in the Global Village

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. CADE/AMTEC - Connections in the Global Village
I'm in Winnipeg where I presented 'The Meaning is the Message' today. It wasn't very good. I didn't feel comfortable or confident going into the talk and though the audience was generous with comments and questions I don't feel like I came across as knowing what I was talking about. So I'll have to think about that. I don't mind failing - that's why I am willing to stretch myself - but I don't like having failed. Slides and audio, of course, will be posted when I get back home (Friday). Dave Cormier, meanwhile, blogs what was a lacklustre keynote from Derrek de Kerckhove. "Giantly long quotes on the front screen of a room filled with… oh… 500 hundred people." At least I had nice slides. More...

21 octobre 2019

Wiki-Based Text for COMP 1010

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Wiki-Based Text for COMP 1010
Well I have a few minutes here in Toronto so I can send off a shortish newsletter. Next week's newsletters will come from the CADE-AMTEC conference in Winnipeg. Speaking of Winnipeg, this is pretty neat - third-year students are using a wiki to write a text for first-year students. More...

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