Dans le cadre de la Présidence suédoise de l'Union européenne, ENQA Workshop on quality assurance of e-Learning, 7-8 October 2009, Sigtuna, Sweden.
La cartographie de l’Agence nationale pour l’enseignement de l’apprentissage en ligne au niveau international met en évidence le besoin qu’il y a à intégrer l’apprentissage en ligne dans les systèmes nationaux de garantie de la qualité. Pour y parvenir, des travaux de développement méthodologique ainsi qu’une coopération accrue entre les organismes nationaux de garantie de la qualité sont nécessaires.
In a recent report (E-learning Quality (ELQ) – Aspects and criteria for evaluation of e-learning in higher education. Report 2008:11R) the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education (
NAHE) has surveyed the work on quality assurance of e-learning in higher education on a European level in nine selected countries. One conclusion is that quality in e-learning is a non issue for many, especially for the quality assurance agencies.
Although there are promising projects governed by other organisations such as the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (
EADTU), the European Foundation for Quality in E-learning (
EFQUEL), the Joint Information Systems Committee (
JISC) and the Higher Education Academy (
HEA), all these projects deal with e-learning as a separate issue. In the
NAHE report, it is suggested that the same criteria for quality should be applicable to e-learning as it is to traditional campus-based education. The accreditation, audit and assurance process of e-learning should therefore be integrated in the national framework and not be evaluated separately. To this end, there is a need for methodological development within quality assurance agencies. At the same time, there is a need for increased cooperation between national agencies as e-learning enhances the development of borderless education.
1. Which new aspects and criteria specific for e-learning do we have to consider?
2. How can we integrate e-learning criteria in the national evaluation programme?
3. How can we build up cooperation/knowledge exchange on a European level between national assurance/accreditation organisations and organisations with experience in e-learning quality such as EADTU, EFQUEL, and JISC?