By Nancy Mann Jackson. Effective card offices focus on bottom-line growth. “Two of the benefits we bring to our campus are cost reduction and revenue growth,” says John Beckwith, director of campus business services at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. More...
Higher ed allies in efficiency
By Sherrie Negrea. Health insurance, along with everything from faculty recruitment to information technology, is one of the emerging areas of shared services that regional consortia are now tackling. More...
Video-Driven Multimedia, Web-Based Training in the Corporate Sector: Pedagogical Equivalence and Component Effectiveness
The purpose of this study was to assess the pedagogical equivalence, as determined by knowledge gains, and the pedagogical effectiveness of certain components in a video-driven multimedia, web-based professional development training program as compared to a traditional, face-to-face program under real-world constraints of time and limited economic resources. More...
Quelles formations pour quelle efficacité?
Par Patrick Brami. Dans un contexte de budgets formation de plus en plus serrés, avec des agendas surchargés, il devient essentiel de choisir des formations ayant un maximum d'impact dans un minimum de temps et de coûts. Pas si simple. Voir l'article...
An audiophile’s guide to efficiency
By Lindsay Oden. We all know that time is our most valuable resource. No matter how much we get done in a day, there is always more to do: grade papers, work on a prospectus, walk the dog, go grocery shopping, etc. Read more...
Pôle emploi et "l'efficacité"
Publié par . Parmi tous les articles de Presse régionale publiés chaque semaine sur Pôle emploi, on a retenu celui-ci (La Dépêche, 17/12), qui semble finalement assez représentatif de ce que Pôle emploi essaie de faire depuis la fusion, en changeant sans arrêt ceci ou cela dans son "organisation", mais sans jamais vraiment y parvenir: devenir "EFFICACE". Voir l'article...
Publié par . Depuis un mois, le Pôle emploi toulousain a mis en service une plateforme sur Internet pour faciliter les embauches dans les secteurs particulièrement porteurs. Voir l'article...
Misconceptions Challenge Efficiency in Higher Ed
By Dennis Jones - EvoLLLution. Among policy makers, there’s a mistaken sense that the attainment goals they’ve espoused can in fact be achieved based almost solely on savings in institutional operations. While improvements in institutional operations and productivity are key to this, at least in most states, there’s absolutely no way to reach those goals without increased investment. More...
Balancing Online Teaching Activities: Strategies for Optimizing Efficiency and Effectiveness
Increased demands in professional expectations have required online faculty to learn how to balance multiple roles in an open-ended, changing, and relatively unstructured job. More...
Responsive Responsibility: Empowering Faculty and Staff to Improve Organizational Effectiveness
By David Stone - EvoLLLution. Higher education institutions are not immune to the pressures of a competitive and increasingly global marketplace for education. Stakeholders in the form of politicians, institution boards, alumni, students, and the public have called for changes to higher education. Rising tuition, regulatory requirements, as well as an influx of adult and non-traditional students has put pressure on institutions to adapt to this changing environment. More...
Effectiveness Over Efficiency: Serving the Right Customers the Right Way
By Hunt Lambert - EvoLLLution. In the first installment of this two-part Q&A series, Hunt Lambert discussed that, given the disruption occurring across the higher education space, colleges and universities must commit to identifying niche markets and serving them better than anyone else. More...