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4 mai 2016

Love Letter to Online Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Love Letter to Online Learning
Michelle Pacansky-Brock, 2016/04/28

Discussion around the MIT Report on higher education reforms contines to echo around the blogosphere. It was referenced here in OLDaily three weeks ago. More...

4 mai 2016

ASUGSV 2016 Highlights

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. ASUGSV 2016 Highlights
Mitchell Weisburgh, PILOTed, 2016/04/27

Good quick overview of the ASUGSV Summit held last week in San Diego (ASU-GSV stands for Arizona State University / Global Silicon Valley). Some interesting bits (quoted): 

  • There is a parallel design structure to designing great games and designing great learning. When looking at brain images, there is virtually no difference between play and learning. In fact, well-designed games inspire self-regulated learning.
  • The large media companies are taking a close look at education (e.g. the $230M Bertlesmann plunked down on HotChalk). More...
4 mai 2016

Online degrees could make universities redundant, historian warns

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Online degrees could make universities redundant, historian warns
Richard Adams, The Guardian, 2016/04/26

This is an odd article that one the one hand says that Oxford should embrace online learning to increase access and remain relevant, and that it should go private (but raising its own endowment) so it doesn't have to respond to government demands that it, um, increase access. More...

4 mai 2016

Online disinhibition and the ethics of researching groups on Facebook

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Online disinhibition and the ethics of researching groups on Facebook

Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu, 2016/04/25

It's worth noting that the research we've conducted over the last half-dozen years on MOOCs and personal learning was conducted according to strict ethical guidelines, including informed consent to participate in research. A lot of current research on MOOCs and social networks conform to no such conditions. More...

4 mai 2016

Character Lab Character

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Character Lab
Character Lab, 2016/04/20
I can't say I agree with this strategy, but people should know it's a thing, and probably coming to a trade show near you (and will certainly be pitched to your administrators on the golf course). There's already a TED talk. "Take goal-setting in your classroom to the next level ," says the pitch, amid posters advertising 'grit' and 'purpose' and 'self-control'. More...

2 mai 2016

Plate-forme d’enseignement en ligne THESS

La plate-forme d’enseignement en ligne THESS (Technologie Hybride pour l’Éducation, la Science et le Savoir), développée par l’École Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti (ESIH) et soutenue par l’AUF et l’Ambassade de France en Haïti a été lancée le 6 avril 2016. Voir l'article...

1 mai 2016

No Filters: My ASU/GSV Conference Panel on Personalized Learning

By . ASU’s Lou Pugliese was kind enough to invite me to participate on a panel discussion on “Next-Generation Digital Platforms,” which was really about a soup of adaptive learning, CBE, and other stuff that the industry likes to lump under the heading “personalized learning” these days. More...

1 mai 2016

Fall 2014 IPEDS Data: New Profile of US Higher Ed Online Education

By . The National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) and its Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) provide the most official data on colleges and universities in the United States. I have been analyzing and sharing the data in the initial Fall 2012 dataset and for the Fall 2013 dataset. More...

30 avril 2016

Distance learning universities 'must prove their relevance'

By Ellie Bothwell. Director of the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education says 'the tide is against' these specialist institutions. More...

29 avril 2016

Keys to Competing and Expanding Online (Part 2)

The EvoLLLutionBy Alex Sevilla - EvoLLLution. Institutions can widen their net to attract broader populations of prospective students with an innovative portfolio of programs, but moving too quickly can sink the whole operation. More...

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