From managing your bills to finding the best student discounts, here are some expert tips on making your money last. More...
Too Many Universities? Too Many Graduates? Too Much Debt?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Too Many Universities? Too Many Graduates? Too Much Debt?
Dave Warlick, 2¢ Worth, April 22, 2013
This sentence struck me as especially relevant: "I had always been destined for college, not a factory." As though the former is of value, and the latter not so much. Now I happen to think that work in a factory is dignified and worthwhile (I frequently think of the workers in Alliston, Ontario, who made my Honda - thank you all). But the problem isn't simply that there are too many university graduates, but also too many factories, many of them producing less and less meaningful products. In general in society worldwide we have too many people for the work that needs to get done, which leaves many of us underemployed or unemployed. More...