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28 mai 2019

Too Many Universities? Too Many Graduates? Too Much Debt?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Too Many Universities? Too Many Graduates? Too Much Debt?
Dave Warlick, 2¢ Worth, April 22, 2013
This sentence struck me as especially relevant: "I had always been destined for college, not a factory." As though the former is of value, and the latter not so much. Now I happen to think that work in a factory is dignified and worthwhile (I frequently think of the workers in Alliston, Ontario, who made my Honda - thank you all). But the problem isn't simply that there are too many university graduates, but also too many factories, many of them producing less and less meaningful products. In general in society worldwide we have too many people for the work that needs to get done, which leaves many of us underemployed or unemployed. More...

19 mai 2019

Student saving tips: how to stretch your loan until the end of term

The GuardianFrom managing your bills to finding the best student discounts, here are some expert tips on making your money last. More...

19 mai 2019

Most people don't understand how student loans work. This must change

The GuardianPoor communication around the complicated student loan repayment system is leaving graduates confused. More...

18 mai 2019

Students With Debt Value High-Paying Jobs Over Satisfaction

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Researchers have found that individuals with higher amounts of student debt tend to take jobs that pay more but they enjoy less. More...

14 mai 2019

La dette : un pont entre passé et avenir

Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalLa dette publique de la France a atteint, en 2011, des sommets inégalés dans son histoire dans la Vème République. Dans son avis, le rapporteur privilégie un traitement équilibré, dépassionné suivant un raisonnement à long terme. Plus...

13 mai 2019

Endettement et surendettement des ménages

Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalL'endettement des particuliers en France est modéré au regard des autres pays développés. Une plus grande diffusion de l'endettement est possible, notamment pour les crédits à la consommation mais une bonne appréciation des risques s'impose afin de limiter le surendettement. Plus...

13 mai 2019


Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalCes dernières années, la dette des administrations publiques a augmenté de 350 à 400 milliards de francs par an, de sorte qu'elle a atteint 3 950 milliards à la fin de 1995. Ce rythme de progression, s'il se poursuivait, conduirait rapidement à un endettement dépassant 60 % du produit national, taux à partir duquel l'effet boule de neige devient difficile à maîtriser. Plus...

9 mai 2019

CBO: Federal Student Loan Program Will Run Deficit

HomeBy Andrew Kreighbaum. The federal student loan program will begin costing the federal government money within the next 10 years, according to the latest projections from the Congressional Budget Office. More...

5 mai 2019

Study Finds U.S. Loans Don't Inflate Professional School Tuition

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Researcher concludes that increase in Grad PLUS loans did not drive up the price of medical and business schools or increase debt burden of those who enrolled. More...

5 mai 2019

Widely Cited Debt Statistic Was Wrong

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Urban Institute last week announced that the figure was incorrect and should have been 34 percent, with other quartiles showing larger shares of student debt. More...

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