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17 août 2015

Corporations and Colleges Must Evolve to Allow Badges to Transform Professional Education

Evolllution Logo, click to return to homepageBy Sarah Frick - Evolllution. Employers across the labor market—regardless of industry—recognize professional development as critical to the success of employees and organizations. In fact, research by The EvoLLLution and Destiny Solutions found that 70 percent of employers thought employees needed continuous education just to keep pace with the demands of their jobs. More...

17 août 2015

How Nanodegrees Are Disrupting Higher Education Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Udacity created quite a buzz at the annual Google I/O conference this year when the for-profit online education provider unveiled its new Android Developer Nanodegree program. More...

16 août 2015

Establishment Goes Alternative

HomeBy Paul Fain. Traditional colleges have been mostly on the sidelines for the early development of online microcredentials or badges -- the kind that aren't linked to conventional courses and the credit hour. Educational technology companies and other alternative providers have taken the lead in working with employers on these skills-based credentials. Read more...

10 août 2015

Comment intégrer le badge numérique en éducation?

Par Alexandre Roberge. Le monde dans lequel nous vivons vit de nombreux bouleversements, y compris dans le milieu scolaire et professionnel. En une époque dite d'«économie du savoir», il est important de se former tout au long de sa vie. Dans cette optique sont nés, entre autres, les MOOC, marqués du principe même derrière le cyberapprentissage ou la formation à distance : continuer d'acquérir des savoirs et des compétences. Voir l'article...

4 août 2015

New Registry Will Demystify Badges, Credentials and Degrees Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. George Washington University, Southern Illinois University and Workcred, a nonprofit affiliate of the American National Standards Institute, are teaming up to build a “credential registry” that would increase the transparency and value of industry credentials and degrees. More...

28 juillet 2015

Introducing the Open Badges 101 course! [pre-alpha]

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Introducing the Open Badges 101 course! [pre-alpha]
Doug Belshaw, 2015/07/14

It took me about ten minutes to go through the entire course as it is, which is basically a series of useful images linked in a linear path (next... next... next... - start here). More...

13 juillet 2015

Towards a taxonomy of Open Badges for City & Guilds

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Towards a taxonomy of Open Badges for City & Guilds
Doug Belshaw, 2015/05/29

There is nothing that is every created that somebody won't classify and order shortly thereafter. So too with badges. More...

4 mai 2015

IMS Global Announces Initiative to Establish Digital Badges as Common Currency for K - 20 and Corporate Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. IMS Global Announces Initiative to Establish Digital Badges as Common Currency for K - 20 and Corporate Education
Press Release, IMS, 2015/04/21
Knowing IMS, the phrase "common currency" was probably very carefully chosen, and it brings to mind Doug Belshaw's proposal the other day to issue badges using Bitcoin-like encryption. So I wonder whether IMS is thinking that far ahead. More...

8 avril 2015

Peering Deep into Future of Educational Credentialing

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Peering Deep into Future of Educational Credentialing
Doug Belshaw, DMLcentral, 2015/04/02

Is an educational credential like a type of money? That's the core thought behind Doug Belshaws post that challenges traditional thinking on things like badges. More...

7 février 2015

Standards Based Grading Gamified With Badges

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Standards Based Grading Gamified With Badges
Kyle Pearce, Tap Into Teen Minds, 2015/02/06

This is quite an interesting article that will reward careful reading and will reward even more following the background reading and working with the samples yourself. But be prepared to spend some time on it. More...

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