Leaving the System
By Paul Fain. The portion of first-time U.S. students who return to college for a second year has dropped 1.2 percentage points since 2009, according to a report that looks like bad news for the national college completion push. Read more...
Uniting Higher Education Innovation and Scalability through Infrastructure
By Ian Temple - EvoLLLution. We were not a wealthy nation when we began improving our highways … but the roads themselves helped us create a new wealth, in business and industry and land values. … So it was not our wealth that made our highways possible. Rather, it was our highways that made our wealth possible.”
~ Thomas H. MacDonald | Chief (1919-1939) and Commissioner (1939-1953), U.S. Bureau of Public Roads
This quote by Thomas MacDonald references the passing of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways (commonly known today as the “interstate highway system”). In it, he speaks to the connection between infrastructure and progress, structure and innovation and infrastructure and wealth. It’s an apt metaphor for higher education, which is poised to provide greater value to the United States save for the urgent need for more modern infrastructure to support such potential. More...
A new American dream?
By G. Rendell. One comment I'd expected to receive in response to recent posts regarding the American Dream is along the lines of "You're out of date. That used to be the dream, but it isn't any more. Young people are moving back into cities, driving less, consuming less stuff and more services, practicing and promoting urban agriculture, living more sustainably." Instead, commenters noted how inconceivable it is to conduct quotidian life in any manner other than what's considered "normal". Read more...
Cherry Picking
By Matt Reed. You know the problem with serving the needy? They’re just so ... needy. Several Silicon Valley startups have decided to cherry pick the least needy students and make a buck from them. They’re designed around identifying the recent graduates most likely to repay their loans, and offering them preferred financing. Read more...
Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC) Conference - The Next 20: pathways, partners, paradigms
In 2014, the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC) celebrates its 20th year of strengthening collaborations among higher education institutions, government, and industry throughout North America and beyond. To celebrate our achievements and define the path for the next 20, on October 8-10, 2014 CONAHEC will hold its 16th North American Higher Education Conference in Tucson, Arizona, hosted by the University of Arizona. “The Next 20: Pathways, Partners, Paradigms” will focus on how synergies between higher education institutions, governments and businesses can be leveraged internationally to address global challenges and promote a healthier, more equitable world.
Global development is driven by higher education, government and business, and collectively these sectors will provide the solutions to the enormous problems that face humanity in the 21st century. Never before has the potential been greater to stamp out world hunger and poverty, to ensure universal human rights, and to effect positive change leading to more sustainable societies and relationships between people and the environment. The North American region and the rest of the world must strengthen our collective ability to work together, share knowledge and information, and own and solve the problems our societies face. To address global grand challenges, building interdisciplinary and cross-sector relationships based on integrity and trust becomes paramount. Creating and stewarding these relationships was one of the founding principles of CONAHEC, and it remains our core activity today.
Commemorating 20 years of advancement, this exciting event will highlight CONAHEC’s progress to date in building the North American community through collaboration and it will reveal many emergent opportunities that will allow us to collectively take the next steps forward. CONAHEC links higher education institutions, government agencies and partners in industry from Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, and from the rest of the world, in collaboration and cooperation. In Tucson, approximately 500 leaders from higher education, government, industry, funding agencies and student organizations will convene to chart the course for the next 20 years of international higher education collaboration. CONAHEC extends a special invitation to representatives of indigenous and other under-represented communities to attend and share their perspectives. Representatives of low-income countries are also encouraged to participate.
ABED International Conference - ODL and the Internationalization of Learning in Brazil
Entre as maiores economias do mundo, o Brasil tem um universo educacional que talvez seja um dos mais insulares. Dos 800.000 estudantes estrangeiros matriculados em universidades norteamericanas, apenas 9.000 são brasileiros, colocando o país no 14º lugar entre os países de origem desses alunos.
Já o número de estudantes estrangeiros em universidades públicas brasileiras é de apenas 4.000, quase todos participantes do programa governamental PEC-G do governo brasileiro em apoio a 156 países amigos. Enquanto a Universidade Harvard tem 20% do seu corpo discente composto de estrangeiros, as três universidades públicas paulistas (USP, UNESP e UNICAMP) têm apenas 2%.
Com relação a docentes estrangeiros no Brasil, a UFABC lidera com 58 estrangeiros (13% dos seus professores), e a USP com 393 (6.5% do seu total). Os diferentes sistemas internacionais de "ranking" de universidades valorizam a característica de internacionalização porque consideram uma prática que "enriquece o ambiente de ensino", "traz um repertório diversificado de ideias, questionamentos e soluções", e "obriga as instituições a se atualizar e a oferecer novos currículos".
Por outro lado, o "multiculturalismo" apresenta problemas complexos a serem superados para que a EAD tenha sucesso, como as limitações linguísticas de muitos indivíduos, propostas curriculares engessadas, tradições pedagógicas e comunicativas diferentes, e obstáculos burocráticos, por exemplo: no recrutamento e matrícula de estudantes, na contratação de professores, bem como no reconhecimento de créditos acadêmicos e de diplomas globais.
Peru approves new university law
Peruvian Congress has finally approved on Thursday the New University Law, after two years of debate in the Education Committee and more than 15 years in the parliament, the President of the National Congress announced.
The newly approved bill creates the National Superintendence of University Education (Sunau) whose function will be to monitor the quality of Peruvian higher education as well as to control the use of the universities’ resources. More...
Jobs Charted by State and Salary
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Jobs Charted by State and Salary
Nathan Yau, Flowing Data, Jul 03, 2014
Interesting presentation, sadly using U.S. data only, of every major job category, the size of the population employed in it, and the average salary. What I find noteworthy is that the slider only needs to move between $20K to $180K. It raises the question: who needs more than $180K to live? And why would incomes be higher than that? The vast majority of us earn something within that range. More...
What We Talk About When We Talk About Customer Service
By David Perry - Chronicle Vitae. “Hello, my name is Steve Tallant, and I am the president of Texas A&M University at Kingsville. I understand you have some questions regarding how we run this university, and I’d like to tell you I’ve been keeping up with your blog.”
I received this call just after The Chronicle published a piece of mine that criticized Texas A&M University at Kingsville for describing faculty jobs—indeed, every job—as customer-service providers. See more...