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22 août 2016

More States Start Funding Colleges Based on Outcomes Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Under a new state law, Rhode Island’s public colleges won’t get additional state funding simply for enrolling more students. They will have to prove that they’re making progress on goals such as increasing graduation rates. More...

15 août 2016

Can science overcome the Chávez legacy?

By Claudio Bifano. It isn’t easy to understand how Venezuela has found itself in the midst of a serious economic, political and social crisis being, as it is, an oil-rich country which, between 2003 and 2014, received a huge amount of money as a result of high oil prices. Read more...

15 août 2016

From micromasters to nanodegrees

By Sean Gallagher. Over the last few years, higher education in the United States has seen countless pronouncements that the degree is dead and that “alternative credentials” are ready to supplant the core product of colleges and universities. Read more...

5 août 2016

7 Universities Receive Grants to Implement Adaptive Learning at Scale Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Seven public research universities are embarking on a three-year project focused on improving undergraduate education through personalized learning and adaptive courseware. More...

18 juillet 2016

AAU President Mary Sue Coleman Comments on Fisher v University of Texas Decision

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " american universities logo"The Supreme Court’s decision in Fisher v. University of Texas is good for higher education and good for the country. We are delighted by the Court’s reaffirmation that colleges and universities may judiciously use race as one factor among many in admissions processes designed to achieve their educational goals.
As AAU has stated numerous times in the past, diversity among students adds significantly to the rigor and depth of students’ educational experiences and prepares them for citizenship in a free, plural society. The opportunity to learn and interact with peers with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives is essential for students who must navigate an interconnected global economy
. More...

18 juillet 2016

Take the Fair Chance Pledge

Résultat de recherche d'images pour “We applaud the growing number of public and private sector organizations nationwide who are taking action to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to succeed, including individuals who have had contact with the criminal justice system. When almost 70 million Americans — nearly one in three adults — have a criminal record, it is important to remove unnecessary barriers that may prevent these individuals from gaining access to employment, training, education and other basic tools required for success in life.
We are committed to providing individuals with criminal records, including formerly incarcerated individuals, a fair chance to participate in the American economy.” More...

18 juillet 2016

Bias in science funding favours big universities

A new analysis notes a steady decline in grants going to investigators at small Canadian universities in recent years. Researchers at Trent University in Ontario believe that they have demonstrated that a “systemic bias” underlies this trend, writes Rebecca Trager for Chemistry World. More...

18 juillet 2016

Public colleges chase out-of-state students

A state audit in March reinforced what many California parents already suspected: on a constant hunt for more revenue, the prestigious University of California system gave favourable admissions treatment to thousands of higher-paying out-of-state and foreign students, to the detriment of Californians, writes Stephanie Saul for The New York Times. More...

18 juillet 2016

Texas professors sue to block guns in classrooms

Three University of Texas professors have filed suit in federal court in a bid to halt a state law that lets people with concealed-handgun licences bring pistols into classrooms, saying the measure would have a chilling effect on academic freedom, writes Jon Herskovitz for Reuters. More...

17 juillet 2016

5 revelations about higher ed based on their research projects

eCampus NewsBy Meris Stansbury. Hanover Research pulls together comprehensive trends report based on college and university research projects; forecasts higher ed’s reinvented future. More...

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