American adults who never completed college but who’ve earned a professional certificate are more likely to be employed and earn more than those without such certifications, according to a new analysis of Gallup polling data. More...
“I’m not a person that reads”: Identity Work, Adult Learners, and Educational (Dis)engagement
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. “I’m not a person that reads”: Identity Work, Adult Learners, and Educational (Dis)engagement
Scott McLean, Jaya Dixit, Canadian Journal of Education, 2019/01/10
This paper (27 page PDF) uses the frame of 'identity work' described by Snow and Anderson to interpret identity statements made by interviewees describing their experience with self-help books. Snow and Anderson identified four activities common to the practice of identity work including "verbal construction and assertion of personal identities." This activity has two modes, 'distancing' and 'embracement', and many of the responses to the survey were found to fit neatly into one of the other of these modes. More...
Mettre fin aux hospitalisations inadéquates des adultes autistes et renforcer la pertinence des prises en charge sanitaires
Les travaux pour mettre fin aux hospitalisations inadéquates des adultes autistes et renforcer la pertinence des prises en charge sanitaires s’engagent
Un plan national de repérage et de diagnostic des adultes en établissements de santé et en établissements médico-sociaux et sociaux démarre en avril 2019.
Une méthodologie a été élaborée par le Groupement national des centres de ressources autisme.
4 régions pilotes expérimenteront cette méthode d’ici la fin de l’année 2019. Plus...
Autisme TND - Engagement 4 : favoriser l’inclusion des adultes
Le manque d’insertion, de visibilité et d’accompagnement des adultes autistes dans la société demande des mesures concrètes et adaptées, qui encouragent leur inclusion. Plus...
Youth Discussion: the Role of Adults within Online Teen Spaces
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Youth Discussion: the Role of Adults within Online Teen Spaces
When you start engineering social spaces, as the creators of Second Life are doing with their 'teen spaces', you start selecting for 'appropriate' philosophies. Global Kids (GK) is an adult presence in the teen space - the adults, of course, are screened with background checks. More...
Éducation des adultes à la citoyenneté au Royaume-Uni : compétences linguistiques et identité culturelle
Le livre blanc sur la professionnalisation des formateurs d’adultes
Cette publication est le fruit d’une conférence de consensus qui a pris cours durant toute l’année 2018. Plus...
How to reach adult students online
In a public-private partnership that could signal the future of higher education, the University of Memphis has teamed up with FedEx Express on a new initiative that will give more than 11,000 FedEx employees the opportunity to earn a tuition-free degree from UofM Global, the university’s online learning program. More...
Research in Distance and Adult Learning Link
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Research in Distance and Adult Learning Link
We're about to have a whopping thunderstorm, so I'd better cut this short and send it while I can. I'll catch up tomorrow. Anyhow, I ran into this site today which, although it has been publishing since 2002, has lurked below my radar. More...