Synthèse de la situation actuelle des systèmes et politiques nationales d'éducation et de formation des adultes en France
Echange de bonnes pratiques autour des structures de l’apprentissage des adultes: Estonie - Belgique francophone
Developing upskilling pathways for adults
The second joint Cedefop/European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) policy learning forum on upskilling pathways discussed ways of developing such pathways for adults, in Brussels on 20 and 21 May. More...
One of the biggest challenges we have as a country is keeping adults skilled. Adults are far more expensive to train than young people because their labour has significant market value – it costs them money to take time off work, and their free time is limited due to things such as child or elder care. So, if you are going to entice them into some form of education, the program you’re pushing needs above all to be i) short and ii) have labour market value. More...
Here’s why understanding adult learners is absolutely critical
Adults are quickly taking over a larger and larger part of the student population at colleges and universities–and understanding adult learners is key to institutional success. More...
6 tips for reaching adult students
Are you communicating effectively with adult students. More...
Time to stop neglecting education for adults
The Augar report acknowledges this, making positive recommendations as to how to extend its reach: the reintroduction of maintenance grants is particularly helpful. Welcome as it is, this development merely foreshadows what should be a policy direction for the future. More...
Universities that are recruiting older students often leave them floundering
With the number of 18- to 24-year-olds down and expected to remain flat through at least 2035, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Twenty-nine percent of undergraduate and 77 percent of graduate students are 25 or older, the U.S. Department of Education reports. More...
Here’s why understanding adult learners is absolutely critical
Adults are quickly taking over a larger and larger part of the student population at colleges and universities–and understanding adult learners is key to institutional success. More...