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12 novembre 2016

Looking to change career? It may be time to consider a postgrad

The Guardian homeBy . Growing numbers of older people are changing careers with a master’s. More...

9 novembre 2016

Survey: Adult learners fear new wave of workplace tech Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Pearson has released a survey showing the growing fear among adult learners who plan on or are currently enrolled in degree or credentialing programs about new trends in technology and labor. More...

2 novembre 2016

Fresh momentum for adult learning and education in Europe

Adult learning and education (ALE) has a crucial role to play in helping Europe tackle diverse challenges, such as integrating migrants and responding to population ageing. On 13 October 2016, Mr Arne Carlsen, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), visited Brussels to present UIL’s latest analysis, data, case examples and policy recommendations on the state of ALE in Europe. More...

2 novembre 2016

GRALE III: Adult learning and education in the Arab States

The first Arab States regional launch of the third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III) took place on 1st to 4th October 2016 in Amman, Jordan, during a seminar entitled ‘Adult Education: Readings in the Failure and the Prospects for Renewal in the Arab World’. The seminar was attended by representatives of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) as well as governmental and civil society organizations (CSOs) in the region. More...

2 novembre 2016

Minister urges positive take on HE budget cut

The reduction in the allocation to the higher education ministry in the 2017 budget should be viewed positively, according to its minister, as it is in line with efforts to reduce the dependence of public universities on the government, reports Bernama. Read more...

2 novembre 2016

"La place de l’éducation des adultes dans les politiques de l’Union européenne"

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

Lire et Écrire a produit un travail de recherche et d'analyse sur l’impact des politiques européennes sur ses actions d’alphabétisation. Voir l'article...

27 octobre 2016

Colleges and universities improve access for adult learners

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Nearly 80 percent of adults say the availability of classes to fit their schedules and the length of time needed to complete an education are barriers to completing their college degrees, according to the Adult Learners Survey 2016, conducted by Penn Schoen Berland, on behalf of Pearson. More...

9 octobre 2016

Formation des adultes : la France toujours parmi les mauvais élèves selon l’OCDE

Sur un an, moins de 40 % des adultes (25-64 ans) ont participé à des activités de formation en France, selon le rapport « Regards sur l’éducation 2016 » de l’OCDE publié jeudi 15 septembre 2016. Ce résultat est nettement inférieur à la moyenne des 33 pays étudiés par l’organisation internationale qui s’établit à 50 %, la France se classant 25e. Voir l'article...

8 octobre 2016

What do adult students want from college?

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Each year, legions of adult learners – that is, students who are 25 years old or older – take a first or second chance at higher education. More...

2 octobre 2016

Why the Future of Adult Learning Is Mobile Learning Joshua Kim. Is the future of learning mobile? Maybe, maybe not.
Traditional postsecondary digital education has not yet lived up to the mobile promise. Read more...

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