By Madeline St. Amour. For adults with some college credit but no degree, the challenge of balancing work with going to class is the most common reason they end up leaving college, according to a new report. More...
Normandie - Contrat adultes-relais
Le contrat adultes-relais permet à certaines personnes éloignées de l'emploi d'assurer des missions de médiation sociale et culturelle de proximité, dans le cadre d'un contrat d'insertion. Plus...
Skills Matter - Additional Results from the Survey of Adult Skills
Séance d'information pour le secteur de l'éducation des adultes
REACT - Élaboration et test du protocole innovant pour le développement de la compétence entrepreneuriale auprès d’adultes
A fellow’s success story- Mary Malunde Watugulu: Tanzania implements national standards for the qualification of adult educators
The Tanzanian Ministry of Education, Science and Technology’s Institute of Adult Education (IAE) approved and implemented a set of national standards for the qualification of adult educators, following work undertaken by a former CONFINTEA Fellow at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). More...
UNESCO report shows fewer than 5% of people in many countries benefit from adult learning opportunities
Published by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, the report monitors the extent to which UNESCO Member States put their international commitments regarding adult learning and education into practice and reflects data submitted by 159 countries. It calls for a major change in the approach to adult learning and education (ALE) backed by adequate investment to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to access and benefit from adult learning and education and that its full contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is realized. More...
Poland: new project on upskilling pathways
The Foundation for the Development of the Education System in partnership with the Educational Research Institute are carrying out the project A chance – New opportunities for adults. The project is in line with the 2016 Council recommendation on upskilling pathways: new opportunities for adults; it is jointly financed by the European Social Fund and will be completed at the end of 2021. More...
The Centenary Commission on Adult Education
4 Personas of Adult Learners
By Madeline St. Amour. Marketing firm describes four personas of adult learners, arguing for more nuance in serving one of higher education's most sought-after populations. More...