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18 septembre 2013

Beyond the Average: Prospective Student Demographics Dayna Catropa. Last week’s posthighlighted the importance of looking beyond the average when making data-driven decisions. Often analyzing other data points and performing additional analysis can paint a more accurate picture of an issue. Read more...

7 septembre 2013

Student number controls: Outcomes of consultation on arrangements for 2014-15 onwards

Heads of HEFCE-funded further education colleges, Heads of HEFCE-funded higher education institutions, Heads of universities in Northern Ireland
Of interest to those responsible for:
Senior Management, Admissions, Planning, Finance
This document details the outcomes of a consultation on student number controls run by HEFCE from 3 May 2013 to 28 June 2013. It identifies the key points made by respondents (in their formal responses and at our consultation events) and our responses to these points, including where we have made changes to the proposals outlined in the consultation.
Show/hide contents and executive summary
Main report
Download the Student number controls: Outcomes of consultation as PDF (222 KB)Download the Student number controls: Outcomes of consultation as MS Word (406 KB)
Annex A: Analysis of responses to consultation
Download the Annex A as PDF (468 KB)Download the Annex A as MS Word (269 KB)
Print-friendly version with annex
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Exemptions list

6 septembre 2013

Statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le ministère de l'education nationale vient de publier l’édition 2013 de son annuaire annuel : Références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche (RERS).
Depuis 1984, le RERS est l’annuaire statistique le plus complet sur l’Ecole française. Il propose des analyses statistiques sur notamment : le système éducatif, les établissements, les élèves du premier et second degré, les apprentis, les étudiants, la formation continue, les résultats, les diplômes, l'insertion, les personnels...
S'agissant de la formation tout au long de la vie, cette thématique est appréhendée sous l’angle du nombre de stagiaires, du niveau d’enseignement, du nombre de certifications obtenues et du financement.
Le chapitre consacré aux diplômes et l'insertion porte sur l’évaluation des compétences au sortir de l’école ou du collège, ainsi que sur la réussite aux diplômes de l’enseignement secondaire et supérieur. Il traite de la situation des sortants du système éducatif et de leurs perspectives d’insertion professionnelle. Consulter l'annuaire. Suite de l'article...

30 août 2013

Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche - RERS 2013 l’information statistique disponible sur le système éducatif et de recherche français, déclinée en plus de 180 thématiques.
L’édition 2013 apporte des éclairages nouveaux en fonction de l’actualité et des derniers résultats d’études.
Ce vaste ensemble de données contribue à étayer le débat sur le fonctionnement et les résultats de notre École.
Télécharger RERS 2013. Mise à disposition au format Excel des tableaux de RERS 2013.

30 août 2013

2013 : les chiffres du Supérieur Educpros de Pierre Dubois. Repères et Références Statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche (RERS 2013) est paru à la date habituelle, fin août. Il faut s’en féliciter car c’est une mine d’informations sur le système scolaire, du Premier degré au Supérieur. Je n’avais donc pas raison de m’inquiéter totalement dans ma chronique d’humeur : Diplômes des sortants (2009-2011). Une première analyse.
Le 6ème chapitre est consacré aux étudiants : 23 séries de tableaux. Nombre d’étudiants inscrits dans le supérieur en 2012-2013 (données 6.1) : 2.387.000, en progression de 1,5% par rapport à l’année précédente : c’est un chiffre jamais atteint. La progression des inscrits dans le supérieur privé est de 3,3%. Les effectifs des universités (1.411.000) progressent de 0,8%, en dépit d’une baisse dans leurs IUT (- 0,4%). Ceux-ci perdent des étudiants depuis 2009 tandis que les STS poursuivent leur progression (+3,1% par rapport à 2012-2011). Suite...

25 août 2013

Higher ed statistics that tell the wrong story Richard Ekman. Our fascination with numbers stems from our faith that numbers are more precise than words. But journalists and public officials too often use numbers that are so simplified as to be misleading. The quick numbers on low salaries and high unemployment rates for liberal arts graduates, for example, suggest the opposite picture from what the details reveal. That is, new liberal arts graduates may earn less at first than classmates who majored in professional fields, but over time this gap closes. These glib statistics reveal more informative patterns just below the surface. Meanwhile, other simple numbers fester to create myths of their own. More...

16 août 2013

Statistics on tertiary education in the European Union (EU) article presents statistics on tertiary education in the European Union (EU). Tertiary education – provided by universities and other higher education institutions – is the level of education following secondary schooling. Higher education plays an essential role in society, creating new knowledge, transferring knowledge to students and fostering innovation; some European universities are among the most prestigious in the world.
Since the introduction of the Bologna process (see the article on education and training introduced) a major expansion in higher education systems has taken place, accompanied by significant reforms in degree structures and quality assurance systems. However, the financial and economic crisis has affected higher education in different ways, with some countries investing more and others making radical cutbacks in their education spending.
Main statistical findings
The EU-27 had around 4 000 higher education (undergraduate and postgraduate) institutions, with almost 20 million students in 2010 (see Table 1). Four Member States reported more than 2 million tertiary students in 2010, namely Germany (note the data for this country excludes students enrolled at ISCED level 6), the United Kingdom, France and Poland; tertiary student numbers in Italy and Spain were just below this level and together these six countries accounted for two thirds of all EU-27 students in tertiary education. Romania was the only other Member State to record at least one million tertiary students in 2010.
Across the EU-27, just over one third (34.0 %) of the students in tertiary education were studying social sciences, business or law, with more female (3.9 million) than male (2.8 million) students in this field of education, as shown in Figure 1. The second largest number of students by field of education was in engineering, manufacturing and construction-related studies which accounted for 13.6 % of all students in tertiary education; three quarters of the students in this field were male.
The median age of students in tertiary education can be influenced by a number of factors: whether students postpone starting tertiary education either by choice (for example, by taking a break or a gap year between secondary and tertiary education) or obligation (for example, for military service); the length of the tertiary education courses studied; or the extent to which mature students return to tertiary education later in life. In 2010, the median age of students in tertiary education ranged from 20.3 in Ireland to 22.5 in Spain, with the Nordic countries of Sweden, Denmark and Finland, as well as Austria, Luxembourg, Greece and Germany above this range (see Figure 2); note that the German figure was above the EU-27 average of 22.1 years, even though the data exclude those students enrolled at ISCED level 6.
The strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training that was adopted in May 2009 set a number of benchmarks, including one for tertiary education, namely that by 2020 the proportion of 30- to 34-year-olds with tertiary educational attainment should be at least 40 %. Just over one third (34.6 %) of the population aged 30 to 34 in the EU-27 had a tertiary education in 2011, rising to almost four out of ten (38.5 %) among women, and falling to just over three out of ten (30.8 %) among men (see Figure 3). In Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden and the United Kingdom, the proportion of 30- to 34-year-old men and women with tertiary educational attainment was already 40 % or more in 2011; this was also the case in Norway and Switzerland. In contrast, less than 20 % of men in this age range had a tertiary education in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Italy, as was also the case in Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey (where the proportion of women having a tertiary educational attainment was also below 20 %).
Almost 4.5 million students graduated from tertiary education establishments in the EU-27 in 2010. An analysis of the number of graduates by field of education shows that 35.7 % had studied social sciences, business and law; this share was higher than the equivalent share (34.0 %) of tertiary education students still in the process of studying within this field, suggesting that less students had started this type of study in recent years, or that drop-out rates were higher in other fields. A similar situation was observed for health and welfare, which made up 15.1 % of graduates from 13.6 % of the tertiary student population, as well as the smaller field of services studies. The reverse situation was observed for the other fields of education shown in Figures 1 and 4, most notably for engineering, manufacturing and construction-related studies.
Within the EU-27, female graduates outnumbered male graduates by a ratio of approximately three to two; this ratio reached three to one for health and welfare fields of education (see Figure 4). Male graduates outnumbered female graduates slightly in agriculture and veterinary fields, more so in science, mathematics and computing fields, and by close to three to one in engineering, manufacturing and construction-related fields. Read more...

19 juillet 2013

Atlas régional des effectifs d'étudiants

pcassuto | 19 juillet, 2013 23:20 régional: effectifs d'étudiants en 2011-2012. Brochure - édition mars 2013. Statistiques. Cartes. Open data. Information.
Le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche participe au débat public général sur l'enseignement supérieur français en assurant l’accès des citoyens et des spécialistes aux informations et analyses qu’il produit.
À ce titre, il encourage la meilleure utilisation et la plus large diffusion possibles des données brutes mobilisées dans la publication "Atlas régional des effectifs d'étudiants". Ce site est la version internet de la publication "atlas régional des effectifs d'étudiants 2011-2012" éditée par la Sous-direction des Systèmes d'information et études statistiques du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche. L’ouvrage "atlas régional des effectifs étudiants 2011-2012" est consultable et téléchargeable sur le site du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.
L’Atlas régional 2013 reflète la diversité du système français d’enseignement supérieur. Il présente, sous forme de cartes, de graphiques et de tableaux, la répartition des étudiants sur le territoire français, par filières, par grands secteurs disciplinaires ou par cycles d’étude. Il donne aussi le détail de ces effectifs par agglomération selon les types de formation. Cet atlas est un outil indispensable pour une bonne appréhension de la structuration territoriale de l’enseignement supérieur et pour l’élaboration de stratégies territoriales. Télécharger l'Atlas régional: effectifs d'étudiants 2011-2012. @ 2x.png Regional Atlas: number of students in 2011-2012. Brochure - March 2013 edition. Statistics. Cards. Open data. Information.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research participates in the general public debate on the French higher education in ensuring citizens' access to information and experts and analyzes it produces.

As such, it encourages the best use possible and wider dissemination of raw data used in the publication " Regional Atlas of student."

7 juillet 2013

Global academy bends to the winds of demographic change

Times Higher EducationBy Danny Dorling. Danny Dorling considers how population change influences the shape and direction of higher education in fundamental ways. There is a lot of angst about the size of the world’s human population and what those numbers mean for the future of our overstretched planet. With the United Nations predicting that by 2100 there will be 11 billion of us, academics, policymakers and others are understandably and rightly worried about food supplies, resources, the environment and sustainability. Read more...
7 juillet 2013

Postgrad support boosted as numbers fall

Times Higher EducationBy . The government has announced a fund worth up to £125 million to support disadvantaged students into further study, as a new report reveals postgraduate numbers fell last year. The Department for Business Innovation and Skills and the Higher Education Funding Council for England said today that an initial £25 million fund will distribute grants of between £500,000 and £3 million to universities and colleges to attract and support disadvantaged students into postgraduate study. Read more...
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