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5 décembre 2019

Edtech’s potential not fulfilled yet, says OECD

By Patrick Atack. The new edition of the OECD’s Trends Shaping Education report was presented at the Education World Forum by the organisation’s education director Andreas Schleicher, who suggested that many global changes face the international education sector, but they do not need to be negative. More...

5 décembre 2019

Rapport de la commission d'enquête parlementaire sur l'utilisation de la chlordécone : des recommandations Plan Chlordécone IV

ESR enseignementsup-recherche gouv frElisabeth Borne, ministre de la transition écologique et solidaire, Agnès Buzyn, ministre des solidarités et de la santé, Frédérique Vidal, ministre de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation, Annick Girardin, ministre des outre-mer et Didier Guillaume, ministre de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation, ont pris connaissance du rapport de la commission d'enquête parlementaire relative à l'utilisation de la chlordécone aux Antilles. Plus...
4 décembre 2019

Rapports des groupes de travail LPPR : synthèse et analyse Educpros de Julien Gossa. D’après Frédérique Vidal, « il n’y a pas un seul membre de la communauté universitaire qui ne soit touché par les futures dispositions de [Loi de programmation pluriannuelle de la recherche (LPPR)] » [Université d’été de la C.P.U : discours de Frédérique Vidal]. Les rapports des groupes de travail étaient donc très attendus. Plus...
30 novembre 2019

'Alarming' Chinese meddling at UK universities exposed in report

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "theguardian"Universities are not adequately responding to the growing risk of China and other “autocracies” influencing academic freedom in the UK, the foreign affairs select committee has said. More...

29 novembre 2019

Guest Post: Slouching Toward Palo Alto John Warner. Last Thursday, on the eve of University Press Week, Stanford University’s Office of the Provost delivered its much-anticipated report on the future of Stanford University Press. The report says much about the elite university’s priorities. It also reveals how little the committee understands scholarly publishing. More...

28 novembre 2019

Report: Financial Aid Has Little Effect on Completion

HomeBy Madeline St. Amour. A working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that need-based financial aid grant offers have little effect on completion trajectories for low-income college students. More...

28 novembre 2019

Social Media In and Out of School: Notes From the Creating and Connecting Report

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Social Media In and Out of School: Notes From the Creating and Connecting Report
Report from a study in the U.S. "96 percent of teens and tweens between the ages of 9 and 17 with Internet access in the U.S. are using social networking technologies such as chat, text-messaging, blogging, or visiting online communities such as Facebook and MySpace." I wonder how many of them read books. More...

27 novembre 2019

Report on Accountability and Higher Ed's 'Triad'

HomeBy Paul Fain. A new report from New America recommends a wide range of changes to higher education's regulatory triad, the three primary types of regulators for the industry: accreditors, state agencies and the U.S. Department of Education. More...

27 novembre 2019

Controlling the Use of Campus Data

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Academic institutions, individually and collectively, should take a range of actions to ensure that the research and learning data they produce and collect are used thoughtfully and in ways that protect the institutions and their students and employees, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, or SPARC, says in a new report. More...
27 novembre 2019

Senate Report Examines China's Pursuit of U.S. Science

HomeBy Doug Lederman. A U.S. Senate subcommittee published a report Monday that explores China's efforts to become the world's dominant research power, in part by targeting -- in ways legal and "extralegal" -- American scientists and U.S. research universities. More...
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