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24 avril 2016

Is higher ed too preoccupied with the present to plan for the future? Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. A new book by Jon McGee, vice president for planning and public affairs at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University in Minnesota, says higher education leaders need to step back from the demands of the present to plan for the future. More...

23 avril 2016

Programme de stabilité 2016-2019 : ce qu’il faut en retenir

Par Victor Poirier. Le Ministère des finances et des comptes publics a présenté, ce mercredi 13 avril, le programme de stabilité 2016-2019. Ce document dessine les grandes lignes de l’évolution envisagée de la situation des finances publiques pour les quatre années à venir. Voir l'article...

23 avril 2016

Combattre la prochaine récession

France Stratégie - Commissariat à la stratégie et à la prospectiveLa zone euro devrait réfléchir à des politiques monétaires encore moins conventionnelles - helicopter money - ou à une relance budgétaire. L'une ou l'autre de ces options pourrait s'avérer tôt ou tard nécessaire, le risque de nouvelle récession n'étant pas nul. Voir l'article...

19 avril 2016

Creative Learning and the Future of Work

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Creative Learning and the Future of Work
J. Philipp Schmidt, Mitchel Resnick, Joi Ito, Mit, 2016/04/06

Good article, with a focus on the '4Ps' of creative learning (quoted):

  • Projects - We learn best when we are actively working on projects - generating new ideas, designing prototypes, making improvements, and creating final products.
  • Peers - Learning flourishes as a social activity, with people sharing ideas, collaborating on projects, and building on one another’s work.
  • Passion - When we focus on things we care about, we are likely to work longer and harder, to persist in the face of challenges, and to learn more in the process.
  • Play - Learning involves playful experimentation — trying new things, tinkering with materials, testing boundaries, taking risks, iterating again and again. More...
19 avril 2016

Futurists say tech key to HE access, grad readiness

By admin. The pace of technological developments is set to increase at an unprecedented rate in the next ten years, but how this will impact learning environments, skills training and access to education was discussed by futurists and education leaders at the StudyPortals Student of the Future conference this week. More...

19 avril 2016

Spectacle vivant : actualisation du contrat d'études prospectives

Bandeau retour page d'accueilLa Commission paritaire nationale emploi-formation - spectacle vivant (CPNEF-SV) a confié l'actualisation du contrat d'études prospectives (CEP) du spectacle vivant au Céreq qui vient de le publier dans sa collection Net.Doc. Le premier CEP du spectacle vivant datait de 1997. Voir l'article...

18 avril 2016

How an Africa-wide science funding gap can be closed

By Kevin Marsh. The idea that Africa’s development depends critically on science, technology and innovation is embodied in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. This document emphasises economies that are led by innovation and driven by knowledge. But the continent has some serious work to do if it’s to create such economies. Read more...

13 avril 2016

New directions – Keeping up with students of the future

By Nic Mitchell. Contrasting visions of the direction of international higher education – from MOOC-like masters degrees to undergraduate programmes in seven countries for students who want a true global experience – were presented to the first “Student of the Future” conference organised by Dutch-based StudyPortals. More...

12 avril 2016

Kick-off meeting for ET 2020 Working Groups

They accelerate mutual learning and empower national policymakers with good practices. Focusing on the priority areas identified jointly by the Council and the Commission in the ET 2020 strategic framework, the six Working Groups bring together more than 400 members. More...

3 avril 2016

Designing your future

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Liz Koblyk. While design thinking is certainly trendy, its popularity is at least partly due to its utility as a way to approach complex problems. Unsurprisingly, it has already been applied to career exploration, and is particularly useful when you reach points in your career where there is a problem to solve – like what to do next if you feel stuck, or what to plan for even if you’re content where you are, but can’t envision and prepare for the next part of your career trajectory. More...

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