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7 novembre 2018

How is your wellbeing? HE staff views sought for survey

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"However, it is vital that the mental health and wellbeing of staff working in higher education is not forgotten and is given equal attention. Whenever HEPI surveys students on their mental health and wellbeing, we are often asked whether we hold similar data on staff. Now there is an initiative to collect exactly that kind of data. More...

7 novembre 2018

Dyslexia Awareness Week: Are educational institutions due an update on dyslexia aid?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Studies have found that, on average, three children in every classroom are dyslexic which causes them to struggle with literacy. This equates to around 1.2 million children that find reading and writing in lessons a challenge. More...

7 novembre 2018

The Moodle/Blackboard Breakup: The Long and the Short of It

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . One piece of news we never circled back to after the crush of LMS conference season updates was the ending of the Blackboard's membership in the Moodle Partner program. To recap, Moodle Pty., the company that runs Moodle development and owns the Moodle trademark, suddenly announced right around BbWorld that it was ending Blackboard's membership in the Moodle Partner program. More...

7 novembre 2018

Climbing the Ladder of Empirical Education

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . A while back, I wrote a post about the four levels of Empirical Education. To recap, they are as follows:

  1. Intuitively empirical: Intuitively empirical educators are curious about their students and try to figure out how to help them when they see them struggling. They try different things and pick up tricks in their teaching as they become more experienced in the classroom.
  2. Mindfully empirical: This means that the educators try to create as many opportunities as possible to evaluate how their students are doing and make little (or big) adjustments to her teaching strategies constantly as they get to know their students better. Intuitively empirical educators are empirical in the moment. Mindfully empirical educators are empirical by design.
  3. Metacognitively empirical: Metacognitively empirical educators have made the leap from assessing their students to assessing themselves. When a class struggles with a concept semester after semester, metacognitively empirical educators don't just accept that the topic is hard. They ask whether their teaching strategies might be part of the problem. They challenge their own beliefs about good teaching.
  4. Socially empirical: When educators reach the level of being socially empirical, it means that they have begun to see that testing teaching strategies and learning to improve can be a shared endeavor. It can be a discipline, with common language and standards of evidence for effectiveness. Socially empirical educators see teaching not just as an art that is personal and ineffable but as a craft that can be taught and learned, and maybe even as a science that can be advanced through shared research and peer review.

This isn't just a taxonomy. More...

7 novembre 2018

North American Higher Ed LMS Market Share by Enrollments: A consolidating market

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . We have published market share data measured by total institutional enrollment instead of institutional count in several posts at e-Literate over the years, within the twice-annual reports of our LMS Market Analysis service, and for several of our premium subscribers of the same service. In July of this year we reported that Canvas had overtaken Blackboard as the market leader in US higher education in terms of institutional adoptions as well as scaled by enrollment. These last two posts got a fair amount of media and vendor attention. More...

7 novembre 2018

Ed Tech Cybersecurity: Suppose they gave a data breach and nobody came

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . It has now been four weeks since Chegg announced a data breach compromising personal information of up to 40 million users. Cue the crickets because the only coverage in ed tech press thus far is from EdWeek, which focuses on the K-12 market. That's a shame, because if ed tech companies want a case study to help understand the implications of FBI warnings or the European Union's new Global Data Privacy Regulations (GDPR), this example from Chegg should be illustrative. The same goes for institutions. More...

7 novembre 2018

e-Literate Sightings in the Fall 2018 Conference Season

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . We should have posted this a week ago, but we at e-Literate are in the midst of Fall 2018 conference season, and we'd love to connect with people at the various conferences we're attending. We're going for the divide-and-conquer strategy this year. More...

7 novembre 2018

Samedi 24 et dimanche 25 novembre 2018 “D’un film à l’autre” Voyage au coeur du cinéma de NURITH AVIV

Peuple Culture MarseilleDans le cadre de Le Mois du Film Documentaire 2018, Peuple et Culture Marseille et les cinémas Le GYPTIS et La Baleine Marseille s'associent pour vous proposer une programmation autour du cinéma de Nurith Aviv à Marseille.
Un événement sur deux jours avec 5 films, des discussions à l'issue des projections et une table ronde en présence de la réalisatrice et de ses invité.e.s.
Programme "D'un film à l'autre" NURITH AVIV

BIO : NURITH AVIV est portraitiste, chef opératrice et réalisatrice. Elle travaille entre la France et Israël, le cinéma et la photographie, la fiction, le documentaire et le film expérimental. Elle a réalisé une dizaine de documentaires et est aussi la première femme chef opératrice en France. Elle a fait l’image d’une centaine de films de fiction et documentaires avec entre autres Agnès Varda, Amos Gitaï, René Allio et Jacques Doillon.
Pour en savoir plus sur Nurith Aviv et la programmation :
. Plus...
7 novembre 2018

Relancer l'accompagnement

Orientation Pays de la LoireDans un contexte où le nombre de jeunes de 16 à 25 ans progresse et où le marché du travail reste incertain et tendu, l’accompagnement des jeunes, notamment les plus éloignés de l’emploi, reste un enjeu fort en région Pays de la Loire.
Les Missions Locales, acteur de l’accompagnement de ces jeunes, ont ainsi suivi plus de 49 000 jeunes en 2017.
Sur les quatre dernières années, ce chiffre ne cesse toutefois de baisser (- 16,2 %) jusqu’à la diminution observée entre 2016 et 2017 de l’ordre de - 6 %. Sur quatre ans, ce sont plus de 9 300 jeunes de moins accompagnés et principalement de niveau infra V voire V. La baisse modérée et récente du chômage des jeunes, bien qu’elle puisse fournir un élément d’explication, ne répond pas à tous les questionnements liés à cette tendance qui semble s’inscrire dans la durée. Plus...

7 novembre 2018

Apprentibus, toutes les infos dont vous avez besoin !

l'apprentissage le plus court chemin vers l'emploiFaire découvrir les métiers et promouvoir l’apprentissage, c’est l’objectif de l’Apprentibus, qui sillonne les Pays de la Loire et vient à votre rencontre depuis fin janvier 2018. Enseignants, chefs d’établissements, organisateurs de salons d’orientation, collectivités, renseignez-vous !
Véhicule innovant, l’Apprentibus s’adresse aux jeunes Ligériens, en priorité aux collégiens et lycéens. Outil d’orientation conçu et réalisé par la Région, il les aide à mieux connaître les métiers, les différentes voies d’accès à l’emploi et tout particulièrement l’apprentissage, et à être acteurs de la construction de leur projet d’avenir. Plus...

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