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2 décembre 2013

Housing push to help attract Chinese students

Feedback FormBy Peter Jean. Boarding houses could be established for Chinese teenagers who want to undertake their secondary studies in ACT high schools before attending the University of Canberra or the ANU. 
As part of the Study Canberra initiative, the ACT government is working with local universities to attract more overseas students to Canberra. 
Chief Minister and Higher Education Minister Katy Gallagher said the group was looking at ways to enable more Chinese and other international students to complete high school in Canberra before attending local tertiary institutions. Read more...

2 décembre 2013

International university applicants systematically under-evaluated

By Peter Stanners. Results from the International Baccalaureate have been undervalued when converted to the Danish equivalent, the Education Ministry has admitted. International Baccalaureate students applying to Danish universities have been treated unfairly, the Education Ministry has admitted. In a reply to a parliamentary question, the education minister, Morten Østergaard (R), said students who had their IB Diploma marks converted to the Danish upper-secondary equivalent, STX, have been under marked since 2007 – the year Denmark introduced its new seven-point grading scale. More...

2 décembre 2013

How public opinion about new PISA test scores is being manipulated Valerie Strauss. This Tuesday, new reading, math and science results will be released from the  Program  for International Student Assessment, or PISA, given every three years to 15-year-old students in more than 65 countries and education systems by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The results are always big news — and the usual average U.S. scores are always cause for great cries of concern about what they mean for the future of the country’s economic health and national security. They don’t mean much, if anything, but that doesn’t stop people from saying they do. Read more...

2 décembre 2013

Humanities Studies Under Strain Around the Globe

New York TimesBy Ella Delany. In the global marketplace of higher education, the humanities are increasingly threatened by decreased funding and political attacks. Financing for humanities research in the United States has fallen steadily since 2009, and in 2011 was less than half of one percent of the amount dedicated to science and engineering research and development. This trend is echoed globally: According to a report in Research Trends magazine, by Gali Halevi and Judit Bar-Ilan, international arts and humanities funding has been in constant decline since 2009. More...

2 décembre 2013

Nouveau : une version mobile du site internet des pôles de compétitivité

Une nouvelle version mobile, pour une meilleure ergonomie adaptée aux différents « smartphones » du marché. 
Parce que la majorité des internautes qui consultent le site le font via un mobile, une nouvelle version de ce site internet est vite apparue très utile, pour une consultation mieux adaptée à ces outils. Si les contenus disponibles entre les deux versions sont strictement les mêmes, l’accès à ces documents a été volontairement facilitée. 
Dès une première consultation du site via un mobile, le choix de la version du site est offert. L’internaute peut ensuite à tout moment revenir vers la version classique du site internet. 
En savoir plus 

2 décembre 2013

Apprendre une langue étrangère par le CNED

2 décembre 2013

Job Quality - It's not just about having a job

This blog by OECD Economist Anne Saint-Martin, focuses on the “Well-being in the workplace: Measuring job quality” chapter of How's Life? 2013
Workers in high-strain jobs, who don’t receive adequate support to cope with difficult work demands, are more likely to suffer from job burnout, to develop musculoskeletal disorders, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. The list is long, and worrying. A recent study published by Harvard researchers suggests that women in demanding and stressful jobs have a 38% increased risk of heart disease. Compared with those in low-strain jobs, their heart attack rates are also 67% higher.

2 décembre 2013

Learning for jobs: Quality pays off

By Dirk Van Damme and Rodrigo Castaneda Valle Innovation and Measuring Progress Division, Directorate for Education and Skills. In 2010 the OECD published Learning for Jobs, a major review of vocational education and training (VET). The economic crisis has since continued to worsen the job prospects for young people in many OECD countries.  To counterbalance governments have increasingly been looking to strengthen vocational tracks in secondary education as a way to better prepare youth for the job market. The evidence base on VET remains weak, however Education at a Glance is providing improved data on VET systems and the latest issue of Education Indicators in Focus draws attention to some interesting findings. More...

2 décembre 2013

But how would he do on PISA?

By Brian Keeley. We couldn’t resist this video by Aria Shahrokhshahi, a young British lad who’s been struggling with his sums.
“One year before this video I was at a grade F in maths,” Aria explained. “In England you need a C (pass) to basically do anything with your life. […] Neither me or my dad or my teachers thought I was going to get my C.”
But, as the video shows, Aria surprised everyone – especially his dad – by getting that C. More...

2 décembre 2013

Un succès !

Par Paul Santelmann, Responsable de la Prospective à l’AFPA. La journée d’études AFPA/Education Permanente du 28 Novembre sur le numérique a rassemblé plus de 200 participants dans l’amphi Paul Painlevé du CNAM. Cette journée d’études était la 3ème du genre qui accompagne désormais la parution des hors série AFPA de la revue Education Permanente. Elle a été l’occasion d’échanges foisonnants et riches qui ont permis d’aborder les différentes facettes de l’impact du numérique dans la sphère des rapports aux savoirs et dans les relations sociales qui les sous-tendent. Suite...

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