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24 décembre 2013

Thinking about MOOCs

By John Faig. I'm taking an online professional development course (Charting a Course in Online Education) offered by the Online School for Girls (OSG).  They have a pragmatic view of online education as a vehicle to offer specialized classes that would not have enough students to be economically feasible at a particular school.  Along the way, they are refining and improving the courses they offer - in terms of content and pedagogy.   A discussion from this class pointed me in the direction of a New York Times article about MOOCs.  Like most articles in the mainstream media, I more thoroughly enjoy the comments.  Below are some of my favorites with some of my own perspectives. More...

24 décembre 2013


HomeBy George W. Breslauer. The University of California at Berkeley now delivers more to the public of California than it ever has, and it does this on the basis of proportionally less funding by the State government than it has ever received.  This claim may come as a surprise, since it is often said that Berkeley is in the process of privatizing, becoming less of a public university and more in the service of private interests.  To the contrary, as the State’s commitment to higher education and social-welfare programs has declined, UC Berkeley has struggled to preserve and even expand its public role, while struggling simultaneously to retain its competitive excellence as a research university.  This paper delineates how UC Berkeley has striven to retain its public character in the face of severe financial pressures.  A summary of the indicators invoked can be found in the chart at the end of the text. 
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24 décembre 2013


HomeBy Masataka Murasawa, Jun Oba, and Satoshi P. Watanabe. In pursuit of enhanced employability of university graduates, along with their increased mobility in a rapidly globalizing economy, colleges and universities in the world today participate in regional alliances and partnerships in which shared targets with mutually recognized degrees and curricula are sought across boundaries through transnational higher education policies. The Bologna Process is certainly exemplified as one of the most important multilateral efforts in the recent history of higher education, in establishing such a system of quality assurance within the European Higher Education Area. Although the member states of the Bologna Process endeavor to meet the common benchmarks on the preset assessment criteria, the speed of policy implementation is found to widely vary across the participating countries. This paper attempts to identify the sources of discrepancies in achieving the common policy targets among the member states and explore in particular the extent to which varying stages of socio-economic as well as political development, along with indigenous ethnic and linguistic complexities, affect the robust progress of implementing multilateral higher education policies. Our findings generally suggest significant impacts of these indigenous factors. 
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24 décembre 2013


HomeDecember 18, 2013:  From December 2 - 10, the Center welcomed a group of 25 university leaders from China, organized by the Chinese National Academy for Education Administration.  The purpose of the week-long program was to introduce these higher-education leaders to UC and US practices in higher education and aspects of university management and administration in the United States.  During their stay, they visited Stanford University, Cisco Corporation, the Lawrence Hall of Science and the UC Office of the President as well as observing courses and meeting with Chinese students at Berkeley.   The program also included a visit to the biochemical research lab of UC Berkeley’s 2013 Nobel Laureate, Professor Randy Schekman, and a discussion of the role of leadership at Berkeley led by former chancellor Robert Birgeneau.   “UC and other Bay Area institutions offer a wealth of innovative educational and research activities of great interest to international visitors,” said CSHE Director C. Judson King.  “And in turn the Center benefits from the chance to share ideas and experiences with our colleagues from abroad.” 
Another group of 14 higher-education leaders will be arriving early in the new year, this time from Xi'an Jiaotong University of China. The Chinese visitors will attend a course from February 2 – 13 focusing upon university research and research management, including instructional laboratories and undergraduate research.

24 décembre 2013


HomeBy C. Judson King. Most public universities in the United States are formed into systems, containing more than one university or campus.  There are clear rationales for these systems, including overall planning and coordination, budgeting efficiency, and effectiveness of dealings with the state government.  The distribution of internal governance functions between the system level and the individual-campus level has, however, been a source of continual tension for understandable reasons.  Although there can be no hard and fast rules for the division of administrative functions between the system-wide level and the component campuses, a number of governance principles can be laid out.  What is done in a particular instance should recognize commonalities and differences in mission among and within systems, the histories and the maturities of the campuses composing the system, state government constraints, governing board structures, and changing conditions, among other circumstances and needs. 
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24 décembre 2013

SEEKING A ROADMAP TO BECOMING WORLD CLASS: Strategic Planning at Peking University

HomeBy Xie Guangkuan. Strategic planning plays an important but sometimes controversial role in higher education. This paper examines how strategic planning works in Chinese universities, using Peking University as a case study. This essay discusses the rationale for why Peking University (PKU) decided to pursue status as a world-class university along with objectives and value of its various strategic plans beginning in the 1990s. These plans have had four main roles at Peking University: as a means to periodically alter the development path or "roadmap" of the university; as a method to gain or "accelerate resources" largely from government; as a way to communicate with the business community, alumni and other stakeholders regarding the aspirations and needs of the university; and as a tool to engage central government leaders in the future of the university. 
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24 décembre 2013

DU Éthique de la Responsabilité - 2014

DU 2013 2014Ci-dessous le programme du Diplôme Universitaire (DU) Ethique de la Responsabilité, initié en partenariat avec l’Université Paris 7 Diderot, dont les enseignements pour la seconde promotion doivent commencer en début 2014, à l’Institut Européen Emmanuel Levinas (6 bis, rue Michel-Ange – 75016 Paris).
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"DU Éthique de la Responsabilité"

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LIEU de la FORMATION Institut Européen Emmanuel Levinas 6 bis rue Michel - Ange 75016 Paris.

24 décembre 2013

L’accord national interprofessionnel du 14 décembre 2013 relatif à la formation professionnelle

Aquitaine Cap MétiersLancée en septembre dernier à la demande du gouvernement, la négociation sur la formation professionnelle entre les trois organisations patronales (MEDEF, CGPME et UPA) et les cinq confédérations syndicales de salariés (CGT, CFDT, FO, CFTC et CFE-CGC), représentatives au niveau national, a abouti à un ANI (accord national interprofessionnel) lors d’une ultime séance de travail le samedi 14 décembre.
Ce texte est actuellement soumis pour signature aux instances des différentes organisations patronales et syndicales. A l'heure où nous écrivons, la CGT et la CGPME ont exprimé des désaccords sur ce texte et semblent se destiner à ne pas le signer.
L’ANI du 14 décembre* trouvera sa traduction dans le projet de loi réformant le dispositif de formation professionnelle qui sera présenté au conseil des ministres du 22 janvier 2014. Suite de l'article...

24 décembre 2013

Un comité créé pour améliorer l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés du supérieur

Aquitaine Cap MétiersLe ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche lance Sup'Emploi, un comité qui aura une double mission :

  • améliorer l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes,
  • faire contribuer l'enseignement supérieur au redressement du pays.
Ce comité est composé de 22 membres reconnus pour leurs compétences, leur expérience ou leurs travaux. Il s'appuiera sur les services de la Direction générale pour l'enseignement supérieur et l'insertion professionnelle du ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.
Trois sujets prioritaires sont d’ores et déjà programmés :
  • Anticiper les métiers et les formations de demain : les enjeux du numérique.
  • Agir pour l'insertion professionnelle : développer l'alternance dans l'enseignement supérieur.
  • Placer l'enseignement supérieur au cœur de la formation tout au long de la vie.

Sup’Emploi agira également dans un cadre plus général lié aux thèmes suivants :

  • Le renforcement du lien formation-emploi et le dialogue entre les acteurs de l'enseignement supérieur et les partenaires socio-professionnels.
  • L’anticipation sur les nouveaux métiers et les nouveaux besoins de formation.
  • Les politiques d'orientation professionnelle et d'accompagnement vers l'emploi des étudiants, notamment dans la perspective de mise en place du service public régional d'orientation (SPRO).
  • Les actions en faveur du développement de l'entrepreneuriat auprès des étudiants et des diplômés.
  • La formation tout au long de la vie, dont la formation continue et la validation des acquis de l'expérience.
  • Le développement de l'alternance, et notamment de l'apprentissage, dans l'enseignement supérieur.
  • Le développement d'une "approche compétences" dans l'enseignement supérieur.

En savoir +
Installation du comité Sup'Emploi par enseignementsup-recherche.

24 décembre 2013

Où en est la mixité des métiers ?

Aquitaine Cap MétiersLa Direction de l’animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques (Dares) a analysé la répartition des hommes et des femmes par métiers et l’évolution de la ségrégation professionnelle depuis 30 ans.
En 2011, 47 % de l’emploi des femmes se concentre dans une dizaine de métiers, notamment les services (aide à domicile, assistante maternelle, agent d’entretien ou enseignant), contre 53 % en 1983. En savoir +. Suite de l'article...

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