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Formation Continue du Supérieur

20 mars 2014

Ohio receives a failing grade for support of higher education, report says: Higher Education Roundup Karen Farkas. The rising cost of going to college and increasing student debt is due more to decreases in state funding than bloated administrative spending and salaries, according to a new report, reports Inside Higher Ed.Ohio received an overall grade of “F” in its support for public institutions, said the Young Invincibles organization, which released report cards gauging each state’s investment in higher education. More...

20 mars 2014

Student unions rebut plan to introduce tuition fees for foreign students

THE PLAN to introduce tuition fees for foreign students would not yield the projected savings, five student unions argue. Instead, the tuition fees would represent a step in the wrong direction for Finland in light of its internationalisation objectives.
Helsingin Sanomat wrote last week that the Government is poised to mull over the adoption of tuition fees for students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in a bid not only to generate revenue but also to create savings by limiting the inflow of students from non-EEA countries. More...

20 mars 2014

Yemen ministry raises higher education standards

Al-ShorfaBy Faisal Darem. Yemen's Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is working to strengthen the quality of education in Yemen and to ensure students have access to scholarships to study abroad.
Higher Education Minister Hisham Sharaf spoke with Al-Shorfa about the ministry's plans, which include the establishment of an independent entity for scholarships, equipping universities with better scientific research tools and the accreditation of private universities. More...

20 mars 2014

Italy university course drop-out rate hits 40%

The LocalForty percent of students that enrol in an Italian university fail to graduate in their chosen course, a report released on Wednesday has shown.
After the first year alone, 15 percent of students on three-year courses drop out altogether, while the same number switch courses, the report by educational agency Anvur found. The remaining 10 percent abandon university at a later stage of their course. More...

20 mars 2014

Australian immigration say student visa applications up - Immigration, work visas and work permit servicesMore than 74,000 international students applied for Australian student visas in the three months to September 2013, according to Australian immigration. This is the highest figure for four years and seems to show that Australia has recovered as a favoured destination for international students after a three year slump in popularity. Australia became extremely popular as a destination for international students during the first decade of the 21st century. In 2002, 274,000 international students began study in Australia.
By 2009, there were nearly 500,000 people in Australia with student visas. While this was welcomed by many Australians, others complained that many students, from India in particular, were using forged academic qualifications to gain entry to the country and were coming to Australia not as students but as permanent migrants. More...

20 mars 2014

Universities criticise cut in fees for emigrants

Irish Times Politics’s avatarSetting of fees not the responsibility of Government, universities body argues. The representative body for the seven Irish universities has said moves to reduce fees for the children of Irish emigrants living outside the European Union could have a significant financial impact on third-level institutions. However, the proposal was given a warmer welcome by the institutes of technology, even though they also warned of possible “unintended consequences”. More...

20 mars 2014

Russia plans to set up federal university in Crimea

Russia has announced plans to create a tenth federal university in Crimea in a year from now on the basis of the Tavrida National University, a leading classical academic university based in the Crimean territory, Natalya Goncharova, the Crimean minister of education, science, youth policy and sport, said on Tuesday. Read more...

20 mars 2014

Aeres > La vague A évaluée

Logo AmueLa campagne d’évaluation 2014-2015 (vague A) établie par l’Aeres a débuté. L’Agence indique avoir rencontré les établissements des académies de Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lyon et Toulouse, courant janvier et février 2014. Lors de ces rencontres, une présentation du contexte de transition entre l’Aeres et le futur HCERES a été faite, avec les principales évolutions relatives à l’évaluation.

En savoir + > Campagne d’évaluation de l’Aeres

20 mars 2014

Les diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur en Europe

Logo AmueLa DEPP (Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance) met en ligne une note d’information analysant les taux européens des diplômés du supérieur. La note rappelle que la stratégie Europe 2020 fixe à 40 % la proportion des jeunes de l’Union européenne âgés de 30 à  34 ans qui devront être diplômés de l’enseignement supérieur à l’horizon 2020. Aujourd’hui, seuls douze pays, dont la France, ont atteint cet objectif.

En savoir + > Diplômés de l’enseignement supérieur : situations contrastées en Europe

20 mars 2014

Rendre les établissements accessibles et sûrs

Logo AmueL’Observatoire national de la sécurité et de l’accessibilité des établissements d’enseignement publie son rapport annuel pour l’année 2013. Ce dernier revient notamment sur les manifestations exceptionnelles organisées au sein des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et rappelle la réglementation liée à la sécurité incendie, à la sûreté des biens et des personnes, à la consommation d’alcool, aux assurances et la gestion des déchets. Un chapitre est également consacré au logement étudiant pour lequel, indique les auteurs, le niveau de sécurité et de sûreté reste très hétérogène suivant notamment l’âge de la construction.

En savoir + > ONS - Rapport annuel 2013

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Formation Continue du Supérieur