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31 octobre 2019

How to avoid distractions while studying, according to science

The ConversationModern life is full of distractions – and some of them can have a negative effect on our ability to concentrate when studying. The problem is that many people tend to underestimate how much they are distracted by what’s going on around them. More...

31 octobre 2019

Some people benefit from being naturally mentally tough, but it can be taught to those who aren’t

The ConversationThe saying that “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is simplistic, disingenuous, and potentially destructive. While it’s true that some who experience horrible events are stronger for surviving them, this is probably only true if they were strong to begin with. In the face of horrible events, others are more likely to be traumatised and suffer for years or decades after. More...

31 octobre 2019

Guru makin sejahtera di era desentralisasi, tapi tidak berdampak pada kualitas pendidikan

The ConversationLebih dari 60% anggaran pendidikan secara nasional digunakan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan guru. Anggaran tersebut terserap hampir seratus persen di semua daerah. Namun menaikkan gaji guru pegawai negeri dan memberikan tunjangan profesi guru rupanya tidak langsung meningkatkan kualitas siswa dan lulusan sekolah. More...

31 octobre 2019

Sains tunjukkan bagaimana cara menghindari gangguan saat belajar

The ConversationKehidupan modern penuh dengan gangguan - dan beberapa gangguan dapat memberi efek negatif terhadap kemampuan kita berkonsentrasi saat belajar. Masalahnya adalah banyak orang cenderung meremehkan seberapa besar mereka terganggu dengan apa yang terjadi di sekitar mereka. More...

31 octobre 2019

Would abolishing private schools really make a difference to equality?

The ConversationFor some, the British private school system evokes images of rolling playing fields and academic excellence that can pave the way to an elite university education and a prosperous life. For others it simply cements societal injustice and inter-generational inequality. More...

31 octobre 2019

Cómo pueden padres y profesores ayudar a los niños a hacer nuevas amistades

The ConversationSi volvemos la vista atrás hasta nuestra infancia, muchos de nosotros coincidiremos en que hacer amigos en el colegio no siempre era una tarea sencilla. Algunas veces, las amistades nacían de la conveniencia e incluso de la supervivencia cuando había un número limitado de pares a los que elegir. Más...

31 octobre 2019

Las mentiras de los niños son engañosamente complejas

The ConversationEl equipo de investigación del Laboratorio de Desarrollo Social y Cognitivo de la Brock University está estudiando la capacidad de mentir, que puede considerarse, en diversos contextos, como una señal del desarrollo cognitivo de los niños y de su exploración de nuestro mundo social. Más...

31 octobre 2019

Escuelas para pobres, escuelas para ricos

The ConversationLa grave situación de segregación escolar por nivel económico que vive el sistema educativo español se ha puesto de manifiesto gracias a investigaciones recientes. Más...

31 octobre 2019

What striking education workers and climate activists have in common

The ConversationTensions and labour unrest continues in Ontario between the current government and workers in schools. After a labour negotiation impasse in early October, some parents were recently left wondering whether kids’ schools were set to close because of strikes. More...

31 octobre 2019

My secret: Coming out as a gay elementary principal in an era of social conservatism

The ConversationAs someone who completed a doctorate in education about how men and women legitimize and promote traditional masculine values or masculinity within the principal role in elementary schools — and as someone who researches educational leadership — I could not ignore the potential difficulties that these sex-ed exemption requests present, particularly for principals who identify with the LGBTQ+ community. More...

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