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16 novembre 2019

L’idée de Nation

Accueil - Vie PubliqueLa Nation est davantage une construction idéologique qu’une réalité concrète, ce qui explique la difficulté de lui donner une définition pleinement satisfaisante. Son étymologie est liée à la notion de naissance (nascere). Ainsi, à l’époque médiévale, l’idée de nation renvoie ainsi à un groupe d’hommes à qui l’on attribue une origine commune (ex : nations normande, picarde etc. à l’université de Paris). Mais la conception moderne de la nation dépasse largement le cadre ethnique ou tribal. Elle trouve plutôt sa source dans un ensemble complexe de liens qui fondent le sentiment d’une appartenance commune. Elle est ainsi à la fois extérieure aux individus, en même temps qu’elle est intériorisée et transmise d’une génération à l’autre. Pour s’imposer, elle suppose également l’existence d’une volonté durable de vivre au sein d’un même ensemble.
Certaines données objectives permettent de définir une nation : le territoire, l’ethnie, la langue, la religion, la culture, l’État. Mais l’idée de nation ne leur est pas réductible. Il existe ainsi des nations plurilingues (ex : la Suisse) ou connaissant plusieurs religions (ex : l’Allemagne). Il y a également des nations sans territoire propre ou d’autres encore qui sont partagées entre plusieurs États. Aussi la nation apparaît-elle d’abord comme une construction politique, dont la fonction est de garantir la cohésion sociale et de faire respecter l’autorité de l’État. Pour ces raisons, l’idée de nation est elle-même liée à l’histoire de chaque pays. Plus...
15 novembre 2019

Comment Overload

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Comment Overload
I read every comment I get. I don't always reply because I prefer to allow readers to have the last word - though at the urging of some readers I've tried recently to be more forthcoming in my replies. I have a fairly aggressive spam filtering system which means you have to use nice language and make some sense in your comments, which I know discourages some people - for that I apologize, but the payoff is that I can allow people to comment anonymously, without logging in. I appreciate comments because I appreciate being read but I will never write the sort of blog that is likely to accumulate 75 comments to a post - and if I did, I would understand at that point that I was not being true to my own philosophy, which is that ideas and expertise are and ought to be distributed, not clustered around a single person or a single website. More...

15 novembre 2019

Professor Pans 'Learning Style' Teaching Method

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Professor Pans 'Learning Style' Teaching Method
It is true that there are good reasons to question the doctrine of learning styles, at least as presently formulated. But the Telegraph does not inform us why we should believe Baroness Greenfield, a professor of pharmacology at Oxford University, when she says so. Does peerage confer psychological insight? Still, Frank Coffield has a point. "I came across labelling such as 'activists' versus 'reflectors', 'globalists' versus 'analysts' and 'left brainers' versus 'right brainers'. There is no scientific justification for any of these terms." There is no good understanding of learning styles as it stands. More...

14 novembre 2019

Quelles sont les mesures contribuant à la conciliation entre vie familiale et vie professionnelle ?

Accueil - Vie PubliquePermettre aux couples, et principalement aux femmes, d’avoir des enfants sans renoncer à une vie professionnelle passe par des dispositifs d’aide à l’accueil et à la garde des jeunes enfants. En France, le choix offert aux familles est étendu. Plus...

14 novembre 2019

Pourquoi est-il nécessaire d’organiser les finances publiques ?

Accueil - Vie PubliqueL’Empire romain disposait d’un puissant système fiscal, administrativement unifié et adapté à la diversité et à l’immensité de son territoire. À partir de la fin du Moyen Âge, en France, un système financier organisé et performant procure au monarque les ressources stables et dynamiques dont il a besoin pour la guerre (défendre ou accroître son territoire), ou pour asseoir son pouvoir (financer un appareil judiciaire se substituant aux justices ecclésiastique et seigneuriale, par exemple). Enfin, la perception de l’impôt permet de mettre en place un appareil administratif sur tout le territoire. Plus...

14 novembre 2019

Learning Passionately

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning Passionately
John Connell summarizes a talk by John Seely Brown regarding 'passion-based learning, "a highly collaborative and social mode of learning that he feels we should be moving towards in schools and beyond,... 'situations where students who are passionate about specific topics study in groups and participate in online communities.'" In a follow-up Connell wonders about the relation between knowledge and social construction. Knowledge, of course, is something that is personal. But it depends for both its creation and representation (in many cases) on social interaction, and so it is tempting to say that knowledge is essentially social, not personal. This would be a mistake - there is some knowledge that indeed is social - things it takes an entire society to know, like how to fly to the moon - but this is not the same as the knowledge you and I have, which exists entirely (and only) in our own heads. More...

14 novembre 2019

Let'S Not and Say We Did

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Let'S Not and Say We Did
Mark Pilgrim writes, "Praising companies for providing APIs to get your own data out is like praising auto companies for not filling your airbags with gravel. I'm not saying data export isn't important, it's just aiming kinda low. You mean when I give you data, you'll… give it back to me? People who think this is the pinnacle of freedom aren't really worth listening to". More...

14 novembre 2019

Validated Identity for Trust

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Validated Identity for Trust
I've known people who have looked straight into my eyes and lied to my face. So I don't think that knowing someone's identity confers trust. But not knowing someone's identity, for many people, raises doubt. Elliott Masie writes, "Without knowing who you are, it is impossible for me to contextualize your contribution. While I am convinced of the Wisdom of the Crowds, I am not sure that an unsourced Crowd is safe and wise." Fair enough - but what Masie needs is not identity, per se, but history. Knowing a person's name doesn't tell me anything; knowing that they work for some university or knowing that they are a public relations specialist tells me a lot more. More...

14 novembre 2019

Voice Matters. A Lot.

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Voice Matters. A Lot.
Christian Long proposes that to get an 'A' means to have changed the reader's way of thinking about a topic. "Want an A? Change the way I see and think. Demonstrate that you have changed as well. And expect me to come back by choice next time... Just like the blogosphere. Just like the real world." Interesting tat the grade should depend as much on the reader as on the writer - something that may get an 'A' from Long might, at my much more cynical and jaded hand, receive only a 'C'. Also, it makes choice of topic a lot more important. You are much more likely to engage your reader by sticking to the mainstream. More...

14 novembre 2019

Basic Concepts: Reinforcement and Punishment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Basic Concepts: Reinforcement and Punishment
Basically the idea of providing feedback to achieve a desired state (as instanced by behaviour). When I talk about 'back propagation' I am talking about how these concepts operate at a network level. The important thing to remember about reward and punishment is that it is only one way of inducing a desired state (two others are simple association and personal reflection) which means that the simple adages involving reward and punishment you may hear are frequently contradicted by actual behaviour. More...

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