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21 juin 2019

Decolonizing Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Doug Noon: Decolonizing Education, Borderland May 9, 2006
Interesting post challenging the status quo in education. I like the "resistance model to colonial thought," cited in part here: "Refuse to accept as common sense, discourses that present strong symbolic content that may contribute to stereotypes and erroneous beliefs... Re-question the aims of education... Redefine knowledge: To better understand how I come to know and value". More...

21 juin 2019

NewsML Aims For the Mainstream

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Daithí Ó hAnluain: NewsML Aims For the Mainstream, Online Journalism Review Online Journalism review May 8, 2006
NewsML is an XML format designed for news articles. It is similar to RSS, but also includes a detailed vocabulary for categorizing news stories. This article describes the progress (or lack of same) of NewsML as a new version, 2.0, is about to be released. Readers should note the parallels between NewsML and Learning Object Metadata (LOM). Most of the discussion concerns the complexity of the standard. More...

21 juin 2019

Why Reading Matters Even More in the Digital Age

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Clare Brett: Why Reading Matters Even More in the Digital Age, May 8, 2006
The latter half of this paper, dealing with the educational uses of weblogs and wikis, will be familiar to most readers of this newsletter. Leading into that material, though, is a nice description of the new literacies required by online readers. More...

21 juin 2019

This Machine Kills Fascists

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Christopher D. Sessums[Edit][Delete]: This Machine Kills Fascists, Christopher D. Sessums : Weblog [Edit][Delete] May 8, 2006

We are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams.
World-losers and world-forsakers,
Upon whom the pale moon gleams;
Yet we are the movers and shakers,
Of the world forever, it seems.

Yes, I am officially back from my hiatus; thanks to those of you who have posted welcomes. Rob Wall kindly says "Given the hysteria around web based e-mail accounts, MySpace and other threats to the educational orthodoxy, the timing couldn't be better." And I do want to make a difference regarding these and other issues. More...

21 juin 2019

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Andy Carvin[Edit][Delete]:, May 2, 2006
Andy Carvin has a new web home, "The blog, which I'll be writing and editing for PBS Online, will focus on the intersection of Internet culture and K-12 education. One of the primary goals is to help guide educators through the ins and outs of what's often referred to as 'Web 2.0,' including blogging, podcasting, vlogging, RSS, social software and community networks." This is a great development. More...
21 juin 2019

If They Build It, Will We Come?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Michael Feldstein[Edit][Delete]: If They Build It, Will We Come?, E-Literate [Edit][Delete] May 2, 2006
Responding to an idem describing the popularity of Facebook, Michael Feldstein observes, "And yet, we can't seem to get ePortfolios off the ground. Clearly, we're starting from the wrong end of things. Let the students show us how they use online spaces to present themselves, and let us go to them and teach them how to harness what they are already doing for purposes like reflection and job hunting." Quite right. More...
21 juin 2019

The Myth of Keeping Up

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Kathy Sierra[Edit][Delete]: The Myth of Keeping Up, Creating Passionate Users [Edit][Delete] May 1, 2006
Catching up a bit with Will Richardson, who in addition to disappearing to Sweden for a couple of weeks is preparing for a new career. He is asking why he is not reading as much as he used to. I found, while I was gone, that it took me much less time to read my email and blogs. Most of what was out there just didn't interest me. Will writes, "Blog enlightenment. And I don't think it's in writing more or trying harder. I think, as with all enlightenment, it's about letting go. But of what?" Why write posts? Why blog at all? If the content of what you are reading or writing isn't absorbing in and of itself, to you, then the blog just becomes a vehicle for some sort of external reward. More...
20 juin 2019

Les personas - pour comprendre ses clients, ou pour les oublier ?

logoLa vie de cet être humain virtuel et ses caractéristiques ne tiennent que sur une feuille, mais il focalise des groupes de travail pendant des heures. C'est le persona. Dans la conception d'un projet, d'une application ou d'un service, il est devenu indispensable. Ce personnage approximatif va aider à penser et concevoir les projets en prenant le point de vue du client ou de l'usager, en évitant ainsi de n'en rester qu'à la vision de l'organisation. Plus...

20 juin 2019

Espaces de travail partagés, nomades digitaux, entreprises sans bureaux … les besoins changent, les carrières aussi

logoDans certaines professions, la présence physique n'est plus requise grâce à la puissance et au faible coût des connexions Internet. Des entreprises ont senti les bons créneaux et ont créé des outils collaboratifs massivement utilisés par les nouveaux emplois ou nouvelles entreprises. Pensez aux plus connus tels que : Slack, Trello, Evernote et même Skype. Plus...

20 juin 2019

Des jeunes plus ambitieux qu'il n'y paraît

logoDepuis Socrate, les vieilles générations ont toujours jugé les plus récentes d'un oeil critique. Les jeunes prennent parfois des décisions téméraires ou adoptent des comportements impensables en leur temps. En matière professionnelle, les adultes expérimentés taxent les plus jeunes de n’avoir aucune ambition. Ils semblent virevolter d’un emploi à l’autre sans réellement avoir de plan défini. Plus...

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