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26 mai 2019

Carrefour de l’emploi public - Le portail des sites offrant des emplois aux travailleurs handicapés dans la fonction publique

Créé par le FIPHFP, le portail a pour ambition de proposer une liste des sites pouvant offrir des emplois dans les trois fonctions publiques, territoriale, de l’État et hospitalière. Son objectif ?
Faciliter l’accès à l’emploi public et orienter les personnes en situation de handicap parmi la multitude des pistes offertes. Plus...
23 mai 2019

Identity Management: The State of the Practice in Higher Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. JRon Yanosky: Identity Management: The State of the Practice in Higher Education, ECAR / EDUCAUSE December 13, 2005

Useful presentation surveying the use of and plans for identity management at (mostly) U.S. universities. Some items of interest: the major reason universities are looking at identity management is for reasons of security and privacy (80 percent); enhanced services comes second (60 percent). More...

23 mai 2019

Sony Anti-customer Technology Roundup and Time-line

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Cory Doctorow: Sony Anti-customer Technology Roundup and Time-line, Boing Boing November 25, 2005

Good wrap-up of the events and fallout surrounding the Sony rootkit (don't forget to check out part 2 and part 3). It is worth noting, again, that the Sony debacle is just the tip of the iceberg. Other companies are working on similar technology, and a Sony rootkit-style computing environment is what publishers and some DRM-advocates are seeking to achieve. More...

23 mai 2019

LMOS Services and Service Brokers, Part II

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Michael Feldstein: LMOS Services and Service Brokers, Part II, E-Literate November 21, 2005

Some discussion of what a service-oriented learning management operating system would look like. Nice example, showing clearly the role of RSS in the system and illustrating how a student's stand-along blog, along with simple identity management, could integrate with the learning management system's record-keeping and discussion systems. More...

22 mai 2019

Wake-Up Call: Open Source LMS

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Sam S. Adkins: Wake-Up Call: Open Source LMS, Learning Circuits October 21, 2005

Great article, filled with depth and insight, on the balance between open source and proprietary learning management systems (LMS). Arguing that open source systems can compete when the market reaches commodity stage and when open source becomes more innovative, author Sam Adkins suggests that we may be at that crossover point. More...

19 mai 2019

On achève bien les managers !

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Didier Pitelet. Devenir manager a longtemps été l’objectif de la plupart des personnes ambitieuses, et souvent la voie royale de toute bonne carrière ; la fameuse échelle sociale passait par la responsabilité managériale visant un jour pour les meilleurs l’accession au "Saint des Saints", le comité de direction. Plus...

9 mai 2019

Est-ce au manager de "donner du sens"?

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar André Perret. La quasi-totalité des articles ou des ouvrages sur le management indiquent que les bonnes pratiques demandent aux managers de "donner du sens" au travail des collaborateurs. Mais est-ce la bonne formule ? Il doit être possible de relier cette observation à deux autres avant d’en ressortir un début de conclusion. Plus...

7 mai 2019

Session 3 – Secure Identity Management

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Session 3 – Secure Identity Management
Craig Blaha appears to be covering a conference, though I can't determine which conference. Anyhow, this item caught my eye, as being representative of exactly the wrong way to approach online identity management. More...

7 mai 2019

Create vs. Build -- Publishers and Their LMS Dilemma

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Create vs. Build -- Publishers and Their LMS Dilemma
If I had to define 'useless' it would probably include a description of learning platforms created by publishers exclusively for their own products. As Rob Reynolds observes, "Publishers argue that the LMS platforms available out there don't necessarily provide the best functionality for that content. Well, looking under the surface a bit renders that argument ridiculous." The real reason for such platforms is, of course, lock-in. More...

6 mai 2019

Education Week General Manager: How We Came to Charge for Premium Content

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Education Week General Manager: How We Came to Charge for Premium Content
Michele Givens, a general manager at Education Week magazine, explains the organization's decision to begin charging subscription fees. Some bits don't ring true - like this: "We definitely took a hit on page views when we introduced registration on, although they mostly recovered". More...

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