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14 novembre 2019

La justice des années sombres : 1940-1944

Accueil - Vie PubliqueDurant les années 1940 à 1944, le monde judiciaire présumé acquis au nouveau régime va devenir le relais de Vichy. Peu à peu,  la répression dessine une criminalité morale et politique conforme à la doctrine que le régime veut afficher. Façonnée par les lois et affûtées par les directives gouvernementales, la justice « protège » Vichy de ses ennemis. Plus...

14 novembre 2019

Aux origines de l'administration sociale: Le rapport sur la mendicité de Loménie de Brienne en 1775

Accueil - Vie PubliqueTurgot qui voulait créer un véritable système de prévention de la mendicité confia la tâche à l’Archevêque de Toulouse Loménie de Brienne le futur Contrôleur général. Brienne rédige en 1775 un grand rapport qui fut débattu dans une Commission. Il pose quelques grands principes veut créer un système de secours à domicile centraliser les opérations charitables instituer une véritable administration des secours publics. Mais comment bâtir un droit objectif à secours ? Comment réformer la gestion des hôpitaux ? Le Rapport sur la mendicité de Brienne jette les fondements d’une administration sociale bien en avance sur son époque. Il représente un bel exemple d’ingénierie sociale. Plus...

14 novembre 2019

procès-verbaux (Les) du Directoire exécutif AN V-AN VIII. Tome III

Accueil - Vie PubliqueInventaire des procès-verbaux vendémiaire-frimaire an VI. Plus...

14 novembre 2019

La justice de l'an mil

Accueil - Vie PubliquePourquoi traiter de la justice en l'’an mil ? Au moment où la justice contemporaine se préoccupe des rapports qu’elle entretient avec l’'État sur fond d’indépendance entre les pouvoirs et de ses liens avec l’opinion sur fond de débats avec les médias il paraissait important de remonter aux racines d’une histoire des fonctionnements judiciaires. L’entreprise est délicate pour cet an Mil pétri d’oralité. Les textes se dérobent et le droit y est traditionnellement décrit comme évanescent tandis que pèse « la main de Dieu ». Est-ce pour autant le règne de l’injustice et du désordre ? On a pu longtemps le croire. Une lecture nouvelle des institutions des ordalies et de la vengeance permet de poser le problème autrement. Décrire comment se nouent les liens entre le législateur le juge les parties adverses et le public revient à comprendre comment dès cette époque la justice s’est affirmée à la fois comme un idéal et comme un bricolage comme un ordre transcendant et comme un besoin venu d’en bas reconnu aux hommes libres. Plus...

14 novembre 2019

Jump Drive Learning .. or .. Wiki On a Stick

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Jump Drive Learning .. or .. Wiki On a Stick
I don't think very many people call it a 'jump drive' (which, when you think of it, is a pretty silly name). Fewer call it a 'thumb drive' (although this, at least, is descriptive). I call it a 'memory stick' because that's what it is. Don't tell me somebody has trademarked the term. More...

14 novembre 2019

Like Cranky Talk Show Hosts

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Like Cranky Talk Show Hosts
I think this is a very interesting observation: "The standards movement is not a national response to a grassroots outcry. It's a corporate business-initiated movement that has been sold to a fearful middle class worried about economic and social insecurity." Doug Noon is talking about 'educational standards', of course, but the same feeling permeates other standards movements, such as LOM and learning design. There is on the one hand the (quite legitimate) idea that standards ensure quality. More...

14 novembre 2019

Perl Is Dead. Long Live Perl.

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Perl Is Dead. Long Live Perl.
I still do the bulk of my programming in Perl. Not PHPO or Python or Ruby or any of the other scripting languages that have emerged in the last few years. Part of the reason is that it takes a lot of work to become anything like expert in a programming language. But also, the other languages lack the facility Perl offers me. "I'm sure you have heard of and used that are either built entirely on Perl, or have significant portions written in Perl: Yahoo!, Amazon, TicketMaster, The United States Department of State, The BBC, Slashdot, and Shopzilla." And my site. More...

14 novembre 2019

Clive's Columns

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Clive's Columns
Looking at the lists of technology collected by Jane Hart, Clive Shepherd writes that he is "swimming against the tide with [his] love of huge, complex, expensive desktop tools." Still, he reasons, they should be used. Thus the production of Clive's Columns, a Creative Commons licensed text containing 33 of his columns on e-larning and blended learning. More...

14 novembre 2019

eGenerations and the Rest

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. eGenerations and the Rest
I've been sent numerous things to look at and beta test recently. eGenerations is one, though I'm not impressed that the URL sent me to Another is PabBee, video instant messaging - Sanskrit, anyone? Friction TV, meanwhile, is a place where people can upload video debates - or at least, their side of a video debate. Also, Yippykya "is a new social networking website where its members (YIPPYs) can feature their talents and turn their hobbies into careers." Um, YIPPYS? Oh, and let's not forget Pownce, which is doing the personal invitation thing (I have 6 invites remaining). I also got an invitation to a WetPaint community, but by the time I got to it, the community was gone (sorry Tim). And I should mention Ron Passfield's Squidoo page on learning resources. I also got a press release from WeAreTeachers, "a new online teaching, learning and business network that will forever change the profession and business of teaching." Mm hm. Also, Zoho wrote again to let me know of the Creator 2.0 release. This is a company that should be watched closely. Another email came in from Chuala, which is "fostering collaboration between language learners and groups trying to preserve languages." I've advised them in the past. MyTVPal sent me a media information package. Graham Attwell wrote to me about the JISC Emerge community on ELGG, which looks worthwhile (no RSS though). More...

14 novembre 2019

Wagering In Second Life: New Policy

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Wagering In Second Life: New Policy
Well, there goes the Second Life economy. Linden Labs has just banned gambling and wagering in the online virtual world. This puts an end to the casinos users found scattered throughout the game. While addressing one issue, though, the move raises another issue - governance. Because the policy change simply came down from above, just like that - no vote, no nothing. More...

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