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21 novembre 2019

Liberté de la presse en France : quel cadre légal ?

Accueil - Vie PubliqueL’attentat du 7 janvier 2015 contre Charlie Hebdo a mis en lumière les menaces qui pouvaient mettre en cause la liberté de la presse. La presse est un secteur en crise malgré l’ampleur des aides publiques. Établi dès le XIXe siècle, son cadre légal est parfois jugé insuffisant pour lutter contre les manipulations de l’information (fake news). Plus...
20 novembre 2019

Qu’est-ce que la liberté d’opinion ?

Accueil - Vie PubliqueLa liberté d’opinion a été affirmée solennellement dès la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen du 26 août 1789. Elle signifie que toute personne est libre de penser comme elle l’entend, d’affirmer des opinions contraires à celle de la majorité, de les exprimer. La Déclaration précise d’ailleurs que cette liberté d’opinion s’étend à la liberté religieuse, chacun étant libre d’adopter la religion de son choix ou de n’en adopter aucune. Cette affirmation solennelle n’a pas empêché des atteintes à cette liberté (ex : sous la Restauration ou le régime de Vichy). Plus...
14 novembre 2019

Revisiting the Potential of Free Content

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Revisiting the Potential of Free Content
The author argues that "releasing OERs under a licence restricting commercial use of the content creates unnecessary restrictions and should be avoided wherever possible." It seems to me that there is a real push to allow commercial exploitation of freely produced learning resources - since the only people who are inconvenienced by this are corporations, should we wonder where this argument is coming from? The corporations are using their considerable lobbying power to make their case directly to the foundations and the funding agencies, including the Commonwealth of Learning. It's like they can't understand the concept of free educational resources - that is to say, available at no charge. The point of open educational resources isn't to create wealth for some publishing company. More...

7 novembre 2019

Free Tuition Offer has Its Drawbacks

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Free Tuition Offer has Its Drawbacks
Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick proposes to make the state's community colleges tuition free for high school graduates. I love how those writers who never supported free tuition turn around and argue that free tuition is not enough when it is announced. It won't help the people who need the help, say these writers with a newly discovered concern for poor people. Yes, free tuition helps everyone, not just the poor. But that's a good thing. More...

7 novembre 2019

Could Remixing Old MOOCs Give New Life to Free Online Education?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Could Remixing Old MOOCs Give New Life to Free Online Education?
Jeffrey R. Young, EdSurge, 2019/03/22
Remixing open educational resources has been invented by a Harvard professor. As EdSurge reports, "The idea comes from Robert Lue, a biology professor at Harvard University who was the founding faculty director of HarvardX, the college’s effort to build MOOCs. He’s leading a new platform called LabXChange that aims to let professors, teachers or anyone mix together their own free online course from pieces of other courses." Until this point, we have not really had any idea what to do with our old MOOCs, and could only rebuild them from scratch. More...

7 novembre 2019

Prince to Launch New Album As Free Newspaper Giveaway

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Prince to Launch New Album As Free Newspaper Giveaway
I've been laughing all day about this. Music for free - a full album of ten songs - if you buy the mail or if you attend a Prince concert. The record lables are not pleased. As one commentator on Metafilter says, "The comments in that article seem to be one step below threatening to break his legs." The industry's thuggish behaviour - which has also seen them sue tens of thousands of music fans - is not lost on the performers. It will be the industry's downfall - a downfall that is already evident. Textbook and academic publishers, take note. More...

1 novembre 2019

La gratuité de l'enseignement : passé, présent, avenir

Accueil - Vie PubliqueAprès un historique et une définition du principe de gratuité dans l'enseignement, le rapport examine le champ d'application du principe de gratuité (nature des établissements concernés et nature des prestations d'enseignement offertes gratuitement). Enfin le rapport analyse toutes les dépenses des parents liés à la scolarité (frais d'inscription, fournitures scolaires, sorties et voyages, stages en entreprise, manuels scolaires, transports scolaires, demi-pension et internat, droits d'examen). Plus...

31 octobre 2019

Débat : La gratuité garantit-elle l’accessibilité de l’enseignement supérieur ?

The ConversationLe 11 octobre 2019, le Conseil constitutionnel a confirmé le devoir de l’État français en matière de gratuité de l’enseignement supérieur public. Cette décision s’appuie sur le préambule de la constitution du 27 octobre 1947 qui, dans son alinéa 13, stipule que :

« La Nation garantit l’égal accès de l’enfant et de l’adulte à l’instruction, à la formation professionnelle et à la culture. L’organisation de l’enseignement public gratuit et laïque à tous les degrés est un devoir de l’État. »

En 1947, les étudiants de l’enseignement supérieur représentaient une infime minorité de chaque génération, et la question était surtout de faire en sorte que chaque enfant puisse fréquenter, sans bourse délier, l’enseignement primaire et secondaire, qui était souvent dispensé à proximité. Mais dans cet alinéa, le Conseil constitutionnel lit aussi que l’enseignement public doit être gratuit à tous les niveaux, y compris après le bac. Plus...

31 octobre 2019

Academic freedom: repressive government measures taken against universities in more than 60 countries

The ConversationUniversities around the world are increasingly under threat from governments restricting their ability to teach and research freely. Higher education institutions are being targeted because they are the home of critical inquiry and the free exchange of ideas. And governments want to control universities out of fear that allowing them to operate freely might ultimately limit governmental power to operate without scrutiny. More...

31 octobre 2019

There are differences between free speech, hate speech and academic freedom – and they matter

The ConversationLast week, posters appeared at the University of Auckland inviting young white men to “assume the mantle of re-taking control of our own country” and to confront “anti-racism ideology”.
The group was obviously unaware of the significance of the British High Commissioner’s expression of regret, in the same week, for the killing of several Māori people during their first encounter with the English explorer James Cook in 1769. More...

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