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4 mai 2014

Revisions to the financial memorandum

HEFCE logoAn analysis of the responses to HEFCE’s recent consultation on our financial memorandum with institutions has been published.
‘Analysis of responses to consultation on HEFCE’s financial memorandum with institutions’ (HEFCE 2014/09) follows last year’s ‘Financial memorandum: conditions of grant payments to institutions: Consultation on arrangements for 2014-15 onwards’ (HEFCE 2013/21). The 98 responses we received broadly supported the proposals in the consultation document.
The revised financial memorandum (to be known from 2014-15 onwards as the ‘Memorandum of assurance and accountability’) will outline amended arrangements for financial commitments, in terms of threshold criteria and the return of information. The requirement for institutions to subscribe to Jisc for the three years from 2014-15 to 2016-17 is confirmed.
The new Memorandum of assurance and accountability is expected to be published in June, and will come into force from 1 August 2014. More...

4 mai 2014

Financement du programme d'éducation et formation tout au long de la vie

Statistics for all - Statistiques européennes du programme EFTLVFinancement - Candidatures, contrats et financement pour les actions sélectionnées.
Financement - Résumé par année.
Financement - Evolution pour la période sélectionnée.
Voir également : Evolutions du financement.
Financement - Types d'organismes les plus représentés. Voir l'article...

3 mai 2014

Le dispositif Euroguidance - Les financements régionaux

L'agence Europe-Education- Formation FranceLes financements régionaux

Le réseau Euroguidance a créé une cartographie des financements régionaux. Cliquez sur votre région pour savoir quelle aide de financement à la mobilité peut vous être proposée. Voir l'article...

30 avril 2014

'Sugar daddy' website links struggling students with older partners

By Pete Evans. Seeking Arrangement links post-secondary students with partners willing to help pay bills. Some Canadian university and college students are paying their way through school with the help of a website featuring "sugar daddies" willing to help pay their bills and loans in exchange for dates.
Seeking Arrangement touts itself as "Canada's No. 1 sugar daddy dating website" and claims to have 130,000 Canadian members who declare themselves as students or graduates trying to pay off their post-secondary debts. More...

29 avril 2014

Quand la formation continue... Financement des formations

Quand la formation continue...Repères sur les pratiques de formation des employeurs et salariésCoordonné par Marion Lambert, Isabelle Marion-Vernoux. Quand la formation continue...Repères sur les pratiques de formation des employeurs et salariés. Céreq, 2014 , 111 p. ISBN 978-2-11-098957-4. Télécharger la publication.
Extraits de "Financement des formations"
L’employeur est le financeur principal des formations suivies par les salariés. Plus l’entreprise est petite, plus la part des dépenses qui transitent par les OPCA est importante...
Par ailleurs, la part des dépenses transitant par les OPCA est d’autant plus importante que l’entreprise est petite. Elle se situe à 80 % pour les plus petites et à 36 % pour les plus grandes. Dans ces dernières, la formation est plus souvent internalisée. ■ Télécharger la publication.

19 avril 2014

For-profit-owned online provider gains degree-awarding powers

By . Former RDI shareholders set to gain extra £4 million from US parent as a result. A privately-owned online provider of UK university qualifications has been granted degree-awarding powers and now hopes to become a distance learning university. More...

13 avril 2014

The need for effective funding higher education

By Brad Lager. Missouri’s post-secondary education system plays a critical role in our state’s economy. The degrees, courses, and programs offered throughout Missouri’s universities, colleges and technical schools enhance our workforce, bolster economic development, and allow us to compete in an ever-changing world. Therefore, as we look to the future, it is imperative that we have a top tier post-secondary education system in Missouri that is affordable and effective for our citizens. See more...

6 avril 2014

Renflouer nos universités grâce aux étudiants étrangers ? Patrick Fauconnier. Les étudiants étrangers se ruent dans les grandes écoles, malgré leur prix élevé. Sujet tabou : si les étrangers payaient la fac à prix coûtant, l'université engrangerait 2 milliards par an.
On déplore que beaucoup de jeunes Français partent à l’étranger, mais on peut aussi se réjouir de constater que le nombre d’étudiants étrangers accueillis en France a fait un bond très remarquable entre 2000 et 2013, passant de 137.000 à 289.000. On est encore loin des 535.000 étudiants étrangers dénombrés au Royaume-Uni, mais on progresse. C’est ce qui ressort d’une récente enquête du Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective (CGSP), que dirige Jean Pisani-Ferry. Et que confirme Campus France, l’organisme public créé en 1998 par Claude Allègre, qui "vend" à l’étranger les attraits de nos universités et écoles, et qui a contribué pour bonne part à ce succès. Voir l'article entier...
5 avril 2014

Performance funding for higher education moves forward

By Rudi Keller. A proposal to substitute performance measures for political power in the distribution of higher education funds moved a step closer to becoming law Tuesday with a quick and friendly hearing in the House Higher Education Committee. There are unresolved issues on the proposal, which has passed with variations in both chambers. The committee held a hearing on the Senate version, sponsored by Sen. David Pearce, R-Warrensburg, which excludes community colleges from the performance distribution and requires legislative review of changes in the performance standards. More...

5 avril 2014

Special higher education funding gets approval, but also questions

By Julia O'Donoghue. Louisiana lawmakers gave Gov. Bobby Jindal's $40 million workforce incentive program preliminary approval Monday. But first they had some questions about whether this type of investment has produced results for Louisiana. House Speaker Chuck Kleckley, R-Lake Charles, is carrying the bill that would form the Workforce and Innovation for a Stronger Economy fund, referred to as the WISE fund. The program would direct $40 million into higher education programs for job training in fields like engineering, science and technology. More...

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