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15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - 16 student life: students' financial and economic situation

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

16 student life: students' financial and economic situation
Carrying out paid work significantly increases students' resources. Those in paid work during the academic year have the highest financial resources, with an average monthly budget of €750 compared to €533 for those not in work (table 16.01). With regard to accommodation, the financial resources of students not living at home are nearly two times greater than those of students living at home (€750 for the first and €376 for the second). This difference can be explained by the fact that students not living at home have to pay rent (€426 per month on average) and, in order to do this, are slightly more likely to undertake paid work and receive more family assistance than students living at home. Finally, the amount of resources also varies according to whether the students receive a grant or not, with a differential of €100 more for non-grant funded students, who get a large share of their resources from employment income (€640 on average compared to €315 for grant-funded students). More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - 15 student life: integration and sociability

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

15 student life: integration and sociability
Although a majority of students in 2013 said they were happy with their integration in their peer group, one-third of students did not feel integrated in the institution. This experience of integration is not only down to participation in social, cultural or association activities in the institutions, but the social and academic characteristics of the students themselves. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - 14 foreign students in higher education

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

14 foreign students in higher education
After a period of stability in the 1990s, the number of foreign students in French higher education increased by 70% between 2000 and 2014, from 175,000 to 298,900. The average annual growth rate, which was very high between 2000 and 2005 (8.8%) has since slowed down. It was still higher than that of French students (1.6% compared to 1.1%) between 2006 and 2014. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - 12 students in higher education

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

12 students in higher education
With 2,470,000 students enrolled at the start of the 2014-15 academic year, numbers in higher education have increased significantly (+1.6%). There have never been so many students. This rise is due to the growth in the proportion of young people accessing higher education, even though the number of young people has fallen. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

11 profile of new Baccalaureat holders entering the main branches of higher education

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

11 profile of new Baccalaureat holders entering the main branches of higher education
In 2014, general Baccalaureate holders represented 65.3% of new Baccalaureate holders enrolled in higher education. This rate is slightly down (-2 points) compared to the level recorded in 2005. Vocational Baccalaureate holders now represent 13% of new Baccalaureate holders enrolled in higher education. This proportion has increased by 8 points since 2005, whereas the proportion of new technological Baccalaureate holders has fallen by 6 points
. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - 10 access to higher education

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

10 access to higher education
Around 75% of Baccalaureate holders in 2014 immediately enrolled in higher education. Nearly two-thirds of general Bac holders enrolled at university, 7 points less than in 2000 but 2.7 points more than in 2012. Around one in two technological Bac holders enrolled on a short vocational course. More and more of those with a vocational Baccalaureate, whose numbers have increased substantially since the reform of the vocational path, enrolled in higher education
. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - 07 the baccalauréat examination and baccalauréat holders

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

07 the baccalauréat examination and baccalauréat holders
More than one Bac holder in four comes from a background of managers and higher intellectual professions, the socio-occupational category that is most represented (table 07.04). This is particularly true for the general path, with more than one Bac holder in three coming from this background. Children of employees are proportionally most numerous among holders of the technological Baccalaureat, while children of manual workers in the vocational path
. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

05 non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheIn the academic year 2014-15, 56,500 staff carried out administrative, technical or support functions in public higher education institutions, including autonomous institutions.

05 non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research
Numbers were at an equivalent level to 2009-10, following a decline up to 2014. Engineers and technical staff for research and training (ITRF) made up the majority of non-teaching staff (68.0%). Their number has increased significantly since 2009-10 (+14.1%). This rise is mainly due to the increase in category A and B posts (respectively 18.7% and 26.7%). Administrative, health and social personnel (ASS) represented 24% of higher education non-teaching staff in 2014. They lost a quarter of their personnel over the period. This decrease was particularly marked for staff in category C (-23%) and B (-21%). By contrast, the number of personnel in category A stayed at nearly the same level between 2009 and 2014 (-1%)
. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

04 teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

04 teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research
In 2015, education and research personnel in public higher education under the authority of the MENESR fell by 0.8% compared to the previous year, to 91,000 teachers including 57,000 teacher-researchers and equivalent, i.e. 62.6% of the whole (chart 04.01a). Secondary teachers working in higher education and non-tenured teachers represented 14.4% and 23% of teachers respectively. 93.6% of these staff members are posted to universities universities (chart 04.01b).
The number of tenured teachers and trainee teachers has increased substantially over the last decade (+4.8% between 2005 and 2015), after recording even higher growth rates during the previous decade (chart 04.03a and chart 04.03b). These changes reflect the strong growth in student numbers over the same periods. Between 2005 and 2015, the rate of increase was similar for university professors (+6.3%) and lecturers (+6.7%). The category of non-tenured teachers showed some contrasting trends over the period in question. Numbers rose sharply between 1993 and 2003 (+61%), continued to increase, but at a slower pace, until 2009. Since then they have decreased
. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

L'état de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche en France - A8 niveaux de formation

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheL'état de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche en France constitue un état des lieux annuel et chiffré du système français, de ses évolutions, des moyens qu’il met en œuvre et de ses résultats, en le situant, chaque fois que les données le permettent, au niveau international.

A8 niveaux de formation
Nomenclature nationale des niveaux fixée par la Commission statistique nationale de la formation professionnelle et de la promotion sociale

Niveau VI : sorties du premier cycle du second degré (6e, 5e, 4e) et des formations préprofessionnelles en un an (CEP, CPPN, et CPA).
Niveau Vbis : sorties de 3e générale, de 4e et 3e technologiques et des classes du second cycle court avant l’année terminale.
Niveau V : sorties de l’année terminale des cycles courts professionnels et abandons de la scolarité du second cycle long avant
la classe terminale.
Niveau IV : sorties des classes terminales du second cycle long et abandons des scolarisations post-baccalauréat avant d’atteindre le niveau III.
Niveau III : sorties avec un diplôme de niveau bac + 2 ans (DUT, BTS, DEUG, écoles des formations sanitaires ou sociales, etc.)
Niveaux II et I : sorties avec un diplôme de deuxième ou troisième cycle universitaire, ou un diplôme de grande école.
Classification Internationale Type de l’éducation (en anglais : ISCED)
CITE 1 : enseignement primaire
CITE 2 : enseignement secondaire de premier cycle
CITE 3 : enseignement secondaire de second cycle
CITE 4 : enseignement post-secondaire n’appartenant pas à l’enseignement supérieur (peu développé en France : capacité en Droit, préparation DAEU)
CITE 5 : enseignement supérieur de premier et deuxième cycles
CITE 5A, dit aussi enseignement supérieur de « type universitaire » : préparations des Licences et Masters (disciplines générales des universités, diplômes d’écoles d’ingénieurs, de commerce, etc.)
CITE 5B : enseignement supérieur finalisé (DUT, BTS, formations paramédicales et sociales, etc.)
CITE 6 : enseignement supérieur de troisième cycle (doctorat de recherche)

Cette classification vise à produire des statistiques comparables dans les différents pays sur l’enseignement et la formation. C’est un accord international, sous l’égide de l’UNESCO. Cette classification permet de répartir en fonction des cycles d’enseignement les effectifs d’étudiants, les flux de diplômés, les finances. Elle est utilisée également pour répartir la population par niveaux d'études ; les études prises en compte sont celles couronnées de succès et sanctionnées par un diplôme. Voir l'article...

Couverture de l'état de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche

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