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Formation Continue du Supérieur
14 juin 2016

FOAD, Multimodalité ou les deux ; de la nécessité d’innover

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Le terme «FOAD», pour Formation Ouverte et A Distance[1], existe en France depuis plus de vingt ans, en France et uniquement en France. Dans les autres pays francophones, on parle plutôt de e-formation. Nos collègues anglo-saxons font référence aux «Digital Learning». Les formations digitales[2] renvoient explicitement aux usages du numérique comme un vecteur aujourd’hui incontournable pour assouplir, fluidifier, enrichir et diversifier les activités de l’apprenant durant les séquences de son parcours de formation. Voir l'article...

13 juin 2016

L'article 32 bis du projet de loi travail légitime la FOAD

ARESL’amendement n° 5050 au projet de loi Travail qui visait à rendre possible le suivi d’une partie d’un cursus d’apprentissage à distance, s’est finalement retrouvé dans le texte final sous la forme de l’article 32 bis. Pour le Forum français pour la formation ouverte et à distance (FFFOD), c’est un bon signe envoyé en direction du développement de l’apprentissage. Voir l'article...

5 juin 2016

E-learning : comment générer de l’interactivité ?

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Nicolas Hernandez. Digitaliser ses contenus de formation implique de repenser la manière dont les collaborateurs interagissent avec ce qu’ils apprennent. Les nouveaux usages liés au digital ont effet transformé en profondeur notre manière de consommer l’information, et les LMS (Learning Management System) modernes doivent prendre en compte ces évolutions. Suite de l'article...
4 juin 2016

5 week free xAPI course by experts, starting 26 May 2016 #xAPI

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Join this MOOC to explore both the technical realities and the strategic possibilities of the xAPI. If you want to write your first xAPI statement and understand the difference between an Activity Type and a Context Extension, this is the place to be.
Equally, if neither of these things mean a darn thing, we are the community that will help you make sense out of your data strategy, and your roadmap for the medium term. Read more...

4 juin 2016

SRI’s Study on Gates Personalized Learning Grants Is Out

By . This is almost old news now, but we just haven’t been able to dig into it yet. As part of its Adaptive Learning Market Acceleration Program (ALMAP) program, the Gates Foundation funded SRI to do a study of the results of the grants after two years. More...

4 juin 2016

UC Davis LMS Back Online: Update on what we know about Scriba Sakai outage

By . I’ve been told by two sources that the UC Davis LMS outage I described in this post may be over, and the SmartSite LMS is back online (SmartSite is UC Davis’ implementation of Sakai, hosted by Scriba). I would like to update what we know about the overall situation while we wait for additional confirmation. More...

4 juin 2016

African Educators Consider Potential of Online Learning

By Mai Shams El-DinA sense of urgency about improving education in Africa dominated a recent eLearning Africa meeting that brought 1,200 educators and experts to Cairo. More...

3 juin 2016

New Ideas on the Design of the Web-Based Learning System Oriented to Problem Solving From the Perspective of Question Chain

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningIn recent years, a number of models concerning problem solving systems have been put forward. However, many of them stress on technology and neglect the research of problem solving itself, especially the learning mechanism related to problem solving. More...

3 juin 2016

Enhancing Student-Student Online Interaction: Exploring the Study Buddy Peer Review Activity

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThe study buddy is a learning strategy employed in a graduate distance course to promote informal peer reviewing of assignments before submission. This strategy promotes student-student interaction and helps break the social isolation of distance learning. More...

2 juin 2016

Revising the Community of Inquiry Framework for the Analysis of One-To-One Online Learning Relationships

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningIn online learning research, the theoretical community of inquiry framework has been used extensively to analyze processes of inquiry among learners and instructors within a community. This paper examines a special case of community of inquiry consisting of only one learner and one instructor. Together they en­gage in an online coaching discourse to form a relationship of inquiry. More...

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