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15 mai 2014

U-Multirank, útil para comparar universidades

By Nancy Orduña. U-Multirank es un sitio web que permite comparar los programas de estudio que ofrecen 850 universidades ubicadas en más de 70 países del mundo. Esta herramienta fue lanzada por la Unión Europea (UE) y su desarrollo tuvo un costo aproximado de dos millones de euros.
La herramienta “permitirá a los estudiantes tomar decisiones más informadas sobre dónde estudiar y ofrecerá un panorama más preciso de cómo las universidades se desempeñan”, dijo en conferencia de prensa la comisaria europea de Educación, Androulla Vassiliou...

15 mai 2014

EU launches new approach to university ranking

The European Union (EU) on Tuesday launched U-Multirank, a new global university ranking, which assesses the performance of more than 850 higher education institutions worldwide.
U-Multirank breaks new ground by producing multi-dimensional listings rating universities on a much wider range of factors than existing international rankings, EU statement said.
The idea is to avoid simplistic league tables which can result in misleading comparisons between institutions of very different types or mask significant differences in quality between courses at the same university. More...

15 mai 2014

Classifiche internazionali, pubblicata la prima indagine di U-Multirank

Logo UniFiPerformance positive di Unifi nel campo della ricerca e del trasferimento tecnologico
Valutazioni molto positive per l’Università di Firenze nel campo della ricerca e del trasferimento delle conoscenze secondo l’indagine U-Multirank, i cui risultati sono stati resi noti oggi.
U-Multirank è il primo ranking delle Università finanziato dall’Unione Europea: è stato realizzato da un consorzio indipendente - guidato dal Centre for Higher Education in Germania e dal Center for Higher Education Policy Studies nei Paesi Bassi – con l’aiuto di partner nazionali responsabili per le classifiche accademiche. Più...

15 mai 2014

Русенският университет с отлични оценки от мащабната система U-Multirank

Автор: Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев" отново попадна в мащабната система за сравнение на университетите U-Multirank, финансирана от Европейския съюз. В проучването са разгледани над 850 университета от 71 страни по света, а петте български университета са Американският университет в Благоевград, Русенският университет "Ангел Кънчев", Висшето училище "Международен колеж", Техническият университет в София и Варненският свободен университет "Черноризец Храбър". See more...

15 mai 2014

L'Europe lance son propre classement des universités

7s7L'Union européenne a lancé mardi un nouveau classement des universités partout dans le monde, reprenant des critères supplémentaires par rapport aux classements américains.
U-multirank, publié en ligne à midi trente mardi, permet aux étudiants de rechercher les universités correspondant le mieux à leurs attentes en fonction de leurs centres d'intérêts, ou de comparer des universités selon différents critères.
Il est également possible de voir "en un clin d'oeil" les caractéristiques des universités, selon des critères prédéfinis allant du pourcentage de réussite en bachelier au taux de chômage chez les anciens étudiants, en passant par le taux de citation de l'université ou le nombre de publications. Suite...

15 mai 2014

L’Europe lance son classement mondial des universités

 Par Nathalie Brafman. Il était attendu. Mardi 13 mai, l'Union européenne a lancé son classement mondial des universités. Baptisé U-Multirank, ce nouvel outil se présente comme une cartographie des établissements censée donner l'image la plus juste possible. Plus nuancé (mais peut-être aussi un peu plus compliqué), il se veut donc très différent des classements existants aujourd'hui. L'idée a commencé à germer en 2008, lors de la présidence française de l'Union européenne pour contrer en premier lieu celui de Shanghaï. Ce palmarès fait certes référence aujourd'hui mais il concentre énormément de critiques, notamment en France, car il mesure la réputation scientifique internationale des universités. Suite...

15 mai 2014

Europas superkompliziertes Ranking

Von , und . Keine Verlierer und Siegen siegt: Das neue „U-Multirank“ der EU will in Sachen Hochschulrankings alles besser machen. Aber die erste Ausgabe wirft jetzt vor allem Fragen auf.
Als die Europäische Kommission vor einigen Jahren ankündigte, ein Uni-Ranking für alle europäischen Hochschulen herausbringen zu wollen, war der Anspruch hoch. Viel genauer und differenzierter als bisher sollte die internationale Hochschulwelt bewertet werden, hieß es damals. Die bisherigen Uni-Weltranglisten, die oft als allzu einfach und verzerrend kritisiert werden, wollte man ersetzen. Nicht nur die üblichen Verdächtigen (wie Oxford oder Cambridge) sollten auftauchen, sondern auch kleinere Hochschulen, die auf der Uni-Weltkarte bisher gar nicht auffindbar waren. Mehr...

15 mai 2014

Launch of E.U.-Funded Ranking Initiative, U-Multirank

HomeThe first U-Multirank rankings were released on Tuesday. Created as part of a European Union-funded effort to rank a broader array of higher education institutions on a wider number of measures, U-Multirank allows users to develop their own personalized rankings of universities based on indicators related to teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement. The ranking effort has been praised as a corrective to existing university rankings that primarily reflect research output and that conflate performance on a number of indicators to a single number in a league table, but has also been criticized due to concerns about data availability, validity, and comparability. Read more...

15 mai 2014

U-Multirank: Game On

Those of you who read this blog for the stuff about rankings will know that I have a fair bit of time for the U-Multirank project.  U-Multirank, for those in need of a quick refresher, is a form of alternative rankings that has been backed by the European Commission.  The rankings are based on a set of multi-dimensional, personalizable rankings data, and were pioneered by Germany’s Centre for Higher Education (CHE).
There is no league table here.  Nothing tells you who is “best”.  You just compare institutions (or programs, though in this pilot year these are still pretty thin) on a variety of individual metrics.   The results are shown as a series of letter grades, meaning that, in practice, institutional results on each indicator are banded into five groups – therefore no spurious precision telling you which institution is 56th and which is 57th. More...

15 mai 2014

Launch of new global university ranking University has been positioned between ‘good and very good’ in a new global institutional ranking. U-Multirank, an initiative led by the University of Twente’s Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, is a new tool for comparing university performance across more than 850 institutions in 70 countries. It takes a different approach to other rankings, using a grading system from ‘A’, very good, to ‘E’, weak, allowing the user to compare the strengths and weaknesses of different institutions. More...

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