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13 février 2019

Signature du Contrat du comité stratégique de filière Mines et métallurgie

Logo cap-métiersSigné le 21 janvier 2019, le Contrat du comité stratégique de filière Mines et métallurgie a réuni la secrétaire d’Etat auprès du ministre de l’Economie et des finances et la présidente du Comité stratégique de filière. Cette filière regroupe les acteurs de l'extraction minière, l’élaboration, la première transformation et le recyclage des métaux ferreux et non ferreux, ainsi que les forges et fonderies. Plus...
13 février 2019

Signature du Contrat stratégique de la filière nucléaire 2019-2022

Logo cap-métiersLe ministre de la Transition écologique et solidaire, le ministre de l’Economie et des Finances, et le président du Comité stratégique de la filière nucléaire, ont signé le 28 janvier 2019 un contrat stratégique de la filière nucléaire. Plus...
13 février 2019

Une semaine pour découvrir les métiers du numérique

Logo cap-métiersPôle emploi organise la semaine des métiers du numérique, du 25 février au 1er mars, en collaboration avec de nombreux partenaires. Ce sera l'occasion de faire connaître le secteur et de valoriser les métiers auprès des jeunes notamment par la visite de lieux incontournables comme l'Ecole 42 ou des centres de formation, des ateliers de découverte des métiers ou encore des ateliers de sensibilistaion aux outils numériques comme ceux de l'Emploi Store. Plus...
13 février 2019

Signature du Contrat stratégique de la filière Eau

Logo cap-métiersCe contrat, qui identifie cinq projets qui répondent aux principaux enjeux du secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement, vise notamment à : renforcer la capacité de la filière à embaucher sur les métiers en tension du secteur, notamment au travers du développement de la formation par l’alternance avec promesse d’embauche : l’évolution des métiers et des compétences est un enjeu clé pour accompagner le développement du secteur de l’eau. Plus...
12 février 2019

Escapade : web-série sur l’orientation post-bac

Logo cap-métiersCe programme Escapade est destiné à des jeunes de la seconde à la Terminale et dans tous les lycées pour faire découvrir l’université et son environnement. Il est inscrit dans le Parcours Avenir et réalisé en collaboration avec Canalsup, la webtv de l’Université de Limoges. Plus...
12 février 2019

What is eucen? / Aims and Objectives

What are the aims and objectives of eucen?

To contribute to the social, economic and cultural life of Europe through the promotion and advancement of lifelong learning within higher education institutions in Europe and elsewhere
To foster universities' influence in the development of lifelong learning knowledge and policies throughout Europe
In furtherance of the above-mentioned objectives the Association shall have, amongst its functions, the following:

To provide a forum for the development, interchange and dissemination of innovation and good practice on lifelong learning within European higher education
To encourage high standards in all areas of lifelong learning and to harmonise levels of quality for lifelong learning among its members
To represent the interests of the lifelong learning community within higher education and to European policymakers
To facilitate communication, liaison and collaboration with other appropriate bodies and organisations
To promote and conduct research into lifelong learning and to disseminate the results of this research
To obtain, collect and receive money, funds and other property and to administer them in pursuance of the objectives of the Association

The Association shall ensure that its objectives and activities remain non profit-making
. More...
12 février 2019

EVBB - European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training

EVBB - European Association of Institutes for Vocational TrainingThe European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) is the European umbrella association of free and non-profit educational providers. 
Its objective lies in the qualitative improvement of vocational education and training in European countries and an increase in the efforts being carried out in education at a European level. More...

12 février 2019


EfVET is a unique European-wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in all European countries. Its mission is to champion and enrich technical and vocational education and training through transnational co-operation by building a pan-European network of institutions. More...

12 février 2019

EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

EURASHE is the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education that offer professionally orientated programmes and are engaged in applied and profession-related research within the Bologna cycles. EURASHE represents universities of applied sciences and university colleges; other members of EURASHE are national and sectorial associations of higher education institutions, and other individual institutions, such as universities. EURASHE members operate within and across different national systems whether these are unitary or binary, professional and/or academic. EURASHE was founded in Patras (Greece) in 1990. It has the status of an international non-profit association according to Belgian law (aisbl) and its Secretariat is located in Brussels (Belgium). More...

12 février 2019

EUproVET - Vision


To become the principal VET-providers' organisation within the EU, the representative organisation for VET which is invariably consulted by the European Commission on issues relating to the achievement of the Lisbon goals, the subsequent targets emanating from the Copenhagen process and related policy. EUproVET aims to be a key driver for the achievement of current and future VET and Lifelong Learning targets across Europe through the facilitation of clear and consistent two-way communication between policy makers and VET providers at European level. As an important step to realising this ambition, EUproVET will support and assist with the establishment of VET-associations in other European countries.

Importance and value of VET

To ensure that the importance and value of VET in Europe is fully acknowledged, that the VET pathway achieves parity of esteem with other learning pathways and that this is reflected in the equitable and realistic distribution of public funding at European as well as at national level. To achieve this goal, it will also be necessary to promote the recognition of VET as being crucial to the welfare, cohesion and prosperity of European societies. It is essential that study advisors, parents and other stake-holders are effectively and comprehensively informed about the significant opportunities offered by VET.

Accommodating learner needs

To create learning environments which will provide students at all levels with appropriate challenges as well as opportunities for them to acquire knowledge, skills, competencies and competences through both learning through doing and theory. This dual approach is essential to ensuring that students neither underachieve nor leave school early and that, as adults, they are willing to return to education and training as often as necessary to enable them to achieve their full potential in a constantly changing world and to succeed in a competitive global labour-market. All young people should be able to pursue the educational pathway most suited to their aptitudes and aspirations, without feeling that they are, in any sense, taking a lesser option, whatever choices they make.

Recognition of Prior Learning

To promote and facilitate the extent to which prior learning is recognised, irrespective of how or where this is acquired, for the purpose of access, transfer, progression and certification. This is a key factor in ensuring that when learners of all ages wish to upgrade their qualifications, they are able to build on their existing knowledge, skills, competencies and competences, rather than being obliged to undertake additional education and training programmes which may not themselves add value to the individual.


To promote the recognition of VET as a legitimate and important access route to Higher Education, as well as directly to the labour market.


To promote transnational mobility for students, young workers/apprentices and staff within VET institutions as well as those involved in VET in the workplace. International experience will help to equip them for the global labour market as future employees or entrepreneurs or (in the case of staff) to enhance their professional practice.

Shared responsibility

To encourage employers, trade unions and other industry bodies to recognise their responsibilities as partners with VET institutions in relation to the development of a skilled workforce which is able to cope with current and future challenges. This goal requires the achievement of greater integration between the workplace and the education/training environment and enhanced co-operation on the design and implementation of VET education and training programmes. This will ensure that such programmes are as relevant as possible to the needs of the workplace whilst, at the same time, catering to the educational needs of individual workers from a citizenship, community and family perspective. More...

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