What are the aims and objectives of eucen?

To contribute to the social, economic and cultural life of Europe through the promotion and advancement of lifelong learning within higher education institutions in Europe and elsewhere
To foster universities' influence in the development of lifelong learning knowledge and policies throughout Europe
In furtherance of the above-mentioned objectives the Association shall have, amongst its functions, the following:

To provide a forum for the development, interchange and dissemination of innovation and good practice on lifelong learning within European higher education
To encourage high standards in all areas of lifelong learning and to harmonise levels of quality for lifelong learning among its members
To represent the interests of the lifelong learning community within higher education and to European policymakers
To facilitate communication, liaison and collaboration with other appropriate bodies and organisations
To promote and conduct research into lifelong learning and to disseminate the results of this research
To obtain, collect and receive money, funds and other property and to administer them in pursuance of the objectives of the Association

The Association shall ensure that its objectives and activities remain non profit-making
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