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24 septembre 2017

Documents formulating the position of the Council of Europe on language education policy

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conseil de l'europe"Conventions:
European Cultural Convention (1954)
European Charter
for Regional or Minority Languages
Framework Convention
for the Protection of National Minorities

Policy Recommendations and Resolutions:
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)5 to member States on the importance of competences in the language(s) of schooling for equity and quality in education and for educational success. Explanatory Memorandum------------------------------------ (available in Italian)
Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)13E to member States on ensuring quality education
Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)7E to member states on the use of the Council of Europe's “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEFR) and the promotion of plurilingualism (and Explanatory Memorandum with Measures)
Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on strengthening the integration of children of migrants and of immigrant background
Recommendation R (98) 6 on modern languages [based on the results of the CDCC Project ‘Language Learning for European Citizenship’ (1989 – 1996)]
Recommendation R (82)18 based on the results of the CDCC Project N° 4 (‘Modern Languages 1971-1981’)

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
(Recommendations addressed to the Committee of Ministers)
Recommendation 2034 (2014) on Integration tests : helping or hindering integration ?
Recommendation 1740 (2006) on The place of the mother tongue in school education
Recommendation 1598 (2003) on the protection of Sign languages in the member states of the Council of Europe
Recommendation 1539 (2001) on the European Year of Languages 2001 and Reply from the Committee of Ministers, declaring an annual European Day of Languages (EDL)
Recommendation 1383 (1998) on Linguistic Diversification and Reply from the Committee of Ministers (CM(99)97)
Recommendation 814 (1977) on Modern Languages in Europe

Standing Conference of European Ministers of Education
Resolution on the European Language Portfolio adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Conference (Cracow, Poland, October 2000)
White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue – Living together as equals in dignity, 2008

MIGRANTS : Compilation (extracts) of official texts – Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly – Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

· Adults : Linguistic integration of adult migrants
· Students : Education of children and adolescents from migrant backgrounds
. More...

24 septembre 2017

Education and Languages, Language Policy - Intercultural Education

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conseil de l'europe"Platform of resources and references for plurilingual and intercultural education:

Access the platfom

See in particular the box on “The learner and the languages present in school“

Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters:



The cultural and intercultural dimensions of language teaching: current practice and prospects, 2011

Guide for the development and implementation of curricula for plurilingual and intercultural education, 2010

- A curriculum perspective on plurilingual education
- Assessment in Plurilingual and Intercultural Education

Multicultural societies, pluricultural people and the project of intercultural education, 2009

Plurilingual and pluricultural competence, rev 2009

Former publications

  • Intercultural Competence, 2003
  • Developing the Intercultural Dimension in Language Teaching – A practical introduction for teachers, 2002
  • La compétence socioculturelle dans l'apprentissage et l'enseignement des langues vivantes, 1997 (only available in French)
  • Young people facing difference, 1995. More...
24 septembre 2017

Other language versions of the tools developed for teaching Romani

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conseil de l'europe"The translation of the initial English and Romani versions into the languages below was undertaken by the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML – Graz) in the context of its project on “Quality education in Romani for Europe”.

Rámcová osnova pro výuku romského jazyka
Navrženo ve spolupráci S Evropským fórem Romů a kočovníků
Moje evropské jazykové portfolio - Učím se romsky
Stupeň základní školy - Pro žáky od 6 do 11 let (ELP for primary)
Evropské jazykové portfolio - Učím se romsky
Stupeň základní školy - Pro žáky od 11 – 16 let (ELP for lower secondary)
Příručka pro učitele (Handbook for teachers)
Jak používat Evropské jazykové portfoliopro romštinu

Ein Rahmenlehrplan für Romani
entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Europäischen Forum für Roma und Fahrende
Romani lernen - Mein Europäisches Sprachenportfolio
Grundschule - Für Lernende im Alter von 6-11 Jahren (ELP for primary)
Europäisches Sprachenportfolio – Romani lernen
Mittelstufe - Für Lernende im Alter von 11-16 Jahren (ELP for lower secondary)
Die Verwendung des Europäischen Sprachenportfolios für Romani
Handbuch für Lehrende (Handbook for teachers)

O siťárimasko pláno paj rrománi šib
Kadej phende te keras khetáne o Evropako Fórum e Rromengo taj e žejnengo, so trádkeren e vurdonenca
Siťuvav rrománes - Murro Evropako a Šibako Portfólijo
I angluni trapta - E šavourenge khatar e šouv berš ži dešujékh (ELP for primary)
A Evropako a Šibako Portfólijo - Siťuvav rrománes
I dújto trapta - E šavourenge khatar o berš dešujékh ži dešušouv (ELP for lower secondary)
Sar te las perdal o Evropako a Šibako Portfólijo paj románi šib (Handbook for teachers))
E siťárdengi keňva

North Central Romani
E štruktura, sar te sikhľarel e romaňi čhib
Kisitindo jekhetanes le Evropskone Romengere the travelengere forumoha
Sikhľuvav romanes - Miro evropsko čhibakero portfolio
Postos andre perši škola - Vaš o berša 6 the 11 berš (ELP for primary)
Evropskočhibakero portfolijos - Sikhľuvav romanes
Postos andre perši škola - Vaš o berša 11 – 16 (ELP for lower secondary)
So te kerel Le portfolijeha (ečhp) Vaš romaňi čhib (Handbook)
Paš o vast le kantorenge

Kurikularni okvir za učenje romskog jezika
razvijen u saradnji sa Evropskim forumom Roma i čergara
Evropski jezički portfolio - Za učenje romskog jezika
Prvi ciklus obrazovanja (osnovna škola) - Za učenike od 6 do 11 godina (ELP for primary)
Evropski jezički portfolio - Učenje romskog jezika
Drugi ciklus obrazovanja (niži razredi srednje škole) - Za učenike od 11 do 16 godina (ELP for lower secondary)
Kako koristiti Evropski jezički portfolio za romski jezik
Priručnik za nastavnice/nastavnike (Handbook)
Dokument o romskoj jezičkoj politici (Policy Paper on the Romani Language). More...

24 septembre 2017

ROMANI : documents and tools

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conseil de l'europe"The following documents and tools are available in English and in Romani (Kalderash or Usary).

Intruments for teaching and learning Romani



Curriculum Framework for Romani (2008)


Sicarimasko Plano palaj Romani Chib (2008)  
European Language Portfolio (ELP)   Evropako Chibako Portofolio (ECP)  
  ELP: Primary     ECP: Primarno nivelo  
  ELP: Lower Secondary     ECP: Telutno sekundarno  
  Handbook for Teachers     Sikljarnengo Manualo  

Other language versions have been produced in member states and are available online:
Czech, Central-Eastern Romani, German, Lovari, Serbian

Reports and other documents



Report of the Council of Europe seminar, 2008
Report of the Council of Europe seminar, 2007
Introduction to the European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF)
Policy Paper on the Romani Language
Roma and Travellers Glossary (@ Council of Europe)
Seminarosko Raportaro 2008
Seminarosko Raportaro 2007
Introdukcija pal e Evropako Forumo Le Romengo thaj le Phirutnengo (EFRP)
Politikano lil pal i romani chib

Translation into national/official languages and into other varieties of Romani is encouraged in order to promote wide dissemination and use of these tools. Interested instances are invited to consult the Guidelines for translation.The Council of Europe retains copyright of the Curriculum Framework for Romani, European Language Portfolio models and Handbook for Teachers (see available translations online).
This project was supported by financial contributions from the Finnish authorities. More...

24 septembre 2017

Initiatives for the Teaching and Learning of Romani - Seminars

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conseil de l'europe"Seminar 2008 : «Teaching Romani Curriculum Framework for Romani and European Language Portfolio»A follow-up seminar involving 17 countries concerned with the issue of teaching Romani was held in Strasbourg on 27-28 November 2008 : “Teaching Romani: Curriculum Framework for Romani and European Language Portfolio”.
New practical instruments to foster the teaching and learning of Romani were introduced: two European Language Portfolio models designed for age groups 6-11 and 11-14. They are accompanied by a Handbook for teachers.
Results of the piloting of the Curriculum Framework for Romani were also presented. Exchanges regarding possible networks between participants took place, as well as with international instances. Issues such as teacher training and school books were examined.
* Results of the 2008 Seminar (Report, Programme and Presentations, Documents)

Seminar 2007: «A Curriculum Framework for Romani»
With a view to introducing the CFR and launching a piloting phase, a seminar involving 10 countries (representatives of ministries with responsibilities for Romani in the curriculum, and Roma educators) was organised in May 2007 by the Language Policy Division in Strasbourg. This was the first phase leading to a wider implication of further countries concerned in 2008.
A piloting phase was launched subsequently to the seminar. Projects presented by participants are included in the seminar’s report (see below, available in English and in Romani).
*Results of the 2007 seminar (Report, Programme and Presentations, Documents)

A Council of Europe Recommendation
In February 2008 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation addressed to all its member states on Policies for Roma and/or Travellers in Europe [Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)5]

See also the Policy Paper on the Romani Language. More...

24 septembre 2017

Initiatives for the Teaching and Learning of Romani

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conseil de l'europe"A “Curriculum Framework for Romani” (CFR) has been developed to support the teaching of Romani. It was designed for practitioners as well as for manual designers and policy deciders. The CFR concerns age groups 4-16 and can be adapted to local contexts and needs. After a piloting phase a revised version was published in 2008.

Tools for learning and teaching Romani

To supplement the CFR, additional tools were produced to help more specifically teachers of Romani: two European Language Portfolio models (for age groups 6-11 and 11-16) accompanied by a Handbook for teachers.

These documents are available in English and Romani, and in a number of other languages .

The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) offers support for Romani teaching and learning and in particular a Training and Consultancy activity for educational professionals in the ECML’s member states. More...

24 septembre 2017

European Day of Languages 2017

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conseil de l'europe"European Day of Languages 2017

  2017: The EDL website is available in 37 language versions

24 septembre 2017

Education and Languages, Language Policy - European Day of Languages

24 septembre 2017

Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conseil de l'europe"What is the Autobiography?
The Autobiography is a resource designed to encourage people to think about and learn from intercultural encounters they have had either face to face or through visual media such as television, magazines, films, the Internet, etc. There are therefore two separate but parallel tools:

  • Images of Others: An Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media (AIEVM)
    also available in French

The focus is on intercultural encounters that have made a strong impression or had a long-lasting effect on the people who use the AIE or AIEVM. In discovering what underlies these encounters, users become more aware of their experience and reflect on their reactions, thereby developing their intercultural competences. More...

24 septembre 2017

Education and Languages, Language Policy - Dedicated websites

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