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31 mars 2015

L’illettrisme numérique

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "formaguide"Par Stéphane Diebold. On retrouve beaucoup de similitudes entre l’illettrisme classique et l’illettrisme numérique. Tout d’abord l’illettrisme classique est un problème de vieux… les classes d’âge les plus anciennes sont beaucoup plus touchées que les jeunes par l’illettrisme… d’où la question transgressive, l’illettrisme est-il un problème de vieux ? C’est oublier un peu vite qu’au sortir de l’école 50 % des illettrés savaient lire, il est fort à parier que 50 % des usagers du numérique ne sauraient plus utiliser le numérique après un certain laps de temps sans pratique. Voir l'article...

31 mars 2015

Le professional branding a-t-il du sens ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "formaguide"Par Stéphane Diebold. Dans un monde d’infobésité, où l’information écrase la valeur des choses, les personnes se trouvent prises dans le besoin de visibilité. Se faire remarquer, marquer, marketer pour être identifiable et construire des opportunités. Le professional branding est un outil au service des entreprises pour permettre à ses collaborateurs d’écrire leur talent. Voir l'article...

31 mars 2015

S’évaluer, c’est apprendre

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "formaguide"Par Michel Diaz. Que disent ces tests proposés par la presse de loisir, auxquels on s’adonne parfois, non sans plaisir ou curiosité ? Cases cochées, lutte contre l’envie de jeter un coup d’œil aux réponses avant d’avoir terminé le test. Enfin l’on s’évalue ! Une façon d’apprendre, aussi. Voir l'article...

31 mars 2015

L'engagement de l'apprenant : un écosystème

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "formaguide"Par Michel Diaz. Engager l'apprenant : un casse-tête pour les responsables formation, non soluble dans une formule magique ! Affaire de conduite du changement, de design pédagogique. Deux champs essentiels pour un nouvel "écosystème d'engagement." Voir l'article...

31 mars 2015

What does COMMIT intend to do?

Commiting to the social dimension in universitiesCOMMIT intends to increase commitment to the social dimension of higher education (HE) and support strategies for increasing attainment. The project builds on the work of a previous project – ALLUME* – which developed 3 self evaluation tools for universities to review their strategy for implementation of a comprehensive and coherent LLL university. COMMIT will

  •     review those 3 tools, refining and adapting them and adding new features which take on board a wider and clearer idea of the social dimension of HE
  •     design and develop a new tool for monitoring attainment in HE and integrate these tools in HEIs management systems
  •     carry out an experts training event to prepare partners to visit and counsel other universities
  •     use these 4 tools in 12 universities of 12 different countries to conduct a self evaluation, supported with documents, which will form the starting point for a collective learning process including a visit from one of the other partners
  •     undertake a transversal analysis of the visit reports and the completed tools

The final phase of valorisation and exploitation will include: 12 national active learning workshops each hosted by one of the partners and an European event again with an active learning approach. More...

31 mars 2015

Join the VNIL Community discussion group in LinkedIn

EucenJoin the VNIL Community discussion group in LinkedIn, and be in touch with experts on Validation on Non-formal and Informal Learning  from different sectors all around the World!

Enter your comments, questions and join on-going discussions. More...

31 mars 2015

DIALOGUE project news

EucenThe DIALOGUE book "Policy Report and Recommendations" written by Françoise de Viron and edited by herself, Josephine Finn, Rob Mark and Carme Royo on behalf of the consortium is now available for free downloading from this link.
The project has also set up an open Discussion Group in LinkedIn for those Researchers and Practitioners interested in sharing views and ideas related to the effective way of communicating between these two groups of professionals. We invite you to join the group following this link.
For questions or interest in the project, please contact EUCEN. More...

31 mars 2015

eBook "Cooperate to Validate - OBSERVAL-Net experts' report on Validation of non-formal and informal learning 2013"

EucenThe final product from OBSERVAL-Net is now ready to download. This publication will be soon available as an eBook. But in the meantime you can download the pdf version.
You are invited to visit the OBSERVAL-Net website and use the materials available there.
And also to join the VNIL Community in LinkedIn. More...

31 mars 2015

Cooperation between Private Enterprises and Universities - A report

EucenThe University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences (Slovenia) has coordinated the project EMCOSU - Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Enterprises and Universities. They have recently published their International Report Insights of European Enterprises and Employers Organisations.
The report focuses on the detailed analyses of the university-business cooperation from the perspective of employers. Provides an analyses of the most frequent means of cooperation with higher educational institutions, identifying the drivers and motives which lead to this cooperation as well as the barriers that companies are facing to implement it. More...

31 mars 2015

The 3rd Newsletter of the project PACE - Project Actors Community in Europe

EucenWe are happy to announce that the 3rd Newsletter of the PACE project - Project Actors Community in Europe, is now available!
Find out about:

  • the new structure of the learning content on PACE platform
  • the first Bar Camp of European project managers held in Florence in November 2014
  • PACE webinars and online discussions

We hope to see you soon on PACE Platform!
You can view the newsletter here. More...

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