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22 février 2014

Annuaire régional PACA des acteurs de la VAE

Numero_VertVous trouverez ci-dessous un moteur de recherche permettant de retrouver les coordonnées des différents acteurs de la VAE : les organismes certificateurs, les OPCA et les OPACIF, les Missions Locales, les CIO, les agences de Pôle Emploi, les Cap Emploi, les SAMETH, le réseau d'information jeunesse, les conseils Pré-VAE agréés Fongecif.
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22 février 2014

L’IRIS SPORT : un dispositif de sécurisation des parcours professionnels unique en France pour les sportifs PACA

L’IRIS SPORT : un dispositif de sécurisation des parcours professionnels unique en France pour les sportifs et professionnels du sport de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur !L’IRIS SPORT : un dispositif de sécurisation des parcours professionnels unique en France pour les sportifs et professionnels du sport de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur !
Vous êtes ou étiez en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur :

  • Sportif (ve) de haut niveau, listé(e) et  licencié(e).
  • Sportif (ve) professionnel(le).
  •  Professionnels du sport (éducateur, entraineur…).
  •  Un Club sportif professionnel, une association sportive.

Aujourd'hui, vous envisagez de :

  • Préparer votre reconversion ?
  • Vous former ?
  • Faire évoluer votre carrière professionnelle, à terme ou suite à un aléa de parcours ?

L’IRIS SPORT vous accompagne dans vos démarches
Le fonds d'Intervention Régionale pour l'Investissement Social (IRIS Sport) est un dispositif créé et co-financé par la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, en partenariat avec Agefos-Pme PACA et Uniformation. Il s'appuie sur une convention avec les partenaires sociaux de la branche du sport.
IRIS Sport se décline sous la forme d'une plateforme unique accessible par :

  • Un numéro Vert : 0 800 600 007
  • Un mail :

Vous serez accompagné en fonction de vos besoins dans les différentes étapes de votre parcours : Bilan Professionnel Renforcé / Formations / Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience / Accès à l'emploi…
L'objectif de l'IRIS SPORT est de favoriser le maintien en emploi ou l'accès à un emploi pérenne par :

  • le financement individuel à la formation pour les Sportifs de haut niveau listés et les sportifs professionnels licenciés sur le territoire Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur afin de les accompagner vers une reconversion professionnelle réussie.

  • l'orientation et l'accompagnement du double projet sportif et professionnel, la reconversion des sportifs de haut niveau listés et les sportifs professionnels licenciés sur le territoire Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

  • le maintien dans l'emploi des salariés du sport en :

    • Permettant l'acquisition de compétences professionnelles complémentaires.
    • Favorisant la bi-activité ou la multi-qualifications, dans ou hors champ sportif.
22 février 2014

Arrêté relatif aux emplois d'avenir pour les employeur du secteur marchand signé par le préfet de la région PACA

Numero_VertUn arrêté relatif aux emplois d`avenir pour les employeur du secteur marchand a été signé par le préfet de la région Provence- Alpes-Côte d'Azur en date du 10 février 2014.
Il stipule que si "les emplois d'avenir sont ouverts aux employeurs du secteur marchand, prioritairement ciblés en Provence- Alpes-Côte d'Azur", […], le contrat doit être "conclu dans le cadre d`un contrat de travail à durée indéterminée".
Plus d'informations ici.

22 février 2014

Thinking about the Pipeline

Athene Donald's BlogBy Athene Donald. A PhD should comprise both education and training. It should not be slave labour or done in blindness about where it might be leading. But I fear these statements don’t always apply. In the research grouping in which I sit at the Cavendish, which now has quite a large number of attached staff and research fellows, we try to provide a programme both of locally relevant pedagogy and more general talks about research skills: topics students might find helpful, regardless of what they end up doing next. So, when it came to my turn to give the week’s lectures to the 1st years I chose to include material concerned with preparing for life beyond the PhD. In other words, I used the well-known Figure 1.6 from the Royal Society’s 2010 Report, The Scientific Century, to provoke thought. More...

22 février 2014

Metacademy: a package manager for knowledge

the learning plan for deep belief netsBy Roger Grosse. In recent years, there’s been an explosion of free educational resources that make high-level knowledge and skills accessible to an ever-wider group of people. In your own field, you probably have a good idea of where to look for the answer to any particular question. But outside your areas of expertise, sifting through textbooks, Wikipedia articles, research papers, and online lectures can be bewildering (unless you’re fortunate enough to have a knowledgeable colleague to consult). What are the key concepts in the field, how do they relate to each other, which ones should you learn, and where should you learn them?
Courses are a major vehicle for packaging educational materials for a broad audience. The trouble is that they’re typically meant to be consumed linearly, regardless of your specific background or goals. Also, unless thousands of other people have had the same background and learning goals, there may not even be a course that fits your needs. Recently, we (Roger Grosse and Colorado Reed) have been working on Metacademy, an open-source project to make the structure of a field more explicit and help students formulate personal learning plans. More...

22 février 2014

Matching Skills and Labour Market Needs: Building Social Partnerships for better skills and better jobs

Skills are critical assets for individuals, businesses and societies. Matching skills and jobs has become a high-priority policy concern, as mismatches, occurring when workers have either fewer or more skills than jobs require, may result in an underutilisation of existing human capital and result in job vacancies not being filled in. Since the global economic crisis, skills mismatch has become more prominent and many employers report difficulties in finding suitably skilled workers, even in economies with high levels of employment. In this context, this Report produced by the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda on Employment presents a set of policy recommendations to enhance the skills matching to labour market needs by building social partnerships. More...

22 février 2014

Competency-Based Degrees: Coming Soon to a Campus Near You

subscribe todayBy Joel Shapiro. Has distance education significantly affected the business and teaching models of higher education? Certainly. Is it today’s biggest disrupter of the higher-education industry? Not quite. In fact, the greatest risk to traditional higher education as we know it may be posed by competency-based education models.
Competency-based programs allow students to gain academic credit by demonstrating academic competence through a combination of assessment and documentation of experience. The model is already used by institutions including Western Governors University, Southern New Hampshire University, Excelsior College, and others, and is a recent addition to the University of Wisconsin system. More...

22 février 2014

No hope and no hype: fear, loathing and learned helplessness at LT2014 . John Helmer reports from this January’s Learning Technologies Exhibition and Conference at Olympia.
The bull market in e-learning has been running for so long that we now take it for granted each year’s Learning Technologies Exhibition will be bigger, better and more hideously overcrowded than the last. And so it was this year. There were differences enough this year to make it worth blogging about, but also worrying signs, particularly upstairs in the conference, that a few people’s styluses are getting too firmly stuck in the groove. More...

22 février 2014

Neural Networks and Deep Learning: first chapter goes live

Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussionI am delighted to announce that the first chapter of my book “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” is now freely available online here.
The chapter explains the basic ideas behind neural networks, including how they learn. I show how powerful these ideas are by writing a short program which uses neural networks to solve a hard problem — recognizing handwritten digits. The chapter also takes a brief look at how deep learning works.
The book’s landing page gives a broader view on the book. And I’ve written a more in-depth discussion of the philosophy behind the book.
Finally, if you’ve read this far I hope you’ll consider supporting my Indiegogo campaign for the book, which will give you access to perks like early drafts of later chapters.
View more on Michael Nielsen's website »

22 février 2014

Major challenges Chinese MOOCers have on English platforms

be aware of slow pageThis blog summarises some major challenges Chinese MOOCers face when using English MOOC platforms. The following blog will list out my proposed solutions.
  • Website loading - Sometimes it takes much time to load a MOOC website landing page. That automatically prevents people exploring the platform further.
  • Video streaming - There are many cries from people who were struggling with lecture videos streaming. When that happens, quite a few people assume the particular site is blocked by the government. The serious learners seek advise what to do. Meanwhile I am pretty sure many casual learners give up at this point. 
  • Great Firewall of China - Some sites blocked include Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, wordpress, BBC, CNN, NY Times, etc. Google is also pretty unstable. The means (1) any course/assignment materials from these sources are instantly unaccessible. (2) any community formed via Facebook or Google excludes a Chinese learner. More...
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