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23 novembre 2013

Survey: MOOC Students Are Elite, Young and Male

By Geoffrey A. Fowler. One reason massive open online courses, or MOOCs, have garnered so much attention is their potential to revolutionize access to education. Putting elite coursework online for free has the potential to bulldoze geographic, race, gender and economic hurdles to learning. 
But a new survey by University of Pennsylvania, published today in a brief item in the journal Nature, shows how far the technology needs to go to meet that goal. 
Penn surveyed nearly 35,000 students from more than 200 countries and territories who participated in the 32 MOOC courses it distributed through Coursera, which is the largest provider in the field with over 5 million students. The researchers found that most of these students were already well educated, and most of them were young men looking for new skills to advance their careers. More...

23 novembre 2013

Degrees deliver salaries that rise faster and peak higher Alan Tovey. Getting a degree pays off when it comes to earnings with graduates enjoying salaries that accelerate faster and flatten out at a higher level and later age than those who did not go to university, ONS data finds. 
New data from the Office for National Statistics showed that graduates’ annual earnings levelled out at a median of £35,000 a year at about 38 years old. 
This compares with average earnings of those who did apprenticeships of about £27,000, levelling out at the age of about 37. However those who took apprenticeships had higher starting salaries, averaging £17,383 a year at 21, compared with £14,343 for graduates. More...

23 novembre 2013

Students protest against privatisation of student loan book Neil Johnston and Fiona Parker. A ‘National Day of Action’ took place this afternoon, coordinated by the Student Assembly Against Austerity (SAAA).
The protests, staged at 25 universities across the country including Oxford, Cambridge, Sheffield and LSE, were in response to the Government’s decision to privatise the student loan book as part of plans to raise £15 billion from the sale of public assets by 2020. More...

23 novembre 2013

Varied, rigorous, global: will the IB make the grade? Nick Morrison. Top universities are finally waking up to the true value of the International Baccalaureate, finds Nick Morrison.
 As far as school qualifications are concerned, the International Baccalaureate has always stood out for the passion of its supporters. No average award this, they say, the IB is the complete package. 
“Almost everybody who teaches it thinks it is a better education,” says John Claughton, Chief Master of King Edward’s School, Birmingham, which switched from A-levels to the post-16 IB diploma in 2010. More...

23 novembre 2013

Graduates shouldn't despair about employment figures Nicola Dandridge. Having a degree can make you more resilient in the hard times and more successful in the good times, says Nicola Dandridge.
 It would be understandable for recent graduates and students at university to look at the graduate employment figures this week and despair. 
But what we should be saying to graduates, students and those weighing up their options, is that having a degree can make you more resilient in the hard times and more successful in the good times. More...

23 novembre 2013

Access to top universities 'still linked to family income' Graeme Paton. Research warns that exam results alone cannot explain why relatively wealthy students are much more likely to get into top universities than those from working class families.
 Students from working-class families are around three times less likely to get into a top university than their richer peers despite often having the required A-level grades, according to research. Academic results at the age of 18 cannot explain the huge gulf in entry rates to the most sought-after degree courses in England, it was claimed. 
The study warned that many bright teenagers from poor homes were opting for lower ranking universities rather than striving for the top institutions. More...

23 novembre 2013

Le pari perdu de la réduction de la pauvreté par le RSA (CEE) % des allocataires du RSA-socle seul en janvier 2010 y sont toujours en fin d’année,

68 % des éligibles au RSA-activité seul ne demandent pas la prestation

« Le revenu de solidarité active (RSA), entré en vigueur le 1er juin 2009 en remplacement du RMI et de l’API, était censé permettre de pallier l’enfermement des allocataires dans une « trappe » à inactivité, en alliant incitation à la reprise d’emploi et complément de revenus.

L’analyse des trajectoires des bénéficiaires du RSA montre que le dispositif n’est performant ni en matière de retour à l’emploi ni en matière d’amélioration des revenus : d’une part, 69 % des allocataires du RSA-socle seul en janvier 2010 y sont toujours en fin d’année, d’autre part, 68 % des éligibles au RSA-activité seul ne demandent pas la prestation … »

Centre d'études de l'emploi - Connaissance de l'emploi - 105

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23 novembre 2013

Projet de Loi de Finances - PLF pour 2014 adopté en première lecture – Assemblée Nationale D’IMPOT APPRENTISSAGE

Article 23 bis (nouveau)

« I. – Le premier alinéa du I de l’article 244 quater G du code général des impôts est remplacé par trois alinéas ainsi rédigés :

« I. – Les entreprises imposées d’après leur bénéfice réel ou exonérées en application des articles 44 sexies, 44 sexies A, 44 octies, 44 decies ou 44 terdecies à 44 quindecies peuvent bénéficier d’un crédit d’impôt au titre de la première année du cycle de formation d’un apprenti dont le contrat a été conclu dans les conditions prévues au titre II du livre II de la sixième partie du code du travail.

« Ce crédit d’impôt est égal au produit du montant de 1 600 € par le nombre moyen annuel d’apprentis n’ayant pas achevé la première année de leur cycle de formation dans l’entreprise et qui préparent un diplôme ou à un titre à finalité professionnelle équivalent au plus à un brevet de technicien supérieur ou un diplôme des instituts universitaires de technologie, enregistré au répertoire national des certifications professionnelles mentionné à l’article L. 335-6 du code de l’éducation.

« Ce montant est porté à 2 200 € dans les cas suivants, quel que soit le diplôme préparé … »


Article 77

… « Prime à l’apprentissage

« Art. L. 6243-1. – Les contrats d’apprentissage conclus dans les entreprises de moins de onze salariés * ouvrent droit à une prime versée par la région à l’employeur. La région détermine le montant de cette prime, qui ne peut être inférieur à 1 000 € par année de formation, ainsi que ses modalités d’attribution. »

* Un  amendement à cet article a été  adopté par la commission des finances du Sénat afin de permettre aux  employeurs de  moins de 20 salariés d’en bénéficier

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23 novembre 2013

Canadian Universities Strive to Include Indigenous Cultures

New York TimesBy Elaine Smith. Max FineDay, the first indigenous president of the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union in the school’s 106-year history, jokingly likens himself to another North American trailblazer — President Obama, the first African-American president of the United States.
“It’s really weird to be a role model,” said the fourth-year politics student from the Sweetgrass First Nation in Saskatchewan, who was elected to represent the 17,000 undergraduates at the university, which is in Saskatoon. “My role models are people like Shawn A-in-chut Atleo, the national chief of the Assembly of First Nations of Canada.” More...

22 novembre 2013

London named 'second best city in the world for students after Paris'

Evening StandardLondon has narrowly missed out on being named the best student city in the world.
Paris bagged the top spot for the second year in a row, with London just two points behind in the global rankings, drawn up by the QS Best Student Cities.
Manchester and Edinburgh were also listed in the top 50 cities in the world for students, with Manchester in 29th place and Edinburgh in 32nd. More...

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