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1 octobre 2013

Down the research rabbit hole . “Everyone loves to identify things that have not been identified.
The rabbit hole, where ever I find it, symbolizes solitude.”
–Terrance Hayes, For Crying Out Loud
Recently I’ve been finding it much harder to blog because I’ve been homing in on certain aspects of my dissertation, which has taken up an ever-larger chunk of my focus and thinking time. This is a good thing of course, but it means I’ve also been more impressed than ever at how others are able to write excellent and timely article and blog posts on the latest issues, while I can barely keep up with the higher ed news. Read more...

1 octobre 2013

… changing directions . In my last post, I talked about beginnings, the importance of looking up at the road ahead and then taking the small steps to move forward in that direction.
Implicit in that post is the sense that as we walk down a road we come to crossroads, forks, and half-visible trails through the underbrush. At every junction, we make a new decision either to stay on this road or to fork off onto that other path. More...

1 octobre 2013

I defend your right to say it… well, sort of . A group called the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has released its 2013 Campus Freedom Index, a report card of sorts on the “state of free speech” at Canada’s public universities. I was unaware this “freedom index” existed, even though it is in fact the third annual such exercise by this group.
It is a rather glaring understatement to say that the issue of free speech on campus is fraught with controversy. As institutions that are meant to foster open intellectual debate and promote the clash of ideas, universities are in a tricky position when it comes to dealing with speech that may be perceived by some as harmful or dangerous. As in the famous “yelling fire in a crowded theatre” metaphor, where do you draw the line? More...

1 octobre 2013

The plight of the unpaid intern Moira MacDonald. Universities are getting more involved in monitoring unpaid internships when these are part of a student’s learning experience. It was being asked to clean up a bloody pig’s heart with her bare hands after the well-heeled “fashionista” crowd had filed out from a New York jewellery show that set Krista Brown against ever doing an unpaid internship again. More...

1 octobre 2013

New blog: From PhD to life . What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD?
I’ve always wanted to be a public servant, but have never believed that “service to the public” was confined to one specific occupation. Throughout my graduate studies, I was well-advised to keep all of my options open when it came to post-doctoral employment. For me, that meant keeping a close eye on the job market in academia and in the civil service, both of which looked promising when I entered my PhD program in 2004. Like many graduate students over the past three or four decades, I was told that there would be no shortage of demand for PhD graduates. Things changed very rapidly in the closing months of my studies, however, as the international economic downturn hit Canada in 2009. While other countries fared worse, Canadian governments and universities began hiring freezes. Eventually, these freezes gave way to outright reductions in staff, closing off entry-level positions and promotion opportunities, alike. More...

1 octobre 2013

Les langues victimes du budget serré de l'UPJV - Pourquoi supprimer l'hébreu Fabien Dorémus. Depuis cette rentrée universitaire 2013, la langue hébraïque n'est plus enseignée à l'Université de Picardie Jules-Verne. Une première depuis 25 ans, selon Nicole Abravanel, responsable des études hébraïques à l'UPJV. Cette enseignante en histoire a pris très à cœur la défense de l'enseignement de l'hébreu. Depuis presque un an, elle bataille pour qu'il subsiste. En vain.
Pourquoi supprimer l'hébreu ? À vrai dire, ce n'est pas cette langue en particulier qui est visée par l'Université de Picardie Jules-Verne, mais tous les enseignements dits «optionnels» de la faculté des Langues, comme l'arabe ou l'hébreu. Suite...

1 octobre 2013

Parier sur les seniors - Journée de formationée de formation organisée par le groupe « parier sur les seniors »
Objectifs de la journée :
- Valoriser les travaux du groupe en en partageant les résultats
- Dynamiser l’offre de formation autour des seniors
- Echanger réflexion, pratiques et expériences
Public concerné :
- Les ingénieurs de formation, les directeurs, toute personne intéressée par le sujet
Durée :
- Une journée (10h/16h) le 19 novembre
- Repas pris en commun
Lieu :
- A l’UPMC, salle des thèses, site des Cordeliers, 2 rue Ecole de Médecine (Paris 6ème) – Métro Odéon – Bus 63, 86, 87
- Introduction
- Objectifs de la journée
- Présentation du groupe seniors et de ses objectifs (accompagner les seniors dans leur deuxième partie de carrière, et accompagner les entreprises dans la gestion des compétences et des carrières des seniors)
- Le contexte :
- Etat des lieux économique et social
- Les politiques de l’emploi des seniors
- Regards croisés sur les seniors
- Démarche pour développer une offre spécifique :
- Connaissance du public sur les territoires (seniors, entreprises privées et publiques)
- Connaissance des besoins de formation
- Connaissance de l’existant (en interne : profil des seniors accueillis et formations suivies ; en externe : offre du marché)
- Repérage des partenaires et des dispositifs (ex : préparation opérationnelle à l’emploi, plan de formation, OPCA, FSE etc.)
- Commercialiser une offre de formation répondant aux besoins des seniors
- Construction d’une offre de formation
- L’offre universitaire
- Formations repérées par le groupe de travail
- Témoignages de bonnes pratiques :
Interventions d’entreprises
Inscriptions : site > espace adhérents > formation des personnels
Tarif : 195,00 euros.

1 octobre 2013

How college health centers help students succeed Of all the dramatic changes in higher education in recent years, one that goes largely unnoticed is the tremendous growth in the mission, services, and facilities of health centers. Decades ago most colleges and universities believed their only responsibility for student health was to set up a clinic to treat the sick and injured. Today, driven by a broader and, in our judgment, better understanding of health and its impact on learning, many institutions of higher education provide much more. More...

1 octobre 2013

University support for pregnant students uncommon Today. When Chaunie Brusie saw the blue positive lines on her pregnancy test, she panicked. At 21 years old, she had just started her senior year at Saginaw Valley State University in University Center, Mich. More...

1 octobre 2013

Colleges try to meet needs of first-generation students Boston Globe. To the legions of students who have been tutored and molded and prodded toward a top college most of their young lives, it would be an absurd question: How many of you had to explain to your parents what MIT is?
When a dean asked a Massachusetts Institute of Technology classroom full of 20-odd freshmen recently in their first few days away from home — at one of the most famous colleges in the world — almost every hand went up. Then, they laughed. And someone cracked a math joke. More...

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