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Formation Continue du Supérieur
31 août 2013

Interested in a network about EHEA and ERA? Check out ERA-CRN launching events while ago we posted about a new researcher network “Collaborative Research Network (CRN) on the European Research Area”, with its main focus on the construction of the Europe of Knowledge – processes and policy initiatives in Europe that lead to the construction of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA).
The ERA-CRN is a network of researchers at all career stages researching the construction of the European knowledge area. It includes researchers from multiple disciplines, ranging from law to communication studies, sociology, science policy and higher education studies, EU studies, international relations and political science.
The network coordinators have asked us to share the information for those of you that are interested or are working on any of these themes in European integration or knowledge governance:

  • The role of law and ideas
  • Governance and its effects;
  • Legitimacy, trust and values;
  • Actors and institutional arrangements. More...
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Formation Continue du Supérieur