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29 juillet 2013

Erasmus+, 16 milliards pour l'éducation, la formation, la jeunesse et le sport'est le montant du budget pour l'éducation, la formation, la jeunesse et le sport, pour la période 2014-2020, proposé à l'issue de la présidence irlandaise de l'Union européenne. Cette proposition doit désormais être votée par le Parlement européen.
Toutes les informations sur le programme Erasmus + sont disponibles sur notre site Internet.
29 juillet 2013

Number of Erasmus students has reached 3 million

Hedda - Higher Education Development AssociationBy Marielk. Newest statistics launched by the EU show that the number of students who have spent parts of their studies abroad with an Erasmus grant has now passed 3 million. Erasmus mobility programme was introduced in 1987 and is considered one of the definite success stories of European initiatives in the area of education. The programme includes at this point 33 countries (EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey). 26 years ago when the programme was introduced it attracted 3,244 students Europe wise. The numbers for the 2011/2012 academic year indicate a new record – over 250 000 students spent either part of their studies abroad or had a job placement with a foreign company. Furthermore, well over 45 000 staff members, both academic and administrative received support to teach or train abroad. Over 33 000 of these were teaching assignments, marking a 5.4% increase compared to the previous year. Read more...
29 juillet 2013

High Level Group on Modernisation of HE in Europe: Universities need to put focus on teaching

Hedda - Higher Education Development AssociationBy Marielk. The EU has for some time through various policy instruments getting increasingly involved in higher education across Europe. Initial progress through the Bologna Process has been followed up with activities such as the new multidimensional ranking – U-Multirank as well as an European Qualifications Framework. Amongst else this resulted in September 2012 in the creation of a high level group on modernisation of higher education that had a specific focus on quality and excellence in teaching, in accordance with the general Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education the Commission has been promoting...
The group will next focus on new modes of delivery, examining how to “maximize the impact” of the current MOOC trends in higher education and the report will be expected to be finalized in 2014. Read more...
29 juillet 2013

Stages étudiants - modifications après la loi sur l’ESR Ludovic Sautelet. La loi n°2013-660 du 22 juillet 2013 relative à l'enseignement supérieur et à la recherche publiée au Journal officiel du 23 juillet 2013 prévoit plusieurs dispositions visant à mieux encadrer le régime des stages.
1) Extension de la législation sur les stages effectués en entreprise à tous ceux réalisés en "milieu professionnel"

Le mot "entreprise" est ainsi remplacé par les mots "milieu professionnel". Selon la nouvelle loi, cela comprend, outre les entreprises, les administrations publiques, les associations et plus généralement tous les organismes d’accueil. En conséquence, la gratification du stagiaire, déjà obligatoire pour les stages en entreprise de plus de deux mois, l’est désormais aussi pour les stages dans le secteur public ainsi que ceux dans le milieu associatif.
2) Une définition précise du stage
Ensuite, le stage professionnel est précisément défini, comme étant "une période temporaire de mise en situation en milieu professionnel au cours de laquelle l'étudiant acquiert des compétences professionnelles qui mettent en œuvre les acquis de sa formation en vue de l'obtention d'un diplôme ou d'une certification"...
3) La nécessité d'une convention tripartite

La nouvelle loi confirme la nécessité d'une convention tripartite pour les stages étudiants. Les modalités de cette convention seront précisées dans un décret à venir...
4) La durée des stages

Elle ajoute également que des dérogations seront possibles...
5) La gratification obligatoire étendue à tous les stages réalisés en "milieu professionnel"
6) Le document d'évaluation de l'entreprise.
Article entier... By Ludovic Sautelet. Law No. 2013-660 of 22 July 2013 on higher education and research published in the Official Journal of 23 July 2013 contains several provisions designed to better support the training regime. More...
29 juillet 2013

Le rebond de la formation professionnelle continue Denis Cristol. Le système français actuel de la formation professionnelle continue est assis sur les bases caduques de l’après-guerre. Il est temps de les faire évoluer. Les trois piliers sur lesquels il était bâti sont ébranlés : besoin d’accéder aux savoirs, forte syndicalisation, croissance industrielle.
Tout d’abord, ses fondements idéologiques reposent sur des négociations  d’après-guerre où l’accès aux savoirs était plus difficile qu’à l’heure d’internet. Les partenaires sociaux joueront un rôle très important pour donner à chacun une deuxième chance. L’éducation permanente, la promotion supérieure par le travail se développait au moment où « 80% d’une classe d’âge » n’accédait pas au bac. Il fallait rattraper, permettre à chacun de participer de la croissance et d’apprendre. Quoiqu’en critiquant le modèle de la formation initiale, celui de la formation continue va s’inscrire dans les mêmes orientations. C’est alors qu’un modèle d’enseignement pour adulte transmissif,  frontal organisé s’installe. Les statistiques nationales vont peu à peu éclairer les efforts d’accès à la formation, se focaliser sur des mesures d’effectifs et de durée au sein de stages. Même s’il existe depuis très longtemps des écoles internes au sein des grandes entreprises, l’effort de formation va acquérir une visibilité avec les lois de 1971. Ces lois permettent l’avènement d’un marché et de nouvelles pratiques pédagogiques. Suite de l'article... Iki Denis Cristol. Dabartinė Prancūzijos sistema tęstinio profesinio mokymo sėdi ant pasenusių bazių po karo. Trijų ramsčių, dėl kurių ji buvo pastatyta supurtomos: turite prieigą prie žinių, labai profsąjungų, pramonės augimą. Daugiau...
29 juillet 2013

Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur la « Formation Continue Universitaire » sans jamais avoir osé le demander

coordo pacaLe blog FCU-PACA propose des informations sur la Formation Continue Universitaire.
Le 136.000ème article sur le blog / Aide à la recherche du premier emploi - ARPE - Normandie a été publié le 1er septembre 2017. Le 100.000ème article sur le blog (Aix-Marseille Université - La VAE) a été publié le 22 août 2016.
Avec environ 12.900 visites sur la semaine écoulée, le blog a vu son 677.000ème visiteur connecté le 8 septembre 2017 pour 836.762 pages consultées. Le 500.000ème visiteur s'est connecté sur le blog le 20 mars 2017. Le blog a vu sa 500.000ème pages consultée le 30 août 2016.
Historique du blog - Originellement, blog de la coordination régionale de la formation continue dans le supérieur en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA), le premier article a été mis en ligne le 4 mars 2008 et s'intitule "Promouvoir la coopération entre l’université et le monde des affaires". Hébergé par l'Université de Provence, puis par l'Université d'Aix-Marseille (AMU), le blog est à l'adresse depuis le 29 juillet 2013.
Profil Viadeo (24.020 contacts - 204.630 visites), Groupe Viadeo Formation Continue Universitaire (5.531 membres).
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Site à consulter : La Formation Continue Universitaire - FCU.
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29 juillet 2013

Preparation for Erasmus+ of the template for inter-institutional agreements between higher education institutions
Mobilities between higher education institutions in the 2014-2020 EU programme for education, training, youth and sport - Erasmus+ - will be carried out in the framework of prior "inter-institutional agreements" between sending and receiving institutions, both or all of which must be holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.
The Erasmus+ regulation has not yet been formally adopted by the European legislators. However, based on the political agreement reached so far by the EU Institutions, and subject to final version of the legal text when adopted, the European Commission has decided to publish this template for inter-institutional agreements now in order to make it possible for the potential beneficiaries of Union grants to start preparing their agreements in good time and so to allow for a smooth implementation of the Programme.
This template, aiming at ensuring student and staff mobility of high quality, is valid only for inter-institutional agreements between institutions located in current programme countries (EU Member States, Iceland, Turkey, fYRoM, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland). A template for inter-institutional agreements between programme and partner countries (all other countries) will be published at a later stage. The template is provided for academic years 2014-2015 up to 2020-2021. Read more...
29 juillet 2013

Cafébabel, the first European mediaébabel is a public forum which firmly gives the floor to actors in the civil society and the ‘eurogeneration’ – a term coined to recognise the first generation of mobile, internet-savvy European citizens. Above all, cafébabel is an innovator in the field of participatory journalism, and in encouraging contributors to express themselves in their native tongue.
cafébabel was founded in 2001 by Erasmus exchange programme students. The idea was to cross linguistic and national borders in Europe by using the rising star of the internet as a vector of that expression... It’s a testament to the work of its volunteer contributors that cafébabelis simultaneously translated into six languages – French, English, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish. Read more...
29 juillet 2013

Learning languages with E-LOCAL (Electronically Learning Other Cultures And Languages) is a project funded under the LLP KA2 Languages which executes the EU language policy based on the principle of fostering language diversity, promoting multilingualism and encouraging the acquisition of less common languages. In 2012 E-LOCAL was awarded the European Language Label.
For more information on E-LOCAL, please visit the website. Read more...
29 juillet 2013

Briefing note - Opportunities and challenges for ECVET, the vocational credit transfer system briefing note is also available as eBook, optimised for tablets and smartphones. Please tell us what you think about this new format. Download Opportunities and challenges for ECVET, the vocational credit transfer system. Opportunities and challenges for ECVET, the vocational credit transfer system (ebook).
The European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET) is one of the European instruments designed to make VET systems more transparent. It aims to make it easier for vocational students to move between learning institutions, whether in the same country or abroad.
ECVET, which concerns qualifications at all levels of the European qualifications framework (EQF):
- allows transfer of units of learning outcomes;
- operates through partnerships between institutions; and 
- eliminates the need for a second assessment of students moving between these institutions.
Qualifications can be defined as a combination of units of learning outcomes. Where the national vocational system allows it, units of learning outcomes can be recognised regardless of where and how they have been acquired. They may be used on the labour market and towards acquisition of a full qualification.
Countries have developed ECVET following a recommendation of the European Parliament and Council in accordance with their policy priorities and development of their qualifications systems. Cedefop analyses developments and publishes an annual monitoring report, which includes a country-by-country analysis.
Activities and perceptions

The latest monitoring report shows that most countries see ECVET as an instrument to enable cross-border mobility of vocational students. As a result of this orientation, the system is currently being tested in hundreds of transnational pilot projects, largely funded by the EU, with the intention of gradually extending its application to a wider range of vocational qualifications.
These pilot projects are mainly partnerships between vocational education and training providers (or organisations involved in transnational mobility) from different countries. Most projects concern particular sectors. Only a few are national in scope: these usually also assess how ECVET can be applied to specific qualifications or incorporated into the overall qualifications system.
Analysis of funding by source shows that ECVET developments rely mainly on EU funds, with only a few countries reporting dispensation of national funds (Figure 2). This raises the question whether dependency on EU funds is an indication of low national interest in ECVET. As regards capacity building for ECVET, countries have, however, taken the initiative to set up national contact points (from 15 in 2011 to 26 in 2012) and to clarify roles and responsibilities of the bodies/ organisations involved in ECVET and dissemination of related information. In many cases, they are located within authorities responsible for national qualifications frameworks (NQFs) or EQAVET (EU quality assurance reference framework for VET). This can be helpful for coordinating the instruments.
Nevertheless, when asked which strategies they apply to develop ECVET, four of 33 countries report a ‘wait and see’ strategy. The majority, 28 of 33, focus on establishing a policy environment that would make ECVET possible – for instance, by introducing the learning outcomes approach in their national qualifications systems.
One in five respondents expressed doubt about ECVET’s value in their countries, arguing for instance that its objectives can be achieved through their own credit transfer systems or flexible education and training environments. Moreover, 48 % of respondents see ECVET’s value mostly for implementation of learning outcomes; which is indeed a condition for such credit transfer systems. The picture emerging indicates that perceived value of ECVET is closely related to the learning outcome orientation paradigm, but that respondents have not yet perceived an urgent need for such credit transfer systems.
ECVET is complex, involving a plethora of bodies/organisations operating in vocational education and training in all sectors. Its specific role within and contribution to national lifelong learning policies and mobility is not as clear as would be necessary for more ambitious policies.
Links with other instruments

Validation mechanisms allow non-formal and informal learning to be certified, while ECVET concerns formal pathways/qualifications. But there is a close connection between validation and ECVET as validated learning outcomes could be recognised as ECVET credits, allowing progress towards a full qualification. Whether countries can acknowledge and encourage this role for ECVET will depend on how far they have implemented learning outcomes and on the validation mechanisms they have in place.
European/national qualification frameworks (EQF/NQF) have introduced learning outcomes in qualifications at different levels and thus created one of the conditions for ECVET.
EQAVET introduces procedures and guidelines for improving and maintaining quality within each qualification system, and thus ensures transparency and trust among European countries.
Guidance and counselling are important to inform individuals on how ECVET can be of use to them. At present, citizens know very little of ECVET, although 20 out of 33 countries report ‘marketing’ activities for stakeholders (Table 1).
Moving between general and vocational education (‘permeability’)

In qualification systems, qualifications at EQF level 4 are frequently used to test ECVET. Level 4 is a ‘traditional’ vocational qualification level, even though ECVET is expected to cover all levels of EQF.
In higher education, ECTS is another credit transfer system established to ease credit transfers between higher education institutions and developed in the Bologna process framework. It is primarily and to a large extent based on inputs such as course length and number of hours.
While for the moment ECTS and ECVET are developed separately, bridges between the two systems would also ease permeability between vocational and other qualifications. Current attempts to define ECTS in terms of learning outcomes may be a step in supporting their convergence.

There is discussion on award and use of credit points in ECVET. While agreeing to base ECVET on units of learning outcomes, countries find it difficult to assign credit points to these outcomes. Moreover, credit points are seen as incompatible with national systems allocating credits on the basis of notional learning time, i.e. namely on learning inputs, as well as outcomes.
Primarily learning outcome-oriented, existing vocational credit systems, e.g. such as in Denmark, Slovenia, Finland, and the UK are based on a combination of inputs and learning outcomes.
ECVET has two levels of governance. Education and learning providers develop ECVET to ease student exchange and transfer learning acquired abroad. On the other hand, the European Commission and national governments through the ECVET network aim to provide the institutional conditions for its full implementation. So far mainly education and training providers are involved in ECVET.
However, national systems need to develop standards of assessment based on learning outcomes, and allow recognition and accumulation of credits between countries.
This in turn requires involvement of the social partners, some of whom find the present structure of ECVET to lack clarity.
Policy implications
While most countries are now laying down foundations for ECVET, full implementation is unlikely in the near future. Many countries are concentrating on setting up qualifications frameworks and validation procedures. ECVET itself remains still largely limited to transnational partnerships. ECVET is associated with cross-border mobility which is less of a priority for several countries.
If ECVET only operates as a transnational transfer system allowing mobility of vocational students, its impact may remain limited. As it should contribute to recognition of learning outcomes and allow accumulation of credits towards qualifications, ECVET should be firmly and fully integrated into national lifelong learning policies and aligned with evolving validation practices. Download Opportunities and challenges for ECVET, the vocational credit transfer system.
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