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Formation Continue du Supérieur
8 mars 2013

Call for participation: EUA surveys the impact of rankings within universities

LogoCall for participation: EUA surveys the impact of rankings within universities
With the aim of conducting the first pan-European study of the impact and influence of rankings on European universities, EUA has recently launched a new project entitled “Rankings in Institutional Strategies and Processes” (RISP).
Universities worldwide are increasingly being confronted with ranking and classification initiatives. While reservations may be expressed about the methodologies used, there is a growing recognition that rankings are currently part of the higher education landscape, and many institutions feel the need to respond.
Together with its partners, the Dublin Institute of Technology, the French Rectors’ Conference and the Latvian Academic Information Centre, EUA will seek to provide an understanding of how rankings impact and influence the development of institutional strategic decision-making, as well as identify how institutions can use rankings as a strategic tool to promote institutional development.
The first step of the RISP project will be based on a survey of European universities and higher education institutions, in order to capture and analyse how rankings have impacted or are about to impact on their institutional choices. EUA invites all higher education institutions to take part in the survey by 17 June 2013 at the latest.     
To find out more about the project, please visit this website.

The RISP project is supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.
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