Preparation Under Way to Establish the UNESCO Global Learning Cities Network (UNESCO-GLCN)
As part of its 60th anniversary events, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) organised an informal consultative meeting on establishing the UNESCO Global Learning Cities Network (UNESCO-GLCN).
The building of a learning region/area is one of the operational approaches which have been adopted in the international community to promote lifelong learning for all. Given the rapid pace of urbanisation, cities are shouldering increasing responsibilities for policy-making and provision of lifelong learning opportunities. A global network of learning cities would provide technical backstopping to many cities, and promote policy dialogue and peer-learning among them, as well as capacity development.
The meeting on 25 May 2012 reviewed progress made in recent months regarding UIL’s preparation of the UNESCO-GLCN, brainstormed on the up-coming work for the rest of 2012 and 2013, and - most importantly - discussed the development of a comprehensive framework for assessing learning cities and for a Global Learning City Index.