29 juin 2009
Utiliser 100% de FSE pour financer la formation
Vladimir Spidla propose d’utiliser 100% de FSE pour financer la formation. « Anticiper l’après crise », tel était le message de Vladimir Spidla, venu conclure la première journée de la Semaine de l’emploi qui a eu lieu à Bruxelles du 24 au 25 juin 2009. La Commission aidera Etats et partenaires sociaux dans les domaines prioritaires, notamment la formation, qui pourra être financée à 100% - sans cofinancement d’Etat - à partir des 19 Mrd€ consacrés à la programmation du Fonds Social européen 2009-2010.
Vladimir Spidla proposes to use 100% of ESF funding for training. "Anticipating the post-crisis" was the message of Vladimir Spidla, who came close the first day of the Employment Week held in Brussels from 24 to 25 June 2009. The Commission will assist States and social partners in priority areas, including training, which will be funded 100% - without state financing - from € 19 billion on the programming of the European Social Fund 2009-2010. More...
Vladimir Spidla proposes to use 100% of ESF funding for training. "Anticipating the post-crisis" was the message of Vladimir Spidla, who came close the first day of the Employment Week held in Brussels from 24 to 25 June 2009. The Commission will assist States and social partners in priority areas, including training, which will be funded 100% - without state financing - from € 19 billion on the programming of the European Social Fund 2009-2010. More...