By . ¿Por qué algunos países son más ricos que otros? Es cada vez más reconocida la importancia de las instituciones fuertes y eficaces para el éxito económico de las naciones (ver, por ejemplo, Acemoglu y Robinson, 2012). Las instituciones proporcionan un marco que da forma a los incentivos económicos, lo que influye en las decisiones en una multitud de áreas, tales como educarse, iniciar un negocio, invertir, etc. More...
The knowledge economy, intangible assets and public wealth
In 2018 the OECD highlighted the importance of “linking [such] information to economic and social issues – such as how the government sustains economic growth” in order for innovative financial management to drive change. More...
How can business meet its responsibility to address climate change?
It is widely recognised that climate change is the most serious threat facing humanity, and that urgent action is needed to limit greenhouse gas emissions and address climate-related risks. With business responsible for the large majority of emissions – only 100 companies produce over 70% of greenhouse emissions – business holds the primary responsibility for taking action to limit and address their impacts on climate (and not just the impacts of climate on them). More...
Parcours dans l'enseignement supérieur : du baccalauréat au premier diplôme du premier cycle - Note d'information n°9 Juin 2019
Conférence publique "Insight sur Mars : premiers résultats scientifiques"
L'immunologiste français Jérôme Galon remporte le prix de l'inventeur européen 2019 dans la catégorie Recherche
L’emploi dans les métiers du sport et de l’animation en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
En Nouvelle-Aquitaine, en 2015, près de 28 000 néo-aquitains occupaient un emploi salarié dans les métiers du sport et de l’animation : 50 % comme animateurs socioculturels et de loisirs, 35 % comme moniteurs, éducateurs sportifs ou sportifs professionnels et 15 % comme cadres de l’intervention socio-éducative ou directeurs de centres socioculturels. Plus...
Un fablab niortais entre industrie et métiers d’art
Le métal émaillé est un savoir-faire rare, qui tend à disparaître, victime en partie de l’image peu valorisante de l’industrie. Les quelques industriels qui utilisent cette technique peinent d’autant plus à recruter. Plus...
EU Copyright Directive: EUA issues guidelines for universities
The EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was adopted by the European Parliament in March and endorsed by the Council of the European Union in April. Member states started transposing the adopted Directive into national law on 7 June in a process that will end in June 2021. Importantly, many provisions allow member states considerable room for interpretation. This makes it essential for National Rectors’ Conferences and universities to engage with their national governments during this process. More...
Multilingualism in scholarly communication: Endorsement of Helsinki Initiative
The Helsinki initiative brings forward the concept of “balanced multilingualism”, which promotes equality between different needs. For example, multilingual work should be fully acknowledged in scholarly assessments and English should not have more weight than other languages in communication. More...