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5 mai 2019

What if… we really wanted to diversify access to our universities?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"We lost the argument about having a set of equal institutions 800 years ago when Oxford was founded, for Oxford and Cambridge spent centuries discouraging the establishment of other universities. More...

5 mai 2019

Is your institution’s culture a ‘network of mutual non-aggression treaties’?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"I’m an outsider. As neither an academic nor in HE administration, I have no right to interfere. But as an outsider, and one who has worked closely with many academic teams, perhaps I can act as an observer. If so, may I offer an observation about the culture I have often experienced at universities: a culture I describe as a ‘network of mutual non-aggression treaties’. More...

5 mai 2019

Les langues mahoraises : tables rondes thématiques sur le Kibushi

Avec la participation d’experts en sciences du langage et en culture, ainsi que le soutien de ses partenaires, ce second volet portera sur le kibushi et la mise en place de l’Institut des Langues et des Civilisations. L’objectif des travaux envisagés est :
  • d’arrêter officiellement une graphie homogénéisée et consensuelle du kibushi
  • de permettre, d’ici la fin du premier trimestre début 2019, l’adoption d’une délibération sur la graphie du kibushi par l’assemblée départementale,
  • de faciliter ultérieurement la vulgarisation, l'appropriation de ces graphies, par les institutions, administrations, collectivités et le milieu professionnel du privé
  • d’aider le territoire de Mayotte à franchir un pas important dans la préservation de sa Culture, au travers des échanges attendus, mais aussi de la création de l’Institut des Langues et des Civilisations. Plus...
5 mai 2019

Five ways indigenous languages can be championed for learners

The ConversationThe United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages. In doing this, it says, it wants to acknowledge that

languages play a crucial role in the daily lives of people…

Indigenous languages tend to be spoken by politically marginalised groups whose nations were historically colonised and their languages sidelined in favour of the colonisers’.
There are over 7,000 known living languages; about one third of them are in Africa. Most African children grow up in multilingual environments, and are often familiar with more than one language before they enter school. More...

5 mai 2019

Traditional masculinity may keep English-speaking men from studying new languages

The ConversationBut in countries where English is the majority language, boys and men tend to drop out of foreign language study as soon as it is not mandatory. As well, in a host of global countries such as Turkey, Japan, China and Hungary, researchers have found boys to be less motivated in language learning than girls. More...
5 mai 2019

Māori loanwords in NZ English are less about meaning, more about identity

The ConversationAsk the average Kiwi on the street about Māori words in New Zealand English, and most will tell you that more and more are being used in everyday language.
This increase in borrowing goes against observations in other language examples. Typically, most borrowing tends to happen from the dominant language to the minority or indigenous language. However, it is quite astounding to find a situation where the words of an endangered language (Māori) are productively adopted by a linguistic giant (English), and perhaps equally surprising to find the trend remains positively increasing more than two centuries after initial contact. More...
5 mai 2019

EEP 2019 Will Be Live Audiostreamed

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . Interest in the Empirical Educator Summit (EEP) has been off the charts. We want and intend to include everybody, but only when we can include people in a way that is useful to them. So we are being intentional about the pace and ways in which we are growing. More...

5 mai 2019

Could higher-ed bootcamps disrupt the industry?

eCampus NewsTech bootcamps have skyrocketed in popularity due to their focus on work-aligned skills–but now, this model for higher-ed bootcamps has the potential to expand beyond the programming industry and upend higher education. More...

5 mai 2019

Here’s how to help students hone soft skills

eCampus NewsIvy Tech Community College helps students tackle workforce readiness and soft skills with technology. More...

5 mai 2019

It’s time for social-media recruitment

eCampus NewsTERMINALFOUR’s 2018 Global Higher Education Digital Marketing & Web Survey examines digital marketing, web, and social-media trends, along with their perceived effectiveness in engagement and student recruitment. More...

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