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31 janvier 2019

St Andrews find may be oldest surviving wall chart of periodic table

The GuardianThe chart was found during a clean-out at the University of St Andrews in 2014 and appears to date from 1885 – 16 years after the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published his method of showing the relationships between the elements in 1869. More...

31 janvier 2019

University should be free for all students, not just the wealthiest

The GuardianWe now know that 10% of the wealthiest students get to go to university for free. This compounds inequality. More...

31 janvier 2019

Challenging notions of academic freedom

The GuardianYour leader on academic freedom (The theory of natural law must not lead to the practice of discrimination, 15 January) concludes that Oxford University law faculty should reconsider invitations to Professor Finnis to conduct seminars because he expressed “homophobic” views in a lecture – a lecture given as long ago as 1994. More...

31 janvier 2019

Australia: HE funding freeze will spark competition says uni network

By Anton Crace. The Australian Government’s domestic funding freeze decision could significantly disadvantage regional universities and increase competition for international students, according to the Regional Universities Network. However, education minister Simon Birmingham has hit back, saying the blame lays with universities’ spending choices, not the freeze. More...

31 janvier 2019

Dropbox moves into EdTech with Uni Syd agreement

By Anton Crace. The University of Sydney has signed a deal to provide students and staff with “wall-to-wall” access to Dropbox, in a move that sees the technology company formally push into the EdTech space. More...

31 janvier 2019

Majority of int’l student applicants get residency

By Anton Crace. The majority of international students in Singapore who applied to obtain permanent residency were successful, according to the second minister of home affairs Josephine Teo. More...

31 janvier 2019

UA Conference emphasises higher ed’s role in future of work

By Anton Crace. Higher education’s role in preparing domestic and international students for work in the future of artificial intelligence and automation was reiterated at the recent Universities Australia Higher Education Conference in Canberra. More...

31 janvier 2019

RMIT targets startups with blockchain course

By Anton Crace. Australia’s first university short course on blockchain technology has been launched by RMIT University in a bid to meet the changing demands of the workforce and diversify its target student market. More...

31 janvier 2019

Australia’s source market inconsistencies remain despite record 2017

By Anton Crace. The Department of Education and Training has confirmed Australia’s international education industry improved across all sectors in 2017, in its end of year statistics. But while the industry experienced significant growth, concerns persist over whether the government is consistent in its ambitions to diversify source markets. More...

31 janvier 2019

NZ: 500% return on international work placements investment

By Anton Crace. The majority of international activities undertaken by New Zealand universities have a positive cumulative benefit to the economy, with work placements revealed as the leading economic contributor according to research conducted by Deloitte Access Economics into global collaboration. More...

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