Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Security has often been an afterthought as technology evolved, and now many sectors are facing cyberthreats that are increasingly difficult to defend against. More...
Leaders need to start planning now for artificial intelligence
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Many CEOs tell me their greatest fear is being blindsided by a competitor they never even thought of as a competitor, threatening to make the CEO’s business irrelevant by using technology and a business model the CEO hadn’t imagined. More...
MOOC-Based Credential Options Expand in Online Education
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. For students considering a credential – or even an affordable online degree – from a respectable university, a MOOC-based option might be the way to go. More...
Here’s the best case that software is about to disrupt education
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Udacity is growing very fast and doing very well, and has locked in on this concept of nanodegrees…. The big new course they have teaches how to design and code and build a self-driving car. More...
Are Educational Apps and Technology Nurturing or Killing Learning?
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Learning through educational apps and digital environments can offer many more advantages than traditional learning styles, but personal factors such as a student’s familiarity with technology can have an impact upon learning preferences and effectiveness. More...
Brain-inspired device to power artificial systems
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. New research has demonstrated that a nanoscale device, called a memristor, could be used to power artificial systems that can mimic the human brain. More...
How important is technology in education?
Higher Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Technology is slowly and steadily making a foray in education. Knowledge is no more limited to books and the use of platforms such as websites, apps, videos, live chats, etc., have taken it to another level. More...
L’ENS première formatrice mondiale de… Prix Nobel !
Par Orientations. La plus grande fabrique à Prix Nobel est française. Avec 13 lauréats pour 10 000 étudiants, l’ENS domine un classement largement représenté par les Etats-Unis. Voir l'article...
L’examen d’entrée en école d’avocats est nationalisé
Par Orientations. « Plus de cohérence et d’égalité dans l’accès à la profession d’avocat. » C’est ce que promet le décret publié mardi 18 octobre 2016 au journal officiel. A partir de la rentrée 2017, l’examen d’entrée en école d’avocat sera national et unique pour tous les centres. Voir l'article...
L’écriture manuscrite n’est pas morte
Par Orientations. L’écriture manuscrite n’est pas morte. Selon une étude Ifop pour Oxford (la marque de cahiers), 75 % des jeunes Français de 12 à 25 ans pensent que l’écriture avec un papier et un stylo est « irremplaçable ». Voir l'article...