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20 septembre 2015

Websites Tracking America’s Failed Colleges Show That Struggles Are Nothing New

By Ellen Wexler. When Sweet Briar announced that it planned to close its doors back in March, traffic on the college’s website was so heavy that the servers crashed. For many, the news meant renewed anxiety over the fate of small liberal-arts colleges. For Ray Brown, it meant another name to add to his list. More...

20 septembre 2015

‘How Much Will I Make After Graduating?’ College Scorecard Offers Only Clues

By Kelly Field. When President Obama announced the release of a new federal College Scorecard in his weekly address on Saturday, he said the website would give Americans "access to reliable data on every institution of higher education." More...

20 septembre 2015

‘How Much Will I Make After Graduating?’ College Scorecard Offers Only Clues By Kelly Field

By Kelly Field. The White House is taking new steps toward simplifying the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, the much-maligned form that provides access to billions of dollars in federal grants and loans for postsecondary education. More...

20 septembre 2015

Obama Takes Steps to Make Applying for Federal Student Aid Easier

By Kelly Field. The White House is taking new steps toward simplifying the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, the much-maligned form that provides access to billions of dollars in federal grants and loans for postsecondary education. More...

20 septembre 2015

Ce qu’il faut retenir de cette rentrée universitaire

Par Antoine Desprez. Lors d’une conférence de presse commune, la ministre de l’Éducation nationale Najat Vallaud-Belkacem et le secrétaire d’État chargé de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche Thierry Mandon ont évoqué la rentrée universitaire 2015. Voir l'article...

20 septembre 2015

Enseignement supérieur : Open source et Creative Commons préconisés pour les ressources pédagogiques

Par Elsa Doladille. Utiliser des solutions ouvertes et des licences libres pour protéger les contenus produits dans l’enseignement supérieur : voici l’une des propositions du volumineux rapport sur la stratégie nationale de l’enseignement supérieur (StraNES). Remis à François Hollande la semaine dernière, ce document comporte un important volet consacré au numérique. Voir l'article...

20 septembre 2015

Rentrée universitaire : plus de 65.000 étudiants supplémentaires

Par Fériel Boudjelal. Cette année, l’université a accueilli « plus de 65.000 étudiants supplémentaires par rapport à 2014, soit l’équivalent de trois universités » en termes d’effectifs, a déclaré ce mercredi sur iTélé Thierry Mandon, secrétaire d’Etat chargé de l’Enseignement supérieur. Voir l'article...

20 septembre 2015

Rethinking community college to boost enrollment and completion

By . A year and a half ago, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam announced his plan to make community college free for all Tennessee high school graduates. Patterned after tnAchieves, an initiative Haslam launched while mayor of Knoxville, the new Tennessee Promise community college scholarship program has thus far exceeded expectations. More...

20 septembre 2015

The need for a regional learning assessment and improving learning outcomes in South Asia (part 2)

By . South Asia, like many other regions around the world, is experiencing a crisis in providing quality education. As I explained in my previous blog post, this has been difficult to resolve because of the area’s highly contextual problems and dearth of proper assessment tools. Regional assessments, like SACMEQ, PASEC and LLECE, can provide cross-national comparisons of learning levels while driving the learning agenda among member countries, but they require significant cooperation and technical, institutional, political, and financial support to function effectively. More...

20 septembre 2015

Charity could halt grants if Scottish government university plans proceed Carnegie Trust expresses concern about measure dictating makeup of university ruling councils, which has support of Scottish TUC. More...

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