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26 janvier 2015

Is Standardized Testing a Pediatric Disease?

By Michael Feldstein. In my last post, I wrote about the tension between learning, with the emphasis on the needs and progress of individual human learners, and education, which is the system by which we try to guarantee learning to all but which we often subvert in our well-meaning but misguided attempts to measure whether we are delivering that learning. More...

26 janvier 2015

Robo-readers: towards automated #MOOC grading

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Up until six years ago, the ideal eLearning group would be around 25 learners. This enabled community building, spaced and easily to follow interactions, getting feedback from the online tutor/facilitator, and timely graded assignments. As soon as the (x)MOOC were coming, the sheer size of online learner groups forced online tutors and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) developers to rethink assessments. In all fairness, assessments come from (or in some cases are relics from) the industrial age. As the industrial age demanded that learners would grasp specific production oriented processes or specific information that would be used to build upon. But now, with knowledge shifts happening all over the professional spectrum, new TEL-solutions seem to be needed. Read more...
26 janvier 2015

Free report on #OER evidence of success @OER_HUB

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. The Open Educational Resources Research Hub (OER Research Hub) provides a focus for research, designed to give answers to the overall question ‘What is the impact of OER on learning and teaching practices?’ and identify the particular influence of openness.
The OER hub just released a free evidence report focusing on key factors related to Open Educational Resources. There are multiple hypothesis on OER tested in this report, and with clearly described outcomes and conclusions. Anyone working with eLearning or online resources will be interested to know what works and what does not, as OER are one of the cornerstones when eLearning marched forward. Especially in the developing regions (cutting costs, content for everyone...). Read more...
26 janvier 2015

Das Wissenschaftsprekariat wehrt sich

SPIEGEL ONLINE25 befristete Arbeitsverträge in sechs Jahren: Was in der Wirtschaft verboten ist, gehört an manchen Unis zum Alltag. Doch immer mehr Nachwuchswissenschaftler klagen gegen solche Arbeitsbedingungen - mit zunehmendem Erfolg. Mehr...

26 janvier 2015

OECD rügt Deutschland für geringe Akademiker-Rate

SPIEGEL ONLINEDie Hörsäle sind voll, nie gab es so viele Studenten in Deutschland. Trotzdem sind es nicht genug, mahnt die OECD. In anderen Industrieländern schließen weit mehr Menschen ein Studium ab. Mehr...

26 janvier 2015

Personalchefs wollen keine Migranten

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon Britta Mersch. Ausländische Eltern? Keine deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit? Ein ungewöhnlicher Name? Nein danke. Eine Umfrage bei deutschen Unternehmen zeigt: Nur 15 Prozent aller Ausbildungsbetriebe bilden Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund aus. Mehr...

26 janvier 2015

OECD data comparison tool

By Hedda. OECD has just published a beta version of their new data portal.
The website provides a comprehensive search to examine and compare charts, maps, tables and related publications by the OECD. See more...
26 janvier 2015

Workshop on Transnational Knowledge Relations and Researcher Mobility in the Gulf region

By Hedda. Interested in researcher mobility, transnational knowledge cooperation and the Gulf region, or know someone who is? GRCC (Gulf Research Center Cambridge)  is holding a funded workshop on “Transnational Knowledge Relations and Researcher Mobility for Building Knowledge-Based Societies and Economies in the Gulf”. See more...

26 janvier 2015

Study links top innovative economies with English proficiency

By Sara Custer. The fast-pace of technology development is putting pressure on companies to be more adaptable, creative and flexible in order to compete on a global level. However, not enough is being done by industries and governments to create a workforce well placed to serve the needs of the evolving labour market, according to education company EF. More...

26 janvier 2015

Go Overseas sets up Language Schools service

By Katie Duncan. US-based online study abroad platform, Go Overseas has launched a Language Schools programme, a new section of its website containing programme information and student reviews on schools across the world which also allows users to book courses directly. More...

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